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  1. Well, this is the best test results i've ever gotton on my adelphia. ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 4136 Kbps about 4.1 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is: 505 KB/sec Auth Code: 2062041 (validate at http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 74 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.03 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=&top=&align=&num=2062041&kbps=4136&gen=gen&a=4.57142857142857&b=2.28571428571429&c=1145.14285714286
    1 point
  2. My beta gives anyone the ability to run TMN on any computer they'd like. Run it locally on a Docker images I've prepared for you or install it on any web sever, with or without SSL. It only takes 2 files, a total of 1800 bytes of code on your end. What speed will you see between two wired 1 GbE? Exactly what you'd expect to see, watch for yourself. tmn-on-my-server.mp4 The Mac and Windows machines are fairly distant, non-direct routes. The connection traverses 2 switches, then the router, then another switch also adding in about 100 ft of cable before it arrives. Not lab conditions, I wanted all of those real world variables. If you inspect I think you'll agree, TMN's results are pretty exact. tl&dr So average 916 Mbps | 904 Mbps. Adding 6% network overhead you get to 971 Mbps | 958 Mbps. Which is right in line with what we see coming across the interface in reality. I did the same LAN testing when developing the current version (v18) you're using now, always do. But now I'm giving the ability to do it yourself, super quick. ... I've also done that before but not like this. This is very different. Cut and paste a few commands into Terminal or PowerShell and you're running local tests on all your devices in a few seconds. You can also audit all of the code and understand the entire container in just a few seconds. Pretty excited to share that with you all. Curious how people will use it.
    1 point
  3. CA3LE


    Using DNS in Singapore doesn't really help for your latency to the server. Latency is like the time it takes for you to send a message to your friend and for them to respond. In the world of the internet, when you click on something or ask your computer to do something online, it sends a request to another computer far away. Latency is how long it takes for that request to reach the other computer and for you to get an answer back. If it takes a long time, everything online feels slow, like when you're waiting for someone to respond to a text. When you ask your computer to load a website, it sends a message to another computer far away called a server. That server holds the information for the website you want. The message travels through wires, cables, or even space (if it’s using satellites!), and when the server gets it, it sends the website information back to your computer the same way. The time it takes for the message to go to the server and back to your computer is what we call latency. The quicker it travels, the faster things load! You can't improve this unless you're able to take a shorter path to the server. The physical distance creates unavoidable latency... the speed of light is the limiting factor. What the Latency Test is showing you is that servers in Singapore will perform best for you. Amazon is hosted on a CDN (content delivery network) so when you request using that test it pulls from a server closer to you automatically. To improve latency over long distances, here’s how it works: Use servers closer to you: Imagine a game of telephone. The closer the person, the quicker the message gets to you. Using servers that are closer (like a local one instead of one far away) speeds things up. Optimize the route: Think of taking the quickest path home. By using smarter routes (like special internet paths called "content delivery networks"), the message travels faster, just like choosing a shortcut. Use faster connections: Just like a fast car on a highway, using better internet connections helps the message travel quicker, even over long distances!
    1 point
  4. Yeh it's not bad for WiFi at all I have had 550 over WiFi before. With a cable the best I've seen on my ps5 using speed test.net is 596.3 so pretty damn close. Attached the WiFi test pretty damn good.
    1 point
  5. 461/600 over Wi-Fi is pretty good. Are you always Wi-Fi? Have you tried wired?
    1 point
  6. CA3LE

    Introduction to the BETA!

    Instructions to Enable the Beta are in the Private area. The beta is private but members with access are allowed to share instructions. Please use this public forum for all threads related to Beta 23. If you encounter any issues or bugs please copy the URL in your browser and include it with your post. This helps reproduce the issue. Screen recordings are also very helpful. Start new topic Happy Testing!
    1 point
  7. CA3LE

    Introduction to the BETA!

    The beta is now available to all members. You'll find a toggle switch in My Settings. Hope you find this helpful.
    1 point
  8. I love this! I know I am using iPerf3 for testing local network throughput but this is much prettier and appears fairly easy to use.
    1 point
  9. RTB

    best speed test for me

    Good speed. Enjoy it
    1 point
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