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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. it is against federal law to send fecal matter through the mail....
  2. after spending some time on it, some tips. take the time and do the tutorial missions. they really really help. look over the resources on the web. there is a pdf of the quick reference card from the original game on the site. also there are downloads of the music, worth getting. and they have really expanded the game from the original. there are like twice as many races now.
  3. anyway, what was the topic of the thread again?
  4. hm. go to the apacer.com website, find the model you have, download the appropriate manual. there are some that come with a compression software. that shouldn't write protect the stick but might be causing the problem you are having.
  5. :2funny: :2funny: good point!
  6. the apacer is a usb flash drive. it might have a small sliding switch to set it to write protected. look for a small slider on the case and move it, then try writing to it again.
  7. i hope you aren't referring to my offers to shug to massage his lovely mantits?
  8. found me an old game to play. allegiance by microsoft. free at www.freeallegiance.org it is a space shooter with quite a bit of strategy. a player for each team is the commander and the other players should support his strategy. lots of premade communications to give commands/ask for help
  9. buy the ps3 for thecheap bluray support and the Wii for the games? i guess it comes down to personal preferences. see if you can rent them at rent-a-center or aarons to try them out. might be worth it to give each of the platforms a test spin.
  10. well, apparently you did. because the statement you quoted was in response to you calling me a propagandist and the reasons you gave for it. the rest of the post was why i made the post about getting a letter from the mpaa not being funny in the first place.
  11. ok, me being consistent on an issue makes me a propagandist. fine. posting about receiving a letter that threatens legal action because of a perceived copyright infringement and treating it like a joke looks like treating an infringement of said law in a lighthearted fashion.
  12. i'm not the one that started calling people propagandists. i extremely resent the fact that stating my own opinion gets me accused of spreading other peoples propaganda. if someone doesn't like what i say, he can say so. but name calling?
  13. Oh? since when isn't porn copyright protected? i'm sure all the guys and gals prefer to be properly paid for their hard work rather than having it distributed for free. and aside from that i think saying i'm spreading propaganda just because i speak my mind is unfair. i could say you are spreading propaganda for a left wingnut group of your choice because you rail against law and order.
  14. roco, the problem is that roco.com is already taken. i have my name as a domain and it is worth 124 bucks.
  15. IT could be so nice if it wasn't for the users. th at's why i no longer give freebies. i charge everybody. and i mean everybody.
  16. the sad thing is that you think it's funny to be breaking the law?
  17. Hey Baby, my hardware is plug 'n play.
  18. that isn't the problem. there might not always be someone on the desktop side that can perform the operation. i am looking to set up something where the desktop is in a wake on lan standby mode. upon the laptop initiating a vpn from a remote net the desktop wakes up and syncs with the laptop, lets the laptop transfer other docs if needed then goes to sleep again after a time. will need to tinker around with it. if anyone is interested i can post a solution (if i find one).
  19. yeah, that works. it's just somewhat tedious. plus it would be difficult to do with the laptop in a remote location. there seem to be some tools online but i haven't seen one that promises to do the 2007 version.
  20. save yourself the trip, just send me the money you plan on loosing. i will put it to a very useful cause. the help buy reso a brand new porsche fund.
  21. i don't want to run an exchange server just for two comps and it is not just about the email it is about all the contacts, journal entries and what have you.
  22. speaking of which, i saw the iron lady got bronzed. good looking piece of art, that. and i do not believe that the nwo or whatever the current conspiracy theory calls it will ever manage to supplant the dollar with anything else. i will grant the euro a rising importance (simply because it is the principal currency of the large european market) and the yuan is not to be trifled with, but china has to do a lot of catching up before its currency becomes internationally acceptable. the regimes attitude seems to leave a somewhat bitter taste on its money.
  23. yeah, the outlook would be to have the two computers have the same info. the dynamic ip stuff is clear... as for using the windows vpn the only concern using that versus third party was security.
  24. I am looking at having to sync two different computers both with Outlook 2k7. i am looking around the web for answers, but any input from my fav bunch of geeks would be appreciated. also, some tips and reviews on vpn software and dyndns sites wouldbe appreciated. rock on, TMN!
  25. not a good idea. that way he has both eyes busy, which means water is sure to get him.
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