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I am conencted to the internet via RR.......but my task manager only shows 10mbps lan connection......

also, me and dj vagelis were playin aruond and my upload totally sucks........and then later that night i was talkin to reno and i sent him a file and i was uppping at 50K....anyone got any friggin clue?


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Do you have another computer you can test it on?  Just because the NIC is brand new doesnt mean that its not faulty too.  Same goes for the cable.  If it does it with another computer, it's def either the cable or the modem.  There might also be a setting on the modem to turn on full duplex.

I am conencted to the internet via RR.......but my task manager only shows 10mbps lan connection......

also, me and dj vagelis were playin aruond and my upload totally sucks........and then later that night i was talkin to reno and i sent him a file and i was uppping at 50K....anyone got any friggin clue?


You mean "local area connection 1" or something like that? That is your internet connection. Each nic (Network card) has a connection labeled "Local Area connection n" Where n is a number.


The majority of cable modems only have a 10mb connection.  That's why it shows as a 10mb lan and it stops functioning when you set it to 100/Full.  I'm not aware of any modems that have a 100mb connection on the internal lan side..

They should have 10/100Mb. The Docsis standard is faster than 10Mb. My Motorola Sb4220 is a 10/100 modem. The ISP may internally set the modem LAN to 10Mb.

Netmasta:  Thanks for the correction, you're right.  I've only seen most connection speeds at 10mb and never looked up each modem.  JustinOhioRR, what model of modem are you running?

i have a uhh....shit......im at work and cant remember waht type of modem.....they first gave me a motorola sfb, it sucked and died all the time....

WAIT its a Toshiba 1100PCxU

thing sucks, but they didnt ahve any fuggin 2500 or 2600 PCX Toshiba's.....

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