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20000 Members, WOW !! we are almost there

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. . .and, tdawnaz ~ I chose to stop smokin' the 'erb

over 5 years ago, and drinkin' over 10 years ago.

(that avatar does give me a strange 'contact high', though, and it represents my silent,

but visible protest against 'mara-ha-wanna' laws in this country. I'm also definately

in favor of medical marijuana use.)

. . .so don't judge a member by their Avatar, . . .sometimes. j/k

            :ar15: Freedom Fighter and Protector of Avatars

awwww hell don't go gettin all persnickitty (me thinks he doth protest too much...huh?...hahaha :haha: )...i judge nobody but by their actions...and even then it's not mine to judge...but i do anyway cuz i'm human...personally i'm for the weed taken in any form by anyone who cares to partake (i bake great brownies...that aren't dry...no dry herb used...mmmm...just like momma used to make :) )...and that's my final answer...i'll give my prediction on friday for the 20,000 member...

peace brotha...groovy :D

What's your reason for that exact time?

. . .that's when our Imperium Lord(what's his name?) became the first member of the Empire.

. . .and tbaker397, if you get it right ~ I'll smoke a big fat one ~ lol

. . .and tdawnaz, if it wasn't for our nations institutional lack of respect for our right to privacy(ramdom UA's), I'ld probably be eating one of those 'far out' brownies right now!!

yeh, random ua's...pooh...i would too :D

note...random is spelled r a N d o m :haha: (sorry anal sore spot there hahaha)

***don't even think it***...i'll poke ya in the nose

anyhoooo...yeh we'll hit 20,000 by the end of the year...i'll give ya a date on fri...maybe i'll do better this time then last time (15,000)

How long has this site been up so far?

supersteven: step into the wayback machine...to days before testmy was called testmy...


u'll have to copy and paste that link to ur browser or click the part of the link that u can and type in testmy.net where it asks for the website u wanna look up some pages u can't look at because ca3le blocked them (u can view starting with about feb 2003 it was testmy...before that it was surftohere)...but most u can starting with that date...and u'll see how it's evolved...have fun :) click some links...vote a poll...do a dl or ul test :)

edit: haha...i just tried to do a dl speed test from the feb 2003 site and it brought me here...whoa, bitchen

edit: wording so it made sense :P

. . .that's when our Imperium Lord(what's his name?) became the first member of the Empire.


That's how long the forums have been around, yes. But the site itself has been around a little longer. I'm not exact;ly sure the start date of the site though.


k...i'll tell ya again...whew...j/k...testmy used to be called surftohere...and goes back to 1998 i believe, ca3le was much younger and testmy was just a twinkle in his eye called surftohere and several smaller sub-sites which he blocked from view...but u can see testmy in it's burgeoning stages back to 2002

step into the wayback machine...to days before testmy was called testmy...


u'll have to copy and paste that link to ur browser or click the part of the link that u can and type in testmy.net where it asks for the website u wanna look up some pages u can't look at because ca3le blocked them (u can view starting with about feb 2003 it was testmy...before that it was surftohere)...but most u can starting with that date...and u'll see how it's evolved...have fun :) click some links...vote a poll...do a dl or ul test :)

OMG ~ tdawnaz ~ I almost got lost in that time warp ~ interesting, though.

by the way ~ are you CA3LE's sister? (I kinda had the feeling you were his mum,

either way ~ {your gonna hit me now} ~ lol ~ you just have that motherly thing about you)


. . .anyway, I seem to remember alot of those themes from yesteryear ~ lol

(but it is really amazing how much work CA3LE has put into this site, it really is the BEST!)

. . .you must be really proud of what he's done...I am.

OMG ~ tdawnaz ~ I almost got lost in that time warp ~ interesting, though.

by the way ~ are you CA3LE's sister? (I kinda had the feeling you were his mum,

either way ~ {your gonna hit me now} ~ lol ~ you just have that motherly thing about you)


i'm his best friend...yep that's me the motherly one...that's why they call me momma...u figured me out :)

. . .anyway, I seem to remember alot of those themes from yesteryear ~ lol

(but it is really amazing how much work CA3LE has put into this site, it really is the BEST!)

. . .you must be really proud of what he's done...I am.  ~ thanks  ;) for the link.

so u've been around for a long time...what were ur other screen names??...this one is very new...so u musta had others...c'mon cough it up...tell all :) ...this is the testmy hx thread...(let's see who knows what that means) :haha:

anyway wasn't it a trip...trippin thru those pages???...did ya vote ya poll?? how'd u do that with the link?...i couldn't get the whole thing to link...

I hope this isn't what you meant by hx


My phobic-testmycles kicked in(and up) really fast. . .j/k

~ especially after noticing "bendyboys" in the ads ~ lol

(why am I starting to sing like Fredie Mercury . . ."Mommaaa,(OooOoo) you shot a mannn")

anyway, I think I was just some speed freak guest in those dayz passing by now and again.

. . .and for the life of me, I can't remember any names I might have used.

. . .some of the links from yesteryear just bring you back here...but I did notice a site "Hit Counter", does CA3LE still have it active (but hidden)?  I think he should put one up where "News" is. . .that would be cool.  :cool:  50,000,000 hits!!

sorry rom-dos that's a huge NOPE that's not what i meant by hx :haha:

and shuggarbabie...if u see this...sorry but ur not allowed to answer or give the answer to anyone...k? :)

edit:oops i forgot to leave my prediction yesterday...

we will hit 20,000 members on Christmas Day...December 25, 2005

sorry rom-dos that's a huge NOPE that's not what i meant by hx :haha:

we will hit 20,000 members on Christmas Day...December 25, 2005

HEy, HEy ~ that's what I predicted on: October 09, 2005,when we hit our 16000th member,

about 5 pages back ~ http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=8827.0

I said. . . "O-Tay, let's start predicting the 20000th Members date!

I'm predicting Xmas eve 2005"

Christmas Eve extends sometimes into the wee hours

(depending on what Time Zone your in, I ride with Santa!)

hx = Health Care Professionals Unit (HX) < = that's gotta be it!! ~ lol

HEy, HEy ~ that's what I predicted on: October 09, 2005,when we hit our 16000th member,

about 5 pages back ~ http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=8827.0

I said. . . "O-Tay, let's start predicting the 20000th Members date!

I'm predicting Xmas eve 2005"

Christmas Eve extends sometimes into the wee hours

(depending on what Time Zone your in, I ride with Santa!)

i didn't say Christmas Eve...I said Christmas...specified by the date December 25, 2005 :D

hx = Health Care Professionals Unit (HX) < = that's gotta be it!! ~ lol

nope...it's shorthand for one word...and not a unit of anything  :haha: :haha:

hx is history right ?

CableTech01: ur correct :D...now tell how u knew the answer...

and welcome to the forum  :hello: ...enjoy...and come back often...

hey...CableTech01...what did u mean by ur post in the "how did u hear about testmy" topic...that...ur heard about us when u were in training for ur job???...that's interesting...tell more...how long were u cruisin in here before u joined?...looks like ur gonna be very helpful here

. . .and ramdom is spelt  ~ privational nihilism ~

btw...rom-dos...what is privational??...i know what nihilism is but what's privational?...

edit: cuz i forgot that i had to yap at rom-dos :)

tdawnaz, make ya a deal ~ you tell me about the hidden stat counter in testmy.net's HomePage and I'll tell what privational means ~  :lol:

uh...actually i have no clue what ur talking about or what all that coding means...i'm a computer deaf, mute... :D nor do i know anything about a hidden stat counter...ca3le has access to all the stats...i do not...

all i know is there is no such word as "privational" :haha"

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