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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. i don't get it anymore either. i guess now that they have their exploit in and were testing it by opening their popup they now have their malicious code installed and turned off the popup...
  2. if i visit any of the threads i get this little popup. using ie6 on xppro sp2 no popup blockers on. wtf?!?!
  3. that cinches it. costco is closer than a good chinese place.
  4. Walking in his father's shoes.
  5. Thanks for the help!
  6. you didn't register? but seriously. this map looks kinda lacking from the commenty made about known ones not showing up.
  7. call your provider. that sounds like a problem that is out of your hands really.
  8. shouldn't you be doing something other than surfing the web?
  9. 's nice looking. well worth the downtime.
  10. um, did my invitation get lost in the mail? congratulations!
  11. try to get the leatherbound complete tales of mystery and imagination, the raven and other poems. nice feel to it when reading, good looking. the raven is ok, but maybe the tell-tale heat or the cask of amontillado for stories, or one of the other shorter ones. or a longer one. you have 36 hours....
  12. or better yet live yourself
  13. http://www.pandora.com/music/song/f5d328c96af334a0 http://www.pandora.com/music/song/aa8cc720ceafa6bd edit: http://www.pandora.com/music/song/eaf67ee23f717db9
  14. well if gnr and god knows who lese has a version that would make it at least 3 different versions. just don't play em back to back, that would be too obvious... http://www.pandora.com/music/song/dd3b7e67e817c4cf http://www.pandora.com/music/song/bdbd6bdd72dd61c3
  15. only heard the ozzy osbourne and the stones version. i vote the stones one based on that.
  16. i don't think all party music has to be themed, or does it? paint it black and satisfaction by the stones. if themed is a requirement, then i have something from a costume ball themed band. ymca by the village people
  17. thriller by michael jackson comes to mind, but that's not the kind of stuff you play, is it? why does michael jackson love halloween? duh. free delivery!
  18. black sabbath by black sabbath on the album black sabbath. (easy to remember, no?)
  19. jumbled filenames and password protected. woohoo! gotta crack em! MUST be those kinda pics.
  20. hm, if the pics are /those/ kinds of pics and the filenames of the archives let one surmise that then there might be considerable motivation to gain access...
  21. crime doesn't pay...
  22. either he had leftovers from the filesharing proggy he used (and let's face it. the things are intended for illegal use. is a backdoor in them to make other things happen so unlikely?) or he indeed has/had the folder and/or drive the dvd was on shared on his network with no protection whatsoever making it easy for the isp to simply scan his files. (and/or someone else found the shared dir/drive and started dling it and the isp checked up on the traffic use and found it that way.) as for looking the other way, the isp will make a fuss and usually forward the info to the riaa/mpaa/feds. it's up to them wether or not they take steps.
  23. a mod promoting and condoning theft? who do i report mods to? the big man himself?
  24. it's a hanomag. a tempo matador e.
  25. very good tommie. the third is also german...
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