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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. no, that is /not/ what you want. you want the original 4 channel version with single prop, not the airhogs soft version. only has 3 channel remote. you can find the original kit type thingy at online and offline hobby stores. the thing you pictured is toys r us material.
  2. yeah open the router and wire a live 120 to the reset button and block myspace. the next person to stick an uninsulated object in there to reset... kablammo
  3. i'm switching to dway if it gets worse than them...
  4. thought of the hosts method. but if they are bright enough to reset the router then they are bright enough to go to myspace via its ip.
  5. it could laso be that the streaming video proveider oversold the bandwidth they have, ot expecting all the customers they sold to to use the service that much, causing congestion on their end. of course they would never tell you about this.
  6. does the employee in question have access to the room where the internet connection enters the building? if not, place a router there. make the one the employee reset a switch. and voila, no more myspace.
  7. sounds like somebody is just itching tobe fired. i vote again for tracking software and firings.
  8. not really. volume control can be tricky. put the 2.1 to near full volume and then use the remote from the stereo to turn up the source signal (headphone jack) go too high there and you will get some distortion because the amp in the 2.1 doesn't like too much input.
  9. use the headphone jack to connect the 2.1 to the stereo.
  10. as for the original question in the thread: two wrongs don't make a right.
  11. what do you get when you cross a glutton with a connection tweaker? a fast-food addict.
  12. well, i don't like it much either, but i can stand to drop 1 or 2 hundred.
  13. picking lettuce out of my teeth? actually i'm doing atkin now to ee if i can drop below 300. so that ten-pack of tacos gets a packet of hot sauce each and then forked out of the shell which i discard. and voila, low carb lunch. also recommendable: subways salads. nice and big and with all the yummy sandwhich fixins.
  14. taco bell has this deal. 10 of the standard no frill taco for 6.99. mwahahahaha
  15. maybe a couple a year. i prefer to get a bag of 6 or so junior cheeseburger deluxe at wendy's. not much individually, but well topped the numbers make up for individual wimpishness. horay for the dollar menu.
  16. i wish there was a way to thank all those brave iraqis that continue to volunteer for their police/security forces in spite of that making them prime targets for terrorists.
  17. how do you get 20 bites out of a big mac? i get maybe 6 or 7 tops on a good day.
  18. the floggings will continue until morale improves.
  19. methinks thats why you back up your registry along with your files?
  20. i saw it as you advocating a tracking sw on the machines to keep employees under observation. first violation leads to a warning and a public flogging, second violation leads to termination and reassimilation into the collective.
  21. agree with shug. tracking software, warning, firing.
  22. from a precision engineered german sports sedan to a korean coffee can? hey, roco, how much does a 2CV in decent condition go for, while we are exploring the issue. i bet with shipping to the us he could still get a decent price and you would be a good man to pick one for him. for cheap cars my pick would be the honda element. suv with a 2.2 liter 4-banger for 17 or so afaik. if you can afford the beemer then you have a good down payment for decent financing in hand. as for options search for old mercedes S class diesels. i've seen em for 3 grand or less. with a little cleanup a damned impressive ride. if something expensive breaks you sell the rest as parts and get another car. note to ca3le: we need a smiley for US$ 0.02
  23. it looks like it has non-factory tints, wheels and some body mods, maybe lowered suspension. with a car done up like that and the high mileage you can be pretty sure it was driven hard and often. so a definite no. along with what roco said about the engine trouble, hell no.
  24. yeah man. happy birthday and many many more!
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