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Ya know, Iv'e been looking for a place where i could test my shit, have opinions and options on how to fix/correct things, and this place seems to be the BEST!

I love how even the owner, CA3LE, loves to help out and be nice to everyone.

I post on a forum for my car, Mazda MX6, and the owner there is a dick and doesnt help at all, just gets money for it. lame.

I just wanted to say thanks for being nice people and helping out! Ill DEFINTLY tell people about this site at the office!

Thanks again!

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:oops: awww, thanks

I love how even the owner, CA3LE, loves to help out and be nice to everyone.

I try to reply on as much as I can... I just want people to feel welcome. I would like to thank all who contribute to the forum, because I wouldn't be able to do it all on my own anymore, especially with all the new stuff I have been coding ;-)

Glad you guys enjoy the site, all I ask is that you tell your friends and keep visiting yourself... the more popular the site gets, the more involved I get - and the more involved I get the more new shit I write for the site.


By the way, I do have a whole new site on the drawing board... it should hopefully blow the competition out of the water in it's market --- and all signed up members at TestMy.net will be invited for beta testing upon release and when the site is converted later on to a pay service (which will still carry fees 1/2 that of even the cheapest competition) beta testers will continue to have a free account for life, I hope to finish this project in the next few months... but may be delayed... I anticipate 100,000+ members in the first six months ~ but who knows... it could flop... :lol: Hopefully you guys support me on this, just watch your email for more news on this :)

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Hey CA3LE' date=' that new site of yours already sounds hot and that its going to be fun, and just asking can u give us a hint on what the site is about, im just curious, or is it going to be a surprise?[/quote']

Has to do with cell phones ;-)

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Very nice! :D:D:D

I'm a cell phone junkie myself, in fact that's the only phone that I have had for the last 3 years. Works out great! No land line to tye you to the house. I've tried broadband phones but there always seems to be some type of jitter either from my end or their end. I gave up on them. Cell phone all the way.

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I love how even the owner, CA3LE, loves to help out and be nice to everyone.

I just wanted to say thanks for being nice people and helping out! Ill DEFINTLY tell people about this site at the office!

Thanks again!

And we're a bunch of good lookin folks too!

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CA3LE' date=' any idea why my download hasn't budged?[/quote']

What browser are you running??

Try this... unplug your modem for like 10-15 sec then plug it back in, this will force it to regrab the config file from the TFTP server, also give fixfire a try www.mozilla.com ~ no more spyware buuuuuuudy.

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I've done all of that numerous times. I even had my cable company reprovision my modem a second time. I've been using firefox for a while now. :)

Screw Adelphia... I don't know what the hell it could be... Cox Communications needs to take over your city!

Can anyone else provide any information?

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