ROM-DOS Posted November 4, 2005 CID Share Posted November 4, 2005 *** Performance Tuning *** [Check back now and again, stuff may be added and/or modified] ~ These may only work with Windows XP ~ ~ Also check out * More XP Tweaks * [feel free to copy and save (and print) anything thing you want] Tweaking Precautions: Although all of the Tweaks and tips mentioned have been tested, if a step is accidentally missed or a typo made, your computer could experience problems. To make sure that your computer is protected, I highly recommend that you use the Windows XP system restore feature. ~ ROM-DOS Windows XP system restore is a great program that monitors all of the changes to your computer. If you make a change to the system registry, you can always undo the change by reverting to an earlier system restore point. If you are making a lot of changes to your computer, it is a good idea to create a restore point before every computer modification. The following two sections will show you how to use system restore to create a restore point, and how to restore your computer to an earlier checkpoint. Creating a System Restore restore point: 1. Click the Start button, expand All Programs, Accessories, and System Tools, and select System Restore. 2. When System Restore loads, select Create a Restore Point and click Next. 3. Type in a short description for the checkpoint in the box and click Create. 4. Once the restore point is created, just hit Close. Restoring your computer to an earlier restore point: 1. Click the Start button, expand All Programs, Accessories, and System Tools, and selectSystem Restore. 2. When System Restore loads, select Restore My Computer To An Earlier Time and click Next. 3. Browse through the calendar and select the restore point that you want your computer to revert to and click Next. 4. The Confirm Restore Point Selection screen will be displayed. Click Next to proceed. Keep in mind that you may lose any files that were created when you revert to an earlier restore point. Make backup copies of important documents and files on a floppy or network drive of important documents just in case. Once you click Next, your computer will reboot and revert to the earlier restore point. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Tweaks: 1. Open Internet Options - under the General tab in the Temporary Intenet files section, select the Settings button. Select "Every visit to the page" and set the amount of disk space to use: to no more than 100-1000MB. Now select the Connections tab and select LAN Settings, make sure EVERYTHING there is unchecked and select OK. 2. In Internet Options - select the Privacy tab and choose Advanced, check the box "Override automatic cookie handling" and for First-party Cookies > Accept, Third-party Cookies > Block and check "Always allow session cookies". ~ Now, NO MORE SPYWARE COOKIES. 3. By default Windows XP caches everything in the DNS cache service, both correct and faulty DNS lookups. To increase performance by eliminating the caching of faulty DNS lookups,change the following values from whatever their original values are to zero. ~ Use Hexadecimal base values. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices DnscacheParameters NegativeCacheTime REG_DWORD 0x00000000 (0) NetFailureCacheTime REG_DWORD 0x00000000 (0) NegativeSOACacheTime REG_DWORD 0x00000000 (0) 4. This tweak will help web pages load faster, it has no real effect on download speeds, your pc will look up websites faster, speeding up how fast the page loads. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices TcpipServiceProvider On the right > change these entries: (ALL values are HEXIDECIMAL) Class REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1) DnsPriority REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1) HostsPriority REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1) LocalPriority REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1) NetbtPriority REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1) [note: there seems to be some debate about these settings(I haven't had any problems) but you can go here > to check SpeedGuide's "Host Resolution Priority Tweak"] ~ Thanks Cholla Increase the size of the DNS cache Expand the branches to; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices DnscacheParameters Add the following four DWORD values by going to Edit > New> DWORD Value. Enter the numeric values specified by double-clicking and selecting the Decimal option: CacheHashTableBucketSize set to 1 CacheHashTableSize set to 384 MaxCacheEntryTtlLimit set to 64000 MaxSOACacheEntryTtlLimit set to 301 Remember, these are Decimal values (not Hexadecimal values) [Always restart Windows for changes to take effect] 5. Optimize L2 Cache Detection Note: Change the setting depending on the L2 Cache of your CPU. If you dont know the L2 cache of your CPU, use a freeware program like CPU-Z Hexadecimal 8192 KB = 00002000 4096 KB = 00001000 2048 KB = 00000800 1024 KB = 00000400 512 KB = 00000200 < mine* 256 KB = 00000100 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl Session ManagerMemory Management *SecondLevelDataCache REG_DWORD 0x00000200 (512) 6. Increase IoPageLockLimit - This value, in bytes, specifies the maximum amount of memory that can be used for input/output operations. The default value is 512 KB (524,288 bytes), but increasing it should improve performance. This value is specified in bytes (not MB) and must be entered in Hexadecimal mode.* Recommended values, based on the amount of memory (RAM) in your system. *256 MB RAM REG_DWORD 0x10485760 (10 MB) more than 512 MB RAM REG_DWORD 0x41943040 (40 MB) *When editing DWORD Values in the Registry, you can choose the Base to use (Hexadecimal or Decimal). If you use the incorrect base, the value you type will have a different meaning. [for values of 9 or smaller, this option won't make any difference] Use HEXADECIMAL here HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl Session ManagerMemory Management IoPageLockLimit REG_DWORD 0x10485760 (273176416)[ 7. Improve Core System Performance WARNING: Requires at least 512 MB RAM! HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl Session ManagerMemory Management DisablePagingExecutive REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1) 8. Force Windows to Unload DLLs from Memory (very useful) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows CurrentVersionExplorerAlwaysUnloadDLL Name Type Data (Default) REG_SZ 1 9. Disable sticky keys (Pop ups) from pressing shift key several times, - use if don't like Windows popping up while your doing something else - like gaming! HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelAccessibilityStickyKeys Flags REG_SZ 506 10. Max your Internet simultaneous downloads to 20 (default is 2) HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion Internet Settings MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server REG_DWORD 0x00000014 (20) MaxConnectionsPerServer REG_DWORD 0x00000014 (20) 11. Increasing the icon cache - On XP the Max Cached Icons is set too low, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowscurrentversionExplorer in the right window, double click Max Cached Icons, edit string ~ type the value 8192 Max Cached Icons REG_SZ 8192 then reboot, . . .you'll see a big speed boost opening folders now. 12. To make Windows automatically kill processes when shutting down instead of letting them quit slowly: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop Change key AutoEndTasks to value 1. AutoEndTasks REG_SZ 1 13. Optimising TCP/IP for Slow Links - To optimise TCP/IP for slow links: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters TcpMaxDataRetransmissions REG_DWORD 0x000000013 [Restart your computer for the changes to take effect] 14. DMA Transfer Mode Right click on "My Computer", choose properties and click on "Hardware Tab", open Device Manager ~ look for "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers", right click on "Primary IDE Channel" and click "Properties", now click "Advanced Settings" and for "Transfer Mode" choose DMA if available. Then do the same for the "Secondary IDE Channel" [you should do this one even if your not a tweaker] when finished close that window by hitting [X] Reboot 15. Turn Off Remote Assistance Right click on "My Computer", choose properties and click on "Remote Tab", [uncheck] Allow Remote Assistance . . . hit OK 16. Turn Off Indexing Now just double-(left)click on My Computer right click on each drive and choose Properties > under the General tab, [uncheck] Allow the Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching > a window will pop up, make sure the box is checked that says Apply change to (drive letter):, subfolders and files and click OK. Windows will apply the changes, click OK. (Once you have done all the drives I recommend you reboot.) 17. Open each folder in a separate part of memory (recommended for 512MB memory and higher) Open My Computer ( press the Windows & E keys) > go to Tools > Folder Options > View and [check] the box in "Launch folder windows in a separate process". Reboot again! 18. Increasing network browsing speed Open up regedit, navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer/RemoteComputer/NameSpace], find the key named {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} [tells Explorer to show remote scheduled tasks] Right click on it and delete it. Tip: If you have no use for viewing remote shared printers and are really only interested in shared files, consider deleting the printers key, {2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D}, as well. This will also boost your browsing speed. Right click on it and delete it. 19. Set CPU Priority This setting gives a boost to priority of foreground applications. In very overly-simplified terms, what you see on the screen gets more attention from the CPU than what you can't. [base Hexadecimal] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlPriorityControl] Win32PrioritySeparation REG_DWORD 0x00000026 (38) 20. These allow you to end tasks faster, shut down faster and speed up the menu display [HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop] ForegroundLockTimeout REG_DWORD 0x00000000 (0) HungAppTimeout REG_SZ 5000 to 20000 (5 to 20 seconds) MenuShowDelay REG_SZ 200 to 2000 WaitToKillAppTimeout REG_SZ 5000 to 20000 (5 to 20 seconds) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl] WaitToKillServiceTimeout REG_SZ 5000 21. Advanced NTFS Settings: [The filesystem is the invisible mechanism on your hard disk that is responsible for keeping track of all the data stored on the drive. Think of the filesystem as a massive table of contents, matching up each filename with its corresponding data stored somewhere on the disk surface. Windows XP supports three different filesystem types; FAT (File Allocation Table, 16-bit), FAT32 (File Allocation Table, 32-bit) and NTFS (NT Filesystem). NTFS was designed from the ground up to completely replace FAT/FAT32. It supports encryption, compression, and security.] The following settings allow you to fine-tune NTFS to squeeze the most performance out of your NTFS drive; experiment with these settings to find the configuration that works best for you. Start by opening the Registry Editor, and expanding the branches to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlFilesystem] There are three values here that concern us: NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation Values: 0 = enabled (default), 1 = disabled [if you don't use 16-bit programs ~ disable] NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate Values: 0 = enabled (default), 1 = disabled [changing the value to 1, should improve drive performance] NtfsMftZoneReservation Values: 1 = small (default), 2 = medium, 3 = large, 4 = maximum [The core of the NTFS filesystem is the master file table (MFT), a comprehensive index of every file on the disk (including the MFT itself). Since disk defragmenters can't defragment the MFT, Windows reserves a certain amount of extra space for it to grow, in an effort to reduce its eventual fragmentation. The more fragmented MFT gets, the more it will hamper overall disk performance. Although the default is 1, values of 2 or 3 are probably better for most systems with large hard disks; the maximum value of 4 is good for very large drives with a lot of small files.] 22. Enabling super prefetch in Windows XP SP2 One of the many claims Microsoft makes for Windows Vista is that it will launch applications 15% faster than Windows XP does currently. This is done through improvements in the Prefetch functionality. There's no need to wait until Vista arrives; this improvement is already in Windows XP thanks to Service Pack 2. It just needs to be turned on. To enable super prefetch: Use a registry editing tool to navigate to the following key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory ManagementPrefetchParameters] Create and Insert a Dword value with the following details: [use exact spelling and capitals] EnableSuperfetch REG_DWORD 0x00000001 [Reboot your computer for the changes to take effect] _______________________________________________________________________________ Applying Registry tweaks assumes you have some proficiency in editing the Windows Registry using Regedit (Start > Run > type: regedit). As always, backup (export) keys to some RegBackUp folder you can create in My Documents before making any changes ~ so you can go back to previous settings, if you don't like the results. [if you need to restore the saved exported .reg key ~ just click on it and it will be automatically imported back into the Registry, restoring the original settings...just remember to name it something you'll remember, so you'll remember what it was/is] WARNING: Also, Don't do all the Registry tweaks at once, try a few (two or three), then restart your computer and see how things are running ~ before you start running back here ~ wondering what went wrong. Also, Remember: When installing New Programs ~ close all applications running, including your browser, Anti-Virus and SpyWare programs, there is a reason the installer reminds you to do this! . . .and it's a good idea to run a defrag after installing Programs ~ so all your Program files can stay together ~ this is a must for faster loading performance. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** Services *** Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services. {Services manager will be shown here} From here you can activate or deactivate the services that run on your PC. A lot are useless, but some of them are 100% necessary for the system to start. By deactivating some of them, you can get better overall performance, more available resources and free more RAM. This is a list with Windows XP services that are running in the background along with their description and my recommended settings. You can right-click and click "Properties" on every service. [if your not comfortable DISABLING some services, just set them to Manual ~ after you re-start your computer go back to Services and see which ones are started after setting them to manual ~ you could just leave them on Manual or set to Automatic ~ but remember; some services depend on other services, you can check those also, while in "Properties" under "Dependencies".] [Don't use by default my recommended settings; read all the explanations first.] Alerter (DISABLE) - Announces users of administrative alerts. - Useless. Application Layer Gateway Service (YOUR CHOICE/Manual/Automatic) - Used for Assign Publish and Remove software services(Plug-ins). On manual, it will start only if needed. [This serivce should only be disabled if you are not running the built-in Windows firewall on any network interface and if you are not using internet connection sharing from that computer] Automatic Updates (YOUR CHOICE/Automatic or DISABLE) - Useless. Goto for any updates. Backgroud Intelligent Transfer Service (YOUR CHOICE/Automatic/Manual) - Idle network bandwidth data transfer with http 1.1 servers. . .needed for Windows Update. ClipBook (DISABLE) - Used to store information (cut/copy/paste) and share them with other PCs. Usually useless. [it has nothing to do with cut/copy/paste, etc. with Edit functions] COM+ Event System (DISABLE/Manual) - There are almost no apps that use COM+, but on manual it will start if needed. COM+ System Application (DISABLE/Manual) - Same as above. (Computer Browser (DISABLE) - A list with network computers. This service is not required for a stand-alone system. (If you wanna share files, it must be started.) Cryptographic Services (YOUR CHOICE/DISABLE/Automatic) - Confirms the signatures of the files in Windows. ...for certification warnings, but it does not effect system stability. DHCP Client (YOUR CHOICE/Automatic) - Gets a dynamic IP from your DHCP server. If you have a static IP (an IP that does not change) you can disable this service. If you use cable modems, leave it be activated. Mine's on Automatic. [for on-line gaming] Distributed Link Tracking (DISABLE) - Maintains links with NTFS files in your PC or a domain. Usually not required. Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DISABLE) - Takes care of the transactions that require multiple resources. Windows works without this one, too. DNS Client (Automatic) - Takes care of DNS names and control functions of the Active Directory domain. Needed for online. Leave it on. Error Reporting Service (DISABLE) - Calls home to Microsoft when errors occur. LOL; disable it. Event log (Automatic) - This allows Event Log messages from the applications to be seen in Event Viewer. This should be on; Windows can get very upset if it's turned off. Fast User Switching Compatibility (YOUR CHOICE/Automatic) - Disable it to get win2k logon window. Fax Service (DISABLE) - Not installed by default, so leave it that way. (FTP Publishing Service (DISABLE) - Used for having a FTP server on your network. (Activate it only if you really need it.) Help and Support (DISABLE) - Resource eater. Disable it. It will still auto-activate if you access Start->Help or press F1. HID Input (Human Interface Device Access) (DISABLE/Automatic) - If any of your peripherals don't work, leave it on. If all's ok, disable. [This service should remain enabled if you use user-defined hot-keys on keyboards, remote controls, etc.] (IIS Admin (DISABLE) - Usually used with a local web server of ftp.) HTTP SSL (Secure Socket Layer) (AUTOMATIC) - Allows HTTPS - needed for secure site accounts. IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service (DISABLE/Manual) - Used to "burn" CDs. Use Nero or A120% instead. Indexing Service (DISABLE) - Super resource eater. Disable it. Internet Connection Firewall and Internet Connection Sharing (MANUAL) - If you have shared internet access or shared files, leave it on, else off or manual. ISPEC Services (DISABLE) - Enabled only for security-obsessed people. Logical Disk Manager (MANUAL) - vital to run Disk Management MMC dynamic volume console. Useless otherwise. Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service (DISABLE/MANUAL) - Same as above. (Message Queuing (DISABLE) - Not installed. Let it stay that way.) (Message Queuing Triggers (DISABLE) - Same as above.) Messenger (DISABLE) - Send messages between clients and servers. I don't use or need it. [it's not the same as Windows MSN Messenger, so don't worry. Now disabled by default on installation of Windows XP Service Pack 2] MS Software Shadow Copy Provider (DISABLE) - Used with Volume Shadow Copy Service. Net Login (DISABLE) - Used to login to a Domain Controller. NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing (DISABLE) - Security bug. Leave it disabled. Network Connections (Automatic) - *Required for network setup. Network DDE (DISABLE) - Don't activate it if you don't use the clipbook service. Network DDE DSDM (DISABLE) - Same as above. Network Location Awareness (NLA) (AUTOMATIC) - Used with Internet Connection Sharing. NT LM Security Support Provider (DISABLE) - Not necessary unless you use Message Queuing or a Telnet server. Network Provisioning (Manual) - Manages XML files. Performance Logs and Alerts (YOUR CHOICE/DISABLE or AUTOMATIC) - Gathers various performance info and logs it or activates an alert. (Leave it on Auto if your like me and like to double check it once in awhile.) Plug and Play (AUTOMATIC) - If you change any components, this service will detect it(theoretically). Portable Media Serial Number (DISABLE) - Gets serial numbers from connected mobile music players. Disable it if everything works fine. Print Spooler (YOUR CHOICE) - If you have a printer: auto, else disabled. Protected Storage (YOUR CHOICE/AUTOMATIC) - Allows saving local passwords and Autocomplete web information. Leave it on if you use autocomplete. QoS RSVP (DISABLE) - Gets you some traffic control in a IPSEC network and for the apps that support QoS and also has an adapter that supports that. Remote Access Auto Connection Manager (Manual) - Creates a connection to a program when it requires an address. Disable it if sh*t happens. Leave it manual for dial-up. Remote Access Connection Manager (AUTOMATIC) - Creates a network connection. Remote Desktop Help Session Manager (DISABLE) - Security breach. Stop it ASAP. Remote Procedure Call (RPC) (Automatic) - *Critical* (never mess with this) Leave it on Automatic. Almost everything depends on this service. (Remote procedure Call (RPC) Locator (DISABLE/Manual) - data base evidence of RPC. (Remote Registry Service (DISABLE) - Security breach. Stop it ASAP. This allows other users to get access to your registry. [ Certain third-party applications utilise the Remote Registry service to modify the local machine's registry. Symantec (Norton) Anti-Virus is one such utility, mainly because they were too lazy to code up seperate installers for local and remote installations.] Removable Storage (DISABLE/Manual) - Naturally this is not required but if you notice something wierd with your CD/DVD-R/RW leave it on auto. Routing and Remote Access (DISABLE) - You'll know if you need it. Leave it disabled. Secondary Logon (DISABLE) - Useless. Ancient remains of an obsolete service. Security Accounts Manager (YOUR CHOICE/Automatic) - If you know more about this, let me know ~ some say security breach ~ but mine's set to Automatic. Security Center (SP2) (Automatic) - Monitors system security settings. (Server (DISABLE) - If you have something shared, on, else off.) Shell Hardware Detection (DISABLE) - Autoplay for memory cards. (Disable if you don't have memory cards.) Smart Card (DISABLE) - If you don't have a "Smart Card" disable it. Smart Card Helper (DISABLE) - Same as above. SSDP Discovery Service (DISABLE) - Huge security risk (recognized by MS). System Event Notification (DISABLE) - Used with COM+;stuff like power events or logoffs/ons (Not required.) System Restore Service (YOUR CHOICE/Manual/Automatic) - Mine's on. Your choice. Leave it on if you have too much space to waste. j/k Task Scheduler (DISABLE) - Resource eater. Turn it off. TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service (DISABLE) - If you don't use Netbios, disable it. It's also a security breach. Telephony (AUTOMATIC or DISABLE) - On only for Dial-up. Off else. Telnet (DISABLE) - Security breach. Disable it. Terminal Services (YOUR CHOICE/Manual/Automatic) - Used for Fast User Switching, Remote Desktop & Remote Assistance. [should only be disabled if none of the these are in use] Themes (YOUR CHOICE/Automatic) - Used for the pretty windows desktop things. lol Uninterruptible Power Supply (DISABLE) - If you don't have an Uninterruptible Power Supply, turn it off. Universal Plug and Play Device Host (DISABLE) - Security breach, but used with SSDP Discovery Service,detects and configures your UPnP devices on your network. Can be disabled. (Upload Manager (DISABLE) - Useless. Obsolete.) Volume Shadow Copy (DISABLE) - Unneeded. Only used by ms-backup. Software Shadow Copy Provider Service (DISABLE) - Same as above. Webclient (DISABLE) - Useless. Disable it. Windows Audio (YOUR CHOICE/Automatic) - Those Windows event sounds. (If you've changed them, leave it on.) Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) (Automatic) SP2 Firewall. Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) (YOUR CHOICE/Manual) - Used for some Cameras/Videos.[should only be disabled if you do not have a scanner or digital camera connected to your computer] Windows Installer (Automatic/Manual) - Used for .mis installers. You may need it. [if you ever have problems installing something ~ go here ~ you may have to start it manually] Windows Management Instrumentation (Automatic) - I think windows requires it. Procedure Call (RPC) needs this one on. Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extension (Automatic) - Same as above. Windows Time (DISABLE) - Connects to a server to get correct time(just do it yourself). Small security buggie. Disable it. Windows User Mode Driver Framework (Automatic) - Enables Windows User Mode Drivers Wireless Zero Configuration (DISABLE) - Auto configuration for wireless devices. Turn off if you don't have wireless stuff. WMI Performance Adapter (YOUR CHOICE/Manual) - don't see any use for it. but leave it on Manual, just in case. Workstation (Automatic) - Leave on auto. . . .also, you'll have other Services running like your AV, Video Display Drivers and Printer Drivers. (if you don't know what the Service is ~ it's best to leave it alone, 'till you do!) (* u,* _ * ^,* _ * @ * c * ! * - * ; * 5 * U * | * * + * _,* /) CableNut Adjuster VanBuren Cablenut settings On-line CableNut Tweak page Dslnuts Cablenut Broadbandnuts - Tips & Tricks MSS is the real amount of data you can send/receive at any given time over your connection medium. MSS is a calculated number from MTU (Max Transfer Unit). Most of the time it is calculated by MTU - 40(for headers) = MSS. Some configurations may not fit this forumla though so you can visit the TCP/IP analyzer to get your correct MSS size. TCP/IP analyzer > Common MSS sizes are: Ethernet: 1460 (1500-40) Cable: 1460 (1500-40) aDSL: 1452 (1492-40) Dialup: 536 (576-40)[smaller packets for on-line gaming] or 1460 (1500-40) latency checker will perform a reverse DNS lookup on your IP address, then run a traceroute command against the IP address. [use this if you can't do a traceroute or ping past your ISP] Shields UP! - Internet security vulnerability profiling [checks to see which ports you may have open - Each computer has thousands of ports Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROM-DOS Posted November 5, 2005 Author CID Share Posted November 5, 2005 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indestructable Posted November 6, 2005 CID Share Posted November 6, 2005 whoa, that's a lot...thanks ROM-DOS...pretty sweet!! Where'd ya get all the info, and why is this not posted as a guide? ;) :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indestructable Posted November 6, 2005 CID Share Posted November 6, 2005 btw-why the hell is my right-click still taking 3 seconds to come up EVEN after I have done everything you said here?????!!! it sucks to lag behind everyone else here who has no probs at all..I hope you have something else up your sleeve, lol... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
raptors892004 Posted November 6, 2005 CID Share Posted November 6, 2005 very nice post.. could be useful to a whole bunch of ppl Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROM-DOS Posted November 6, 2005 Author CID Share Posted November 6, 2005 Thanks guys, after a year or so of trying to fine-tune my system and keeping notes, I decided to share what I thought were some useful (speed) tweaks. It's still a work-in-progress, I'm sure I still have tweak notes buried inside folders - inside folders ~ if you know what I mean. ~ lol ~ Indestructable; What type of mouse are you using? Try opening Control Panel goto Mouse and open Activties tab and adjust your speed. Install Intellipoint from Microsoft. If you have TweakUI(PowerToys for Windows XP) you can adjust other (mouse) sensitivities. You can also try X-Mouse - you only have to move the mouse into a window to give it focus - no more mouse clicking! Remember; never let your left click know what your right clicks doing. . . .if you experience symptoms such as persistent or recurring discomfort, pain, throbbing, aching, tingling, numbness, burning sensations, or stiffness, DO NOT IGNORE THESE WARNING SIGNS. PROMPTLY SEE A QUALIFIED HEALTH PROFESSIONAL, even if symptoms occur when you are not working at your computer. Symptoms like these can be associated with painful and sometimes permanently disabling injuries or disorders of the nerves, muscles, tendons, or other parts of the body. These Microsoft disorders (MSDs) include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, tenosynovitis, and other conditions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
amc11890 Posted November 7, 2005 CID Share Posted November 7, 2005 WOW that is alot if info.....very helpful :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
raptors892004 Posted November 7, 2005 CID Share Posted November 7, 2005 I even printed it.. Might read it and apply some of the tweaks later Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indestructable Posted November 7, 2005 CID Share Posted November 7, 2005 hey rom, I'm using a standard optical HP am I pissed @ them right now...beside the pointer (haha), why would it be doing that? i mean, I have seen other people say "well, my right-click is instantaneous, so nworries" from at least 2 people...I mean, wtf? that's all...I will look into something to try n get it working right, unless I can get HP to replace my p.o.s. Media Center. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FallowEarth Posted November 7, 2005 CID Share Posted November 7, 2005 That's some great stuff right there. Thanks for sharing all of your hard work, ROM-DOS. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jypagan Posted November 7, 2005 CID Share Posted November 7, 2005 outstanding info very helpful Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROM-DOS Posted November 7, 2005 Author CID Share Posted November 7, 2005 hey rom, I'm using a standard optical HP am I pissed @ them right now...beside the pointer (haha), why would it be doing that? i mean, I have seen other people say "well, my right-click is instantaneous, so nworries" from at least 2 people...I mean, wtf? that's all...I will look into something to try n get it working right, unless I can get HP to replace my p.o.s. Media Center. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indestructable Posted November 7, 2005 CID Share Posted November 7, 2005 no, actually it's ps/2, and I got USB 2.0 on the front also...hehe...speedy. Hey man, post some more tips, lol- i need 'em Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted November 7, 2005 CID Share Posted November 7, 2005 why would the ports from the usb riser be any slower than the ones directly on the board? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ikhan Posted November 7, 2005 CID Share Posted November 7, 2005 Very Helpful Info ! Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
resijs Posted November 12, 2005 CID Share Posted November 12, 2005 Those are some sweet "pre"formance tricks, thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nabuco3 Posted November 13, 2005 CID Share Posted November 13, 2005 how do u know i have a virus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROM-DOS Posted November 13, 2005 Author CID Share Posted November 13, 2005 how do u know i have a virus . . .not sure I understand your question ~ but if you don't have any Anti-Virus programs installed on your computer ~ try running some of the FREE on-line Virus scanners I mentioned in "FREE Tools". I've found Avast to be a great FREE Anti-Virus program. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted November 13, 2005 CID Share Posted November 13, 2005 how do u know i have a virus because i am the all knowing all seeing master of this mortal coil? but seriously. if you don't know why i know, or how i know, and i don't, then i can at least make an educated guess and say that due to you not knowing how i would know you probably have things running on your comp that aren't supposed to be running there. from viruses to trojans to all kinds of other unsavory things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
resijs Posted November 13, 2005 CID Share Posted November 13, 2005 I would just say your guess is "better" than mine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indestructable Posted November 13, 2005 CID Share Posted November 13, 2005 haha, I might even go to such lengths as to say that you might have one of those ungawdly trojans/other bs. enjoy cathing the predator. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
raptors892004 Posted November 13, 2005 CID Share Posted November 13, 2005 haha, I might even go to such lengths as to say that you might have one of those ungawdly trojans/other bs. enjoy cathing the predator. lol.. my specialty is spyware.. *goes off to spyware war* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Indestructable Posted November 14, 2005 CID Share Posted November 14, 2005 lol.. my specialty is spyware.. *goes off to spyware war* :haha: that's all, lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
flag Posted November 14, 2005 CID Share Posted November 14, 2005 ROM-DOS *** Advanced Tweaks [not Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROM-DOS Posted November 14, 2005 Author CID Share Posted November 14, 2005 flag ~ I'm sorry ~ most of these tweaks are intended for Windows XP users, but you might want to PM Cholla and ask him what he thinks before you try anything here ~ Cholla is running Windows ME and he might be able to help with earlier versons of Windows tweaks. [it's been so long since I used an earlier version of Windows ~ I can't really remember if you could set up Hardware Profiles?] . . .but, you do have to do certain things in order (and re-boot) for Windows to understand what your doing. *** Advanced Tweaks [not for Gamers only] *** are things anyone can do (or try), it's that most gamers like to have the least amount of programs running in the background. What I did was partition my hard drive into three seperate drives. One for the family - C:, one for backup stuff - D:, and one for me and my on-line gaming - E:. I'm able to dual-boot either to C: drive or E: drive ~ I've installed Windows XP twice ~ one on each drive. Which I'll explain to folks at some future time and why. {. . .it's kinda ironic ~ I have copies of Windows 98 and Windows Me stored on my D: drive -uninstalled ~ for friends that need earlier versions.} Thanks for the heads up, though ~ I'll add a note: For Windows XP users. ~ sorry Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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