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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. my days work is done. this thread is thoroughly derailed. not a single on topic post in the entire first page.
  2. if you were truly nasty you could rat him out to the chinese government. tell them he uploaded dissident material to your site. they will track him down and shoot him.
  3. hehe if he's lucky he will live to see another birthday.
  4. watch what you do with your psp...
  5. i was figuring when he said "someone at work" that he meant someone that doesn't know a lot about comps and spreads every rumor he hears as gospel.
  6. poppycock. don't go starting a browser war because someone asked a simple question.
  7. us law applies too. if you get tracked to the us uploading or downloading to/from a foreign server you are in trouble if the things you transferred are violating any laws.
  8. how much more are you paying over there compared to what it would be in the us? must be at least 18 percent or so since your moms are what, 28%?
  9. are you speaking from personal experience?
  10. go shovel snow or something...
  11. yeah, what you are trying to do sounds like setting up a wireless bridge. consumer routers won't let you do that. you will need to get some fancier kit on both ends for that.
  12. and your sig is down.
  13. it doesn't show in screenshots because the game is taking those. it shows in the display because windows decides to put in the overlay for the mouse pointer. uninstall the mouse driver. shut down. unplug the mouse. start up without the mouse, let windows finish booting without a mouse installed. shut down. plug in mouse. start up and let windows install mouse. restart. test in fps.
  14. according to your averages you are making steady progress in catching him up.
  15. reinstall mouse and or video drivers...
  16. that might be. i haven't really shopped for models there or elsewhere. but do you need to have the latest model? seems to me like getting a decent set that has all the features you want, even if it has been on the market several months could save a lot of cash compared to getting something just when it hits the stores... and you can probably find more reviews for a current model than a just released model.
  17. at least you're still faster than dialup. i wonder if them taking over the connection means that theyare channeling everything into their backbone or kept the existing contracts. it could be that they have a problem with bandwidth on their end atm because some of their rented backbone contracts need to be renegotiated. otherwise call and REMAIN POLITE, remember, the guy you are talking to isn't to blame for your troubles, and see if you can't get an earlier response and make sure you request a refund for the time with bad connections.
  18. you would doublepost anywhere you spammer!
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NN3MGN899yE&mode=related&search= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBWOmHUvKBw&NR not too bad as an actor, but puleeeeeeze....
  20. Happy Birthday Water! Hope you get all you wished for and many more healthy Birthdays yet to come. /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' />
  21. like i sais, sams club or costco. even if you have to pay 50 bucks to et a membership if you dont have one they will have a good price and their return service is unbeatable. plus you get to shop cheap for a year...
  22. have you tried reading them lately? last time i tried to get some stuff off a floppy it was dead...
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