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Hello my dad is a truck driver. he has a toshiba laptop. Everytime he is home his computer freezes. When he is out on the road it has never froze once. only when he is home which is 2 days out of every 2 weeks. it is brand-new. still under warranty. he sent it back to toshiba 4 times. we have reinstalled the whole computer a bunch of times. toshiba changed the motherboard twice changed the WI-FI board and cleaned the coils. it works fine for a day after we get it back but then it would just freeze. we would restart the computer and when it gets to the login screen ( we have xp home edition) it would freeze. we would let it sit for a couple mins and not touch it and it would freeze. I told my dad to not leave it plugged in on ac power all the time, because when he is on the road he doesnt have it plugged in only when he is sleepin. so we tried that and still didnt work. This computer is a lemon and toshiba wont give us a new one. Just need any info on what might be the problem.

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Very strange problem. Only thing i can think of is the temps. Is it warmer in your house than it is when he is out on the road? Lappes don't have the best cooling so if there is a difference in outside temp that might be doing it. Check temps in Bios while at home and see what it is.

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Hello my dad is a truck driver. he has a toshiba laptop. Everytime he is home his computer freezes. When he is out on the road it has never froze once. only when he is home which is 2 days out of every 2 weeks. it is brand-new. still under warranty. he sent it back to toshiba 4 times. we have reinstalled the whole computer a bunch of times. toshiba changed the motherboard twice changed the WI-FI board and cleaned the coils. it works fine for a day after we get it back but then it would just freeze. we would restart the computer and when it gets to the login screen ( we have xp home edition) it would freeze. we would let it sit for a couple mins and not touch it and it would freeze. I told my dad to not leave it plugged in on ac power all the time, because when he is on the road he doesnt have it plugged in only when he is sleepin. so we tried that and still didnt work. This computer is a lemon and toshiba wont give us a new one. Just need any info on what might be the problem.

                                                                  thanks Jmr

                                                                [email protected]

Welcome to testmy.net broadband community jmr1234 :hello:

since its on warranty, pour water on the laptop and return to exchange for a new one  :D

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I would just like to back up some of the things I've heard.  I would suggest that it is either the temp of the laptop is too high, or that the AC wall source is bad.  It's best to run laptops on battery anyway, and only plug them in to charge the battery.  Maybe you could rig up some sort of external fan system to ensure that the machine is ventilating properly.

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This computer is a lemon and toshiba wont give us a new one. Just need any info on what might be the problem.

If you think it is a lemon.. then call them and tell them that you are tired of having to fight with them!  You spend some $$ on a pos that doesnt work!  If they have swapped mobos and everything else that you say they have done.. then they shouldnt have any problems getting you a new one!  If you get some dip weed tech support dude from who knows were.. ask for the manager and explain the problem.  Most of the time the dip weeds are trying to make it so that the company doesnt have to pay out of pocket for anything.. INCLUDING RETURNS!

Do some research before you call.. and remain calm.. if they start giving you the run around then you can get a little more forceful..

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Hello my dad is a truck driver. he has a toshiba laptop. Everytime he is home his computer freezes. When he is out on the road it has never froze once. only when he is home which is 2 days out of every 2 weeks. it is brand-new. still under warranty. he sent it back to toshiba 4 times. we have reinstalled the whole computer a bunch of times. toshiba changed the motherboard twice changed the WI-FI board and cleaned the coils. it works fine for a day after we get it back but then it would just freeze. we would restart the computer and when it gets to the login screen ( we have xp home edition) it would freeze. we would let it sit for a couple mins and not touch it and it would freeze. I told my dad to not leave it plugged in on ac power all the time, because when he is on the road he doesnt have it plugged in only when he is sleepin. so we tried that and still didnt work. This computer is a lemon and toshiba wont give us a new one. Just need any info on what might be the problem.

                                                                  thanks Jmr

                                                                [email protected]

Is he on the web or connected to a network while on the road at all?  If he isn't, but then connects to the net at home, could be a configuration issue of some sort......

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When he is out on the road he drives from south west florida to new england. the only time he coneects to the web is if he stops at a shopping center to pick up/ deliver a car and if they have a wireless network that is not password protected. And he goes to truck stops and they have their own wireless system that he has to pay to use. He has asked Toshiba over and over and they say that if theres a problem and they can fix it they will. They told him that they will not replace it. And that if he does pour water on it the warranty doesn't cover "Mis-Use." When he is home it is plugged in 24/7 and i told him when its on ac power to take the battery out. that still didnt stop the problem. no one at toshiba will replace the computer. It is a $1500 laptop and he has gotten so fed up that he is gonna go by another brand laptop if they dont fix it this time. He is sending it out again but i live in s.w fl, so by the time the hurricane comes it may be a while before we can do anything. And he stayed home this trip so if anything goes wrong with the house we can have his support. Since we got it back the last time from toshiba it freezes up but not as frequently. thats a good sign but the problem is still there. He is going to buy a Docking Station after the hurricane passes. Maybe that will sovle the problem. The fans might not be functioning right.

                                                      Thanks for all your help,  JMR 

                                                                [email protected]

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what might be aggravating the temp issue (if that's what it is) is the surface it is placed on. a flat solid surface is best, any kind of tablecloth or other soft surface can conform to the case and block vent openings. the power issue might be a factor as well, but i would expect a notebook power supply to filter that pretty well. does it freeze up if you leave it sitting w/o mains power?

does he connect a printer at home that he of course doesn't have on the road?

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My gut tells me that this is surely an overheat problem, since it is plugged in 24-7 when it freezes at home. Seems it is not powered up long enough on the road to cause heat issues.

2nd fix i would try, is convert your hard-drive to FAT32 if it is currently NTFS. NTFS+XPHome=mucho problemmos.

Plus, NTFS does not mesh well with a ton of various accessories & hardware, such as that WI-FI.

Lastly, i suspect a failing or mismatched memory card. I would replace them with name-brand RAM to the maximum your board will handle.

hope this helps-

JxL  ;)

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