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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. now t-man can spam at full throttle
  2. the best comment to the pics she posted is "gee, thanks for checking out my beaver"
  3. probably took his modded jeep into the projects to score some dope and the locals thought he was a redneck and took the cracker for a ride.
  4. well, just because he's the sperm donor don't mean he'll get custody. imo anyone that hung out with that strung out bitch long enough to get a stab at her should not be raising kids.
  5. 's cheap and convenient. (remember, they will pick up for free too)
  6. one of the reasons the euro is so strong is because it is incredibly useful in intereuropean trade. there is no exchange rate and no exchange fees to trade with other european countries. you get quoted the price in euros, transfer the amont, and you're set. especially when comparing multiple offers from different countries this is a great advantage.
  7. remember, if you are shipping usps afaik no brand names may be visible on outside of package.
  8. its not weird. its theft.
  9. what wireless security, if any, are you using? wpa will slow it down some.
  10. der thread ist ja immer noch offen. ich dachte der naechste fremdsprachenpost schliesst ihn. und zum thema illegal haett ich da noch zu sagen dass er meiste kram ueber p2p eben doch ilegal ist. die paar legalen downloads sind doch nur augenwischerei. und weg ist der thread.
  11. i have had little trouble with onelink speeds the last few months. (except for the usual outages when it rains. but nothing works when it starts raining.) as for p2p being slow, complain to them that you can't steal stuff fast enough. i am sure that they will fix it.
  12. pics and specs. and i hope you didn't just throw away those priceless nintendo internals?
  13. i like pushing 2 or 3 carts together at an odd angle and then plastic tie-ing them together to form an immobile clump.
  14. i wonder how many people have a big plasma get destroyed because they hang the wallmount from drywall and the weight rips it out...
  15. hey, how about a little OPSEC here. loose lips sink ships. And keep your head down and check six.
  16. i got tired of having the biggest tits on the site.
  17. i've been kind of awol myself. what policy changes?
  18. haven't seen him in a while...
  19. how can you prefer checks in business? that is the most untrustworthy tender of all. next to cash give me a direct transfer, debit card, credit card. in that order.
  20. Good Luck. Best Wishes. Come home in one piece.
  21. :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:
  22. allegiance is not just a flash widget. it is a full blown online space shooter. formerly commercial by m$ until they gave away the source code to a community that has done many improvemets.
  23. :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: tommie was just bragging that someone would send him porn. truth is he didn't get any either.
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