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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2023 in all areas

  1. rebrecs

    PHP/ HTTP Wizardry

    I'm preparing to do something, but I'm not sure what, just yet. Until the fog lifts, I'm just asking questions. I would prefer to ask well formed questions, but I'm a long way from there. Apologies in advance. When SpeedTest is doing the "partial Logo thing," what is it doing ? I guess the better question is , what does Speed test put on my system, and where does it put it ? Does speedtest put any code on the Machine under test? Or just data chunks ? And the motivation fo all of that is - does the test data ever wind up on a disk (on the system under test) I wish I were a PHP expert, and an HTTP expert - so time consuming.... I admire those who are such experts.
    1 point
  2. CA3LE

    PHP/ HTTP Wizardry

    Hello rebrecs, good to see you're still visiting! When you run a speed test it generates random information. This information is cleared from your cache as soon as the test is complete. Nothing is stored on your device and all data sent to testmy.net (e.g. during an upload test) is randomly generated fake information. Actually, I recently tested the operation to ensure this is still working properly. By watching the browser's cache folder size during the test you can see its size increase and then sharply drop off after the test completes. Giving back all of the temporary storage used during the test.
    1 point
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