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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. no roco, no saying spade. last time someone did that here there was a riot at the UN and jesse jacksons head exploded. as for the keyboard: yeah, switch type can even be dishwashered, not too hot though, and the membrane type will die from just a little bit of liquid. the circuits printed on the membrane corrode and become nonconductive rendering the keyboard unresponsive.
  2. water, you did such a good job on riding the bullet i would like to put in a request too. how about war and peace? can you squeeze that in?
  3. my everyday one isn't bad...
  4. i am using ie6
  5. the ads i think were with a grey background and the links in the info top right were easier to read. (not such a glaring color.) the new smilies are nice. more!
  6. the america one is ok. but why did the colors on the original feel change? and why are the ads so ugly now?
  7. checked the batteries against the recall lists yet? and nice gear.
  8. just don't try that with a power line...
  9. well roco, that kangoo has what, a 1.8 4cyl? and it weighs what, about 800 kg soaking wet? fine, load it up and all and it will weigh 1300 kg or so. still reaching at best the maximum load on one of the suv's axles. i am very glad to see the mercedes sprinter (relabeled by dodge as the dodge sprinter for the US) more and more here. people are catching on that that things 5 cyl diesel is plenty to haul it around at a good clip and the fuel economy versus a v8 powered us van... even saw ambulances and one in fedex livery.
  10. hey roco, what engine did it have? my guess is something around a 2 liter 4-banger? the problem with the suv's that make it into europe is that because of the more expensive fuel they get sold with smaller engines (if available) take these three as an example: vw touareg available in the us as a six or 8 cylinder petrol or 10 cylinder diesel only the 8 cylinder and the diesel really give it any kind of grunt. the 6 cylinder is sluggish while the european 6 cylinder diesel will probably be adequate better yet the bmw x3 and x5. x5 in us has the two big petrol engines and the x3 only the 3 liter petrol. both have around 6 or 8 available engines, both petrol and diesel, in europe. the smaller ones of which will probably make them feel sluggish to anemic. let's face it. suv's with a dry weight of close to 2 tons need a little grunt under the hood. the only way to get that without outrageous fuel consumption is with a diesel. my ford explorer weighs 2 tons (metric) at the curb and gets 15 to 16 mpg. in europe that would be unpayable. and yet the 4 liter v6 with its 210 horses is only adequate. the 4.6 liter v8 is probably a little better but has even worse mileage. imagining that with a 2.4 or so i4 is ridiculous. (and unavailable)
  11. i /was/ referring to dway as the less latent connection, hence better, no?
  12. the beaing and/or motor can be damaged by high speeds
  13. says compatible models on the site. prolly a list somewhere
  14. http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/products/videoeffects/welcome/US/EN,crid=2354 http://www.fjolletobak.com/detail.php?&content=16280 coooooooool!!!
  15. don't use canadian air on the fans. it will make them start speaking french! don't use canned air on the fans. the burst of air can cause them to spin faster than intended and damage the bearings. the sound you are describing sounds like a resonant noise, meaning a slight vibration that is causing the harmonics you hear. dust bunnies on the fan can cause an imbalance of the blades causing vibration. either lure them out with a few gobs of lint from the dryer or remove the fan and carefully clean it with q-tips or similar things. don't forget to remove any dust clogging the heatsink as well.
  16. get direcway. with that you can get pings as fast as 800ms... :haha: :haha: damned yingyangs. [edit] Pinging www.testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=2728ms TTL=46 Request timed out. Request timed out. [/edit] Tracing route to www.testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 14 ms 9 ms * host-70-45-108-1.onelinkpr.net [] 3 8 ms 9 ms * host-70-45-94-17.onelinkpr.net [] 4 49 ms 37 ms * host-70-45-105-10.onelinkpr.net [] 5 160 ms 122 ms 167 ms host-70-45-94-101.onelinkpr.net [] 6 836 ms 455 ms 663 ms host-70-45-94-105.onelinkpr.net [] 7 778 ms 767 ms 547 ms sl-st20-mia-6-2-2.sprintlink.net [ ] 8 396 ms 402 ms 419 ms sl-bb20-mia-11-0-0.sprintlink.net [ ] 9 241 ms 151 ms 117 ms sl-bb20-orl-12-0.sprintlink.net [] 10 481 ms 677 ms 582 ms sl-bb21-atl-2-0.sprintlink.net [] 11 1408 ms 1122 ms 87 ms sl-gw25-atl-15-0.sprintlink.net [] 12 100 ms 96 ms 111 ms sl-timewarner-16-0.sprintlink.net [ 0] 13 109 ms 109 ms 119 ms core-01-so-3-1-0-0.chrl.twtelecom.net [66.192.24 2.80] 14 124 ms 136 ms 118 ms core-02-so-0-0-0-0.dlfw.twtelecom.net [66.192.25 5.21] 15 383 ms 429 ms * hagg-02-ge-3-3-0-504.dlfw.twtelecom.net [66.192. 253.125] 16 157 ms 130 ms 124 ms 17 157 ms 117 ms 107 ms vl31.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com [] 18 132 ms 129 ms 137 ms vl42.dsr02.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 19 222 ms 140 ms
  17. roco, if you need more emails or a domain and webspace, check out www.1and1.co.uk their prices are pretty good. ( www.1and1.com for us. even better prices.)
  18. great job, D.
  19. yeah, welcome back, good job and all that. but seriously, water, i think you underestimate the level of addiction of many users. not everyone can see it as calmly as you do...
  20. http://my.break.com/media/view.aspx?ContentID=161172
  21. yay! i no longer have the worst team in the league! i extended shuggies losing streak to 4! muahahaaa! redskins don't suck anymore!!!
  22. i like pandora better too. then again, i only listen to things like ac/dc, stones, various blues artists, ozzy osbourne and black sabbath etc. there.
  23. rotflmbfhao
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