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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2023 in all areas

  1. CA3LE

    Beta Testers Welcome

    I have some new tools coming out! And I mean NEW! If you'd like to get an invite when a new Beta is available simply vote on this topic. Currently no ETA but development is moving quickly. I'd like people who are willing to provide feedback but it's not necessary. Just running the program will give me a lot of useful information.
    1 point
  2. CA3LE

    Download V. Upload

    After I get the beta released I plan on reworking the ranking. I think you can get what you're after by using the "full listing" search option. By default it shows a lot of noise. But you can modify the search to show only what you're after. It's a little tricky. First, I sort by upload. Then tell it to only show tables that have over 45K results by modifying the URL string in the browser. Specifically I'm telling it 45,100 results to pull up the more popular hosts. The tables in the database that tool is searching are pruned daily to a max of 45K results, for speed. So a host that has over 45,100 results shows that there's more recent activity on that host. Depending on when you query this, it may be different. The pruning and caching of the count are all done automatically on a schedule by the system. https://testmy.net/rank/hoststats.up/1/45100 Same search, by download https://testmy.net/rank/hoststats.down/1/45100 Once I shift my focus back to databasing I'll work to make that more simple and intuitive. One of these days I'll make all the data available and easier to digest.
    1 point
  3. evo6066

    Beta Testers Welcome

    Im interested in the beta testing. Ive been a member for a minute now. Please let me know. Definitely
    1 point
  4. Well, if you liked that you may enjoy this single page pdf excerpt from my newest novel. Part One of this saga is also in Book Three which is currently available from leanpub.com Synopsis This “Spectrum Rhymes with Rectum” title is in effect a sequel to the writers’ previous four books and follows the main character, Lefty, (who considers himself a Wilbury) in a fight against a monopolistic corporation for his fair share of Megabits from a Cable Internet Goliath. The Insider Trilogy plus three is as follows: Book One The Insider (A Life Inside the Personal Computer) Book Two The Cozening (A Murder of Promise) Book Three The Insider Goes Deep (Tales from the Dark Web) And its companion book: Book Four A User Guide to the Dark Web (The 42nd and Final Encyclopedia Cyberspacia) Book Five (in the works) Spectrum Rhymes with Rectum (The fight for Megabits) Book Six (in the works) The Insider Goes to Space (Tales from Beyond Planet Earth) Note: All books are available on leanpub.com https://leanpub.com/bookstore?type=all&search=Lefty%20Insider Book Five exerpt.pdf
    1 point
  5. Well then you might be amused by this: Crank the volume to 11. https://www.tcw.org/Got%20the%20Spectrum%20Blues.mp3 Got the Spectrum Blues.mp3
    1 point
  6. CA3LE

    Beta Testers Welcome

    Since you voted (above) on this topic you'll get an invite when I'm ready. I know I've said this a few times already but I'm getting close. There are just a lot of details to a release like this one. Same as TestMy.net currently, works on all modern devices you only need a web browser. As expected, better specs return better results. I'm super excited to share it with you. I think it will help a lot of people better understand what we do differently here. There is no other speed test like it.
    1 point
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