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20000 Members, WOW !! we are almost there

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quoting his profile...

Name:  Bobber77

Posts: 0 (0.000 per day)




Date Registered: December 25, 2005, 08:55:57 PM

Last Active: December 25, 2005, 08:57:12 PM

that's arizona time (arizona...home of testmy headquarters) :P

so...raptors892004...i'm sorry ur wrong...and i'm right...neener neener...hahaha...jk...

how come everyone can see it but u??...i've got an idea...

check ur profile where u put in the plus or minus the number of hours for ur time zone...in ur profile under look and layout preferences...time offset option...


testmy.net broadband community  |  Members List  |  Viewing Members 19601 to 19653 (of 19653 total members)

What about this guy?  ~ does he still count?

What about all the 0 post noobs?

I still think we're back to a 'core' of about 80 Active Members


So, when do you think we'll hit a 'core' of 100 Active Members? ~ lol


testmy.net broadband community  |  Members List  |  Viewing Members 19601 to 19653 (of 19653 total members)

What about this guy?  ~ does he still count?

What about all the 0 post noobs?

I still think we're back to a 'core' of about 80 Active Members

.So, when do you think we'll hit a 'core' of 100 Active Members? ~ lol

that is because of banned members and deleted accounts...that's why i said don't go by the number above...go by the hover number...always the cynic huh???...if u look real hard u'll see there r several member counts...but it's just easier to go by the hover number because the number in the upper right corner of this window won't always be that guys number...

Key Stats :

103875 Posts in 9311 Topics by 20216 Members

Latest Member: haichoi66

his hover says number 20223...that 20216 number...he'll never see that again...

and of course the "noobs count" as well as those that never post a thing...not sure whats up with that zurich guy...making like 9 accounts...maybe one for each of his computers...i dunno...doesn't matter...

oh well...i'm celebrating...20223 members...maybe when we hit 25K u'll celebrate with me...party pooper :haha: ...jk kidding rom-dos...i know what u mean...i just disagree :P

edit: oh i forgot...active members...to me an active member is someone to came back after registering and comes back at least once a month...if even just to test...they don't have to post to be active...before i started posting i was a very active member...because i tested alot... :haha: ...but maybe ca3le has stats on how many unique tests r run each month...unique meaning from different ip"s...so that someone that tests everyday is only counted as one...the number of hits that this site gets a day is unbelievable...so all this squabbling over numbers is useless...but i'd like to know too :D

humminGBird :haha:  :haha:  :haha: ...sorry had to do that :)

lol ~ just makin' sure your momma t radar was on.  :lol:

u betcha...u joker u :haha: :haha: :haha:

haven't seen u in a while where ya been???

Agree with you on that ;) there are probably about xx active members lOL

that's cuz ur just counting active posters :P

is that...


LOL lmao

:haha: :haha:

HEY!!!...did u notice that i'm really funny tonite??...time for bed maybe...huh?...nite :P:D

The Imperium does not tolerate heresies! ~ I shall be sending the Inquistionor, along with the Imperial Guard, to cybernetically alter that funny bone of yours. Vigilance and devotion to the Emperor will be your only refuge. ~ Prepare for your Communion!

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