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while i do find the kid a bit young at 14, there is plenty of cases like this where the kid is 15 or 16 or even older. there is studies of those cases that show that a male is far less likely to be traumatized by something like than than a female. i mean, think back to your high school days. wouldn't laying that hot 25 yr. old substitute teacher be the ultimate locker room bragging right? which is also the reason most of these cases get caught. it's not that the guy goes and complains to anybody, but the boasts eventually trickle down the grapevine to somebody that says omg that is wrong let's prosecute.

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it's against the rules, and they should be applied equally. it's just not as bad for the 'victim'.

i think how bad it is for the victim although sad is irrelevant it's illegal and they should go to jail like somone else posted, any man would be in jail for 3-5 and would have a tough time in prison getting beaten and probably raped by inmates who were abused as kids, and the guards.. they would do nothing about it. I have friends who have spent weekends in jail and have told me how disliked child molesters are in prison.

I don't think because it's some hot chick she should not be convicted + imprisoned.

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i'm not saying she shouldn't. it's just good that the likelyhood of the male victims being traumatized is so much less.

i understand what you are saying, i just have a hard time finding a good side of any sexual crime. because they ruin peoples lives unlike anything else.  :confused1:

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well, in most cases where the male students bang the female teacher it's not exactly rape. look up all the cases in the media. nowhere does it say 'the extremely traumatized youth sought help with the authorities' or somesuch.

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I'm not saying what she did was right because it was not. Now having said that i remember back when i was 14 (I'm 28 now) i would have had sex with that teacher countless times, and been the enevy of all my friends. When i was a teen, 14 year olds were sexually active anyway for the most part so for a 14 year old boy to land a teacher like that? Yes i'd say he was atleast known as a (Pimp) for a few weeks with his friends.

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At that age I would not have known what to do! Or would have been to excited to do it right!!

Now to the law side of it....... The law is messed up no matter how you look at it....... I can not get out of a speeding ticket by looking good and unbuttoning my blouse..... But I do get listened too when I walk into the parts store( i know no law in there)......... It comes down to the fact that I am very glad that I am a male! :D

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i just have a hard time finding a good side of any sexual crime.

Sorry, but I don't see this as a typical 'sexual crime'.

Now if she had attacked him, beat him, forced him to submit and/or held his grades in check if he didn't, that would be a different matter.

Crap, I think you can still get married in FL at 15 or 16.

Or did Jeb the Apostle outlaw that too?

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i understand what you are saying, i just have a hard time finding a good side of any sexual crime. because they ruin peoples lives unlike anything else.  :confused1:

I started with a 25 year old model when I was 15.  To this day I don't feel exploited or feel she should be locked up.  In fact, I color myself lucky  to have had the experience! :) 

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