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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. :twisted:you yhink they gonna buy stuff if they sneak in for free? prolly sneak in for free with a dat-recorder to sell bootlegs...
  2. i miss the ease of direct debts and transfers in europe though the way it is done in the states is archaic. people even still use cheques to pay in stores sometimes. i remember 10 years or so ago when my bank told me to use up the last of my eurocheques since they were being phased out.
  3. my $.02 don't upgrade. buy a complete mew rig and keep the old one as a spare. if you upgrade you will mix old parts with new and end up with leftover parts noone will buy for what they are worth.
  4. but isn't revoking the direct debit just as easy?
  5. so you salve your bad conscience from filestealing by going to the concert and then rip the band off again by letting people in for free?
  6. the smallest brother inkjet sells dirt cheap (115?) has a cut sheet feeder for the scanner and a usb and network interface. not too bad for the pice. has the memory card reader of course. network scanning also works from the scanner to pcs that have the software installed. not the greatest machine with some quirks (i think the processor ram combo it has is just too small to handle all the features) but at a great price. ink lasts fairly long if you keep printing to draft which gives decent output. inktanks aren't too expensive either
  7. no way am i going to support those commie pinkos by watching even one second of it. most of the so called bands playing are of the "we are so politically correct and fluffy" variety anyway. i was tempted to watch pink floyd when the wife told me they were up though, but oh well.
  8. they are rented machines at a hoster.
  9. what about the hair? i saw something about him losing a bet with trump and getting shaved.
  10. was channel surfing during ads and saw this "speach" by vince mcmahon WITH hair (and isn't the guy supposedly dead?) how bennies name wouldn't be mentioned again except in his speech and bla bla, the wcw or whatever it calls itself nowadays "performers" would do what they do best and entertain the crowd etc. bla bla... i mean, don't they have better things to get ratings with than such bs? the drama is so overwritten it's sickening.
  11. vince mcmahon sounds like a load of bullshit. i saw the ads for the "specials" and figured now they are taking the drama bit a tad too far. edit: read as: i doubt the guys dead.
  12. yeah, the new one's a female. afaik 2 males don't get along well in a cage.
  13. the bird seems to be doing better. he's a he btw. he was eating almost nonstop the first couple of days, i guess he couldn't feed in the wild. and he is relatively hand tame so that should rub off on the new one fairly quickly.
  14. i run an old dell 17" crt at 800x600 simply because everything else looks like crap on it.
  15. you helped me with my bird, i'll help you with your modem. http://www.thomsontelecompartner.com/getfilefromthomson.php?id=3667 that is the pdf manual. the default pass is Administrator as user with blank password it also contains the instructions on how to reset to factory defaults. if you need the software and drivers go to link below and select residential multi user wifi as product category and then the 585 as device. that will let you select anything you need for it. good luck. http://www.thomson.net/TMS/Minisites/BAP/Templates/SubCategory.aspx?NRMODE=Published&NRORIGINALURL=%2fEN%2fHome%2fMiniSites%2fBAP%2fTelecom%2fSubCategory%2ehtml%3fcategory%3dDSL%2520Modems&NRNODEGUID=%7b90224E22-AD3D-4EB5-97B7-5558F14F156D%7d&NRCACHEHINT=NoModifyGuest&category=DSL%20Modems
  16. yeah, when he's not using it. atm he's sitting on his good leg with the other one kind of out to the side
  17. it's notjust he's not using the leg. he is using it. it just sticks out at an odd angle.
  18. my 2.99 (turns 3 july 2nd) year olds 5 year old nephew was over at our house and spotted a budgie flying in the window. the poor thing was exhausted and just let us pick him up, so we stuck him in a box (we do have a cat) with some fruit, cereal and water to see if he would perk up. he did. since noone had been asking around the neighborhood for a lost bird we decided to keep him. cage, food, accessories, vitamins, 2nd budgie (a female to go with the male) since it would be cruel in my mind to keep a bird caged alone 50 bucks. the found bird has a gimp leg, it looks like a sprain since he climbs along the cage just fine with it, i figure a break or dislocation wouldn't let him do that, but any advice is appreciated.
  19. transport lock would be a device/lever that locks the print head and/or scanner head (on a multifunction printer scanner) in place so nothing breaks when going down the road. there should be some kind of lever to release this. do you have a manual?
  20. or tmn is the only accurate one and the others are lying?
  21. read the TOS. doesn't say anything about condoning theft there either...
  22. it's called the nigeria connection scam because it started back in the days of snailmail. people would receive letters from supposed heirs to large fortunes of some deposed african leader. they wanted to get the cash out of the country but needed contacts on the other end to create accounts and place money in them to cover the transfer fees. in return they would pay them a percentage of the money thus liberated. of course the people that did create the accounts and/or sent them money to initiate the transfers never saw that money again or any other money.
  23. nigeria connection
  24. the guy is great. opera isn't my muzac of choice either but he sounded ok. and the little girl has a bright future ahead if her mom gets it right.
  25. all these smileys and none have been added...
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