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Hi, I just wanted to ask a question which i dont know if ull know the answer to but my family is planning on switching to Optimum Online from Earthlink and I will like to know what kind of package they offer because all they say on their site is 150x faster than dial up, but I will like to know it in speed not how faster it is? Anyone know about this, thanks

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with optimum online, it doesnt matter which package you get, youll deffinatly be on a better connection. OO is one of the best ISP's avaliable for the price. A few people i know from new york ( brooklyn , queens and the stat. island) have OO , and their paying $40.00 for cable, and getting 10mb/s aka T1 speeds. I highly reccomend OO.

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Hi' date=' I just wanted to ask a question which i dont know if ull know the answer to but my family is planning on switching to Optimum Online from Earthlink and I will like to know what kind of package they offer because all they say on their site is 150x faster than dial up, but I will like to know it in speed not how faster it is? Anyone know about this, thanks[/quote']

This is why i made the host stats bro!


That will show you a comparison of your connection VS optonline, keep in mind this is the average over their whole network but if you look at the top ten hosts.... https://testmy.net/host_stats.php?top_10=1 optonline is number one in speed :) for both download and upload -- they rule.

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Hi' date=' I just wanted to ask a question which i dont know if ull know the answer to but my family is planning on switching to Optimum Online from Earthlink and I will like to know what kind of package they offer because all they say on their site is 150x faster than dial up, but I will like to know it in speed not how faster it is? Anyone know about this, thanks[/quote']

It also depends on what type of dialup they are talking about. 28.8k compared to 56k is twice as slow, and i know alot of isp's who compare themselves to 28k giving you a good impression upon them.

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That about sums it up, thanks for the replies and the help I guess that makes my choice clear and my decision final D . Plus ive said it before and ill say it again, This site rulezzz!!

By the way what part of NY do u live at Reno? because there still might be a chance u can get it too, I heard something about that u can call them up and ask them to provide the internet for u eventhough I have Time Warner, I can switch to Cablevision

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hmm i might wanna check to see if optonline comes near here. we pay 40 bucks a month for cox high speed 5mbps and testmy scores rule, but actually downloading isnt as good as it should be. lol CA3LE u should recommend to the higherups at cox to add extra email features cuz right now cox webmail sucks. (i know thats totally offtopic, but im too lazy to start a new thread, but not lazy enough to stop typing this increasingly pointless sentence :D )

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hmm i might wanna check to see if optonline comes near here. we pay 40 bucks a month for Cox high speed 5mbps and testmy scores rule' date=' but actually downloading isnt as good as it should be. lol CA3LE u should recommend to the higherups at Cox to add extra email features cuz right now Cox webmail sucks. (i know thats totally offtopic, but im too lazy to start a new thread, but not lazy enough to stop typing this increasingly pointless sentence :D )[/quote']

haha.. yea that webmail blow monkey balls they won't do shit about it, haha

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