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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. it's interesting how some topics seem to bring out the worst in people. i am ... i don't even know what to say. i'm speechless.
  2. Look at these pictures and read the captions. then thank whatever you believe in for what you have and pray that these people make it. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/picture_gallery/07/africa_sierra_leone_slum/html/1.stm
  3. anyone heard the rumor of the mayor of vega baja getting to nderage girls pregnant?
  4. every electronic component contains a little magic blue smoke. when they die they sometimes release it. when they do it is a sure indicator that they will no longer work since the magic blue smoke is a requirement for them to function. hence, no smoke, no function.
  5. looks like the cooked psu released the magic blue smoke that makes it work right and that affected the 12 volt rail. a bit. or are the new design tolerances +-25%? in which case it would be just a bit out of spec. i hope you didn't hurt the rest of the system with that.
  6. another sighting. looks like it made it.
  7. of course it says /that/. but afaik it's always said it. if you get pegged by that article then you've got your box on 24/7 leeching anything that ain't up the tree by the count of three. that says nothing about a general monthly quota etc. that says that if you dl too much then they will take a look at your traffics behaviour. when they do that and find that you are constantly dl'ing, then they'll cap ya.
  8. no. i am in favor of the taking down p2p traffic and letting the law abiding surfers have their way.
  9. upping backbone capacity means paying more. and why should they pay more so their customers can steal more. and don't start this "i need to dl 23 linux distros a day" crap.
  10. so show me where it says that in the tos.
  11. how will they lose customers. there is nothing to lose customers too. without competition they can do whatever they like.
  12. this your penguin?
  13. in that case you will still end up with only one running comp with some older (cheap) and some really old (what you now have) hardware. if you have to replace so much just to upgrade you really should save up a bit and buy a complete rig. keep the old rig alive in case something happens with the new one and you need something to to root around on the drive to rescue stuff with. not to mention you can never have too many boxes running... and forget about selling off the parts you replace. you will never fknd anyone that wll actually pay for them.
  14. consider this. upgrade mobo now, and have all the other components still old. and a cxheap mobo and cpu will be a generation or two old anyway. or wait a while (the trial period of the job ending, finances stabilizing, all that) then buy a complete 2nd comp, this time something current that will stay that way (well, not current but a decent rig) for a while. and popping a new graphics card and/or more ram into that in a year will still be a decent upgrade.
  15. that's part 1 of 4. it is worth the 40 minutes to watch it. it gives a good perspective of what is going on in afghanistan.
  16. for the installation you should have your boot sequence set to cd first then hdd. that way it boots of the win cd when you have it in the drive, otherwise from the hdd. windows will start the setup, format the partition if needed, then copy files. then it will restart, asking you to remove cd first. so remove the cd, then let it reboot. it should now continue the installation process.
  17. one: :tickedoff: :uglystupid2: :idiot2: :knuppel2: :tickedoff: two: the video clip itself states tha it being on youtube is illegal. three: has nothing to do with bpl. bpl is a wide area connection over powerlines served by modems in the transformers of the local power grid. what is shown is simply short range powerline LAN transmitters. will work in a house. can still create problems with appliances. if you live in an apartment and your neighbor uses it too, good luck with the frequency collisions. four: see one. five:
  18. urm, you hotplugged the hdd? when the biosstarts quetching go in and do the autodetect for the drives again. save and exit. and again, check your boot sequence. also remove the windows cd when you restart to have it boot from the hd.
  19. soundslike you might be booting off the hd now. go into the bios and make sure the boot sequence is set to cd then hd. another thought woulkd be to hook the ide cable into the first channel, but that should not really make a difference.
  20. iirc using the manual setting makes windows create a pagefile of the minimum size
  21. you can also set the pagefile size to the max recommended by windows as a fixed value and then defrag. that way it will always be x gig big and not fragment.
  22. really. one thing windows doesn't always agree with is somebody messing with its memory. and you know it regards the page file as slower ram. windows uses resources. we all know that. let it be. a gig or two isn't gonna kill you.
  23. looks good. you got a pricetag for that?
  24. exactly. forget about the branding, they all have pretty much the same stuff anyway (just look at how widespread the sony battery disaster was). find a company you trust with the service you want, then put together a laptop that suits your needs.
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