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Today I was checking my e-mail, and noticed I didn't have the red "2 MB STORAGE LIMIT REACHED!" and it said I was at 1% of my 250 MB storage limit. I thought maybe they had accidentally given me a paid account or something so I looked around the site, and they now give you 250 MB! It's about **** time too! I already moved over to yahoo though...

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They have been giving out 250 mb for like 1 month already lol (for free)

gmail.com is better, 1 gig :P

gmail is creepy :-x

oh and wtf is this about hotmail giving 250 mb a month ago??

Iv been using hotmail for 5( 6 i think... but 5 on the safe side ) years now and mines Always been 250 mb o_o.......

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lol, trust me, it wasnt 5-6 years lol

realy? have you been monitoring my online status ovr the years?? because i got back into the whole " internet" thing in 1999 , second ever email address was a hotmail/msn account.

Now, for the slower folk, lets go back to basics and count shall we?

1 - 2004

2 - 2003

3 - 2002

4 - 2001

5 - 2000 - Second ever email address

6 - 1999

Now that looks like 5 or 6 to me :roll:

and seeing how hotmail has been around since 1996 ( http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.hotmail.com )

Id say i was about right. So please, before posting, do the research :o

but mabey it hasnt always been 250.. but for a realy long time ..realy long it has been

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Then what was I supposed to say? I would look stupider asking if hotmail gave out 150MB mailboxes since that was never even mentioned.

Im not saying hotmail wasnt around more than 5-6 years, I was saying that as far as i know, they were giving out 2MB free mailboxes and upgraded not that long ago to 250MB. Maybe somehow your isp was affiliated with them? Maybe you paid for your service? I dont know, but im not here to fight over it either. And if you do say that hotmail has been giving out alot more space, how come many of my friends still have 2mb? Maybe you got lucky and they just happened to give you more?


Thats the first post.

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Now, for the slower folk, lets go back to basics and count shall we?

1 - 2004

2 - 2003

3 - 2002

4 - 2001

5 - 2000 - Second ever email address

6 - 1999

2004 was one year ago? I guess I took too many sleeping pills last night... last year.

Either that, or I'm just one of those "slower folk" you mentioned. :lol:

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Either that, or I'm just one of those "slower folk" you mentioned. :lol:

since their is only 12 months.... and were in the ...whats that?? thats right 11th month of 12, which is 90% (or whatever) of the year gone. Its called Over - estimation. If you cannot see that, then thank you for proving my point, simpleton. :)

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It doesn't matter if we're 1 or 99.9% of the way through the year, it's still 2004. That's like saying 10pm in a 24 hour cycle in the present day is yesterday. If that's true, I'm going to go to bed yesterday and wake up the day after tomorrow. That's quite a bit of sleep.

Simpleton indeed.

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