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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. so get a cheap board with onboard graphics. good enough for myspace and it'll do the kid to not have a box to play on. that way he has to go outside and actually play himself, not just vegetate in front of a screen like the rest of us disfunctional types.
  2. i'm getting to the point where i think in a lot of ways the way the conflict is handled is just too fucking political. the problem is i am also convinced that pulling out of the region would leave behind such a hellacious mess that it just can't be done. damned if you do, damned if you don't.
  3. i love playing ea sports hockey, but on tv i just can't see the frickin puck.
  4. spare nic or even better a pci graphics card. just to see if the board is still otherwise good. amd if the agp slot is dead, you can get cheap pci cards with plenty of power for normal comp use. (non-gaming)
  5. power boost? have they upgraded to sonar technology? SCNR
  6. i keep a rough tally of what the balance should be in my head and check the balance via phonebanking every couple days. if there is a big discrepancy i check online which i usually do once a week or so anyway, going through the online listing of account activity for transactions that don't look right. as far as phshing goes, you just have to remember neither the bank or paypal or anyone else will contact you via phone or e-mail or snailmail for account info. if they do, do NOT use links given. if the bank contacts you, call them at the number you know, not one given in correspondence and ask what it is about, and take the time to drive out to a branch if there really is an issue that needs to be dealt with. NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER give info via any media, be it mail, e-mail or online. there is a whole artform called social engineering that is tailored to get any kind of info from you. and be careful about your trash. shred or burn (fireplace or grill) any documents with personal info you plan to throw away.
  7. he's been using her account again...
  8. there is shitty dsl in some places and everywhere else just crappy dialup. you can consider yourself lucky if you can get onelink. i have noticed for the last week that the speeds in the evening hours have dipped. otherwise i get fairly solid performance. the outages for the last few months have been down to slightly more than power outages.
  9. having some trouble with my system atm but i hope i will get to do something with the smilies today. maybe work on an avatar too.
  10. 4 now staying with 98se. (at least on this box. i wouldn't eve want to run xp here...)
  11. i actually went and tweaked (hah) it. hm. maybe a titty twister type thing next?
  12. i have now officially gone past my limits of good or even marginal taste. way past. thing is the program can do more i need to figure out how. more depravity may follow. maybe use shugs actual pic to make an animated thingy of him. him and his donkey. or something.
  13. hm. i could use 20,000 bucks... what parts are we talking about?
  14. and with all the pervs here posting company and name with pic not good idea.
  15. after crediting me with 20 testmy kilobucks the shugster is of course still sitting on them. i want the shop section of tmn opened to do something with them. and if it's just to buy ca3le a lapdance from water.
  16. i thought it was supposed to be shug, so i made it big and ugly. that animation is the firstone i have ever done with the old corel draw i had floating around and it took me a few minutes. so don't complain. hell, shug has no taste anyway so i'm sure he'll love it.
  17. exactly what i said.
  18. follow the links to the phoyo documentation. it's all there.
  19. i think i would go all out and order a stuffed elk or a stuffed grisly and mount a whole rack in there. now /that/ would be sweet.
  20. in the end, getting more pipe is just a question of how much you want to pay. any provider will hook you up with a special package at a VERY special price.
  21. pc <> used car. a car will have a decent resale value after a year. it will lose maybe 20 percent give or take 10 percent in first year depending on make and model. a pc after one year will lose more like 60 percent. even more if it was a cheap model to begin with. usually it isn;t worth selling a pc, you should just find a use for it or give it to a family member that needs one.
  22. go to the respective sites (too lazy to search for you) and build yourself a cantenna.
  23. i think grandma is the best choice for custody so far. she /is/ the one that has been taking care of the girl up to now after all.
  24. just some food for thought: who gives a flying fornication how many hundred fps you get. what display will be able to output them anyhow?
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