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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. obviously. but it was a chance at AMD bashing i couldn't pass up. but back on topic, call them up asap and see to it that you at least lodge the complaint with them, make a note of date, time, customer service rep, get a service ticket number. you need to get the ball rolling before they try to drag it on until the warranty expires.
  2. resopalrabotnick

    Disk Defrag

    not only is there a little less stress but you may see an actual increase in speed. when you delete a file from the drive, that space is marked as free. the next file that is written will start at the first available free spot. if it is too big for this spot it will overflow to the next one and so on. this can cause large files to be split into a number of fragments spread all over the drive. defragmenting, as the name says, reorganizes the files on the drive so that all these fragments are reassembled into one coherent piece. from ADCBDCBACADBCBAD to AAAACCCCBBBBDDDD
  3. i just checked at dell. the economy rigs still come with xp, the rigs from 750 up come with vista.
  4. it's an AMD. they are inherent. SCNR
  5. vista will gain market share by virtue of dell et al shipping it in new boxes.
  6. when the betas were floating around plenty of people had tons of stuff to say about vista. has anyone noticed that concurrently whith its release pretty much all discussion about it turned so quiet you can hear a pin drop? is this just the quiet before the storm? does noone care anymore? have we all forgotten our aluminum foil deflector beanies and been brainwashed? is the presidential race taking all our attention?
  7. do you still have warranty? it seems that the config you have is pretty "hot" in more ways than one and if the mfr. hasn't carefully designed it it could well be impossible to run the machine at max load (games) for extended periods. contact the mfr and see what they say.
  8. http://www.aldelo.com/ http://search.yahoo.com/search?&p=restaurant+pos&fr=ieas
  9. restaurant pos returns a number of results. i don't know how big a solution you need. there's plenty out there.
  10. Post your favourite short or a link to it here.
  11. i liked neither movie because they took the book and turned it into something completely absurd.
  12. one of the big problems is that unless you are lucky enough to visit a good private school it often doesn't.
  13. no, he wants the opposite. he wants to use a fast scsi drive on his mobo. unless you have scsi onboard, which most boards (apparently including yours) don't you will have to invest in the proper scsi controller for the drive(s) you are planning to use. the bad news is that they can be pricey, the good news is that the higher the price the more options they have for raid and on-the-controller cache.
  14. as one of our great leaders once said:Trust, but verify. and since i can't verify what google is doing i don't trust them. all i see is that they have potential financial gain from marketing personal info.
  15. everyone is all up in arms about identity theft. and then noone thinks twice before letting google and others, but especially google mine you for personal information. who is to say that the calendars set up by users aren't systematically scanned for interesting info that google can use itself or worse, sell. same goes for gmail, their toolbars and all the other services they offer "free". why do you think they don't charge money to use them? because you pay them with information, which is far more valuable.
  16. why would you give google the information you should be keeping in outlook or something like that? or one of the many free calendar programs?
  17. i was afraid he'd made a new years resolution to steer clear of the natives or something.
  18. the high freq ringers are rather old news. if i was teaching i would rig a spectrum analyzer on my desk to catch that shit, lol. my fav ringtone is the old style bell and hammer one on the motorola razor. it's loud, you can hear it a ways off and it's not some top 40 garbage. it is old school.
  19. is it really squid? i thought a quid was equivalent to a pound as in you owe me 5 quid? the squid was actually an intentional misunderstanding.
  20. well, roco, you have to understand. show up in the pacific northwest with those british squids or whatever it is you call them and see what happens. nobody will want to accept them. so if microsoft is nice enough to ship their product all the way to you you have to expect them to deviate from the standard exchange rates a bit to make sure their profit margin isn't affected. hell, they probably won't be able to spen half those squids.
  21. i know what to do. and i also know the mantra "never touch a working system" as in, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  22. ok, but i still would have to enter the dns'es into each comp hooked up. and when a 'strange' comp comes over and hooks up he won't get a dns?!? don't think i can even tell my router to hand out everything but the dns...
  23. true that. that would mean i have to sort ot all the ip's and stuff manually... hm... not today...
  24. compared to what exactly? internet via amateur radio? tube mail? smoke signals?
  25. come to think of it i have always wished my router supported a tertiary dns for when the 2 dns's supplied by my isp go tits up.
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