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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. the best way to do it is to go to wherever the phone line comes into the house and split off a line to the dsl modem. then you have the part that branches out to all the old phones in the house. put one filter in front of that and all the phones are covered.
  2. i just glanced at the topics and saw AOL continues to subscribe losers. maybe unfair, but nonetheless an entertaining freudian slip.
  3. to my knowledge, no, i didn't bother looking for the latest details, it comes from the fact that the first ones actually used actual aircraft canopies. it was a post ww2 car and they were using up old parts stock. incidentally they created a little vehicle with great visibility all around.
  4. and just to make things a little worse, read this: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-15520
  5. and cholla, do you know where the term kabinenroller comes from?
  6. easy. buy a new hard drive. even a reformat doesn't remove it...
  7. there is a waiting period so the others can vote against it. but there were other trades i had that i got no feedback on other than that they went off the pending transaction list.
  8. is there no message for denied trade requests or am i looking in the wrong damned place or what? and how long do i have to wait for the moss smith trade? and brock01, hand over portis. he's good, but playing for the redskins. barring a miracle he ain't gonna get no decent stats anyhow.
  9. it's three now... thinning out the herd i guess...
  10. so who are the two people getting banned for not voting the party line?
  11. look up your definition of nazi. but otherwise i guess you're right. as for your neighbors wifi, that's fbi jurisdiction, so tread softly.
  12. i'm gonna spam dell again. if they offer similar service packages in sweden as in the us then that might be a good idea (if their prices are ok. they are derned low in the us) the 1 to 3 years at home service is poriceless. friend bought one and hat it fried by lightning 1 month later. (lightning to the phone line killed internal modem and the board through the pci slot. the printer went as well, apparently through the usb) they replaced the board next day on warranty. the modem he didn't get. when we discovered that was a dud as well he called again and made the mistake of mentioning the lightning strike.(which the standard one-year waraanty doesn't cover.) but don't buy extra ram there, it is expensive, upgrade it yourself.
  13. crutches? what happened? broke your leg kick-starting your 2CV? get well soon.
  14. one reason i never liked cordless mice roco. i like being to track em down with the cable... as for the desk, ikea usually has decent quality. it's usually in kit form, comes with the allen wrench you might need but usually needs some other tools. also check out their lines of modular shelving. you can buy parts that combine to form large units, even around corners, that will fit most any room. great for storing all those schoolbooks etc. caution, spam content: really, i'm not kidding. if you don't like spam, stop reading now. i warned you. [spam] if you find someone to give you more cash for a desk check out wrightline.com they will customize a desk/workstation for the space/needs you have. [/spam]
  15. :haha: :haha: and btw peeps, a dork is a schlong, pecker, trouser snake, one eyed viper, wife's best friend, piece of meat, johnson, helmeted reptile, pecker... you get the idea i'm sure...
  16. the problem i have with the big bang after the gnab gib is that the big black hole the universe collapses into would be relatively stable like all blck holes. black holes by their nature don't just "pop", they slowly evaporate. so it would be a long collapse followed by a slow evaporation. and the outlying reaches of the universe would likely take very long to fall back into the black hole because the gravity of the black hole would have only a very weak effect on them at that large distance.
  17. but ∞∞% is more than ∞ for any given value of infinity
  18. atm tmn is my favorite forum. but then i find it difficult to troll more than one forum at a time, so...
  19. it's the 300000 govewrnment employees streaming porn all day at work. cut them by 150000 and there will be enough bandwidth to the island for the rest of us to stream porn all day.
  20. just search resopalrabotnick and diesel if you care to read it all again...
  21. i think i remember my password. would anyone be interested in trading any washington redskins players they have for any of mine they want? i feel like putting all my eggs in joe gibbs' basket.
  22. maybe i complained enough and asked for enough credit to make them give me a better link. lol
  23. not a thing you can do. it's the password to the yahoo id i need. i just have to remember what i put as the answer to the secret question.
  24. shug, check if i have him. if i do sweeten the deal and i will go looking for my password.
  25. you know tommie, you really shouldn;t feed the troll. now i;m thinking of signing on at the other forum mentioned in the other thread to dish out merry hell on a democratic basis. but my doc says that isn't good for my blood pressure. decisions, decisions...
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