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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. i'd say i got an inch or two and a hundred pounds on him.
  2. i think that in the past sat has been iffy. people could get online long enough to complain at times. now it's so bad that people can't even post here...
  3. fiber, tommie. fiber...
  4. cute li'l squirt.
  5. iraq and afghanistan were good initial targets. afghanistan was on the ropes anyway, they were a pushover militarily. iraq was at the time the weakest of the more extreme middle east states with enough of a rap sheet to target them. iran and syria are probably just as bad, granted, but it would have been difficult to convince anyone to invade syria and iran was too strong to invade them and have iraq supporting them. the reason things in iraq are bogged down is because zealots from the neighboring countries are swarming the place with varying government support to keep a stable democracy from forming. even the saudis are becoming uncomfortable with the iraqi situation but are unwilling to give up their ties to the us at this point. iran, saudi arabia and syria along with the other states in the region are not thrilled about the prospect of a real democracy actually taking root in iraq. their own people would get ideas from this and might decide that if the iraqis can have one, they want one too. so the reason to invade iraq was to plant the seed of democracy in the region and knock off one of the major players in a central geographical position to have a base to take over iran and syria from and replace saudi arabia to be able to pressure them without having to give them concessions to maintain a presence in the gulf.
  6. great! stick around, enjoy the show.
  7. hm. the german army in the 1930's and 40's was pretty much by definition made up of only white crackers and whooped everyone. your point was?
  8. sorry. could not resist.
  9. and since tommie caught the possible wireless i am not going to be caught with my opants down (especially not by waterrtbh) and ask when the last time you reset all your network equipment was?
  10. this looks like a service call case. because if you are supposed to be getting 512 up and down, the down might be tweakable but the upstream is so bad that something is amiss there.
  11. if he walks, the store owner can still sue him for emotional distress at his store being vandalized, having bad dreams about the event etc. and if he gets awarded punitive damages he can close down the store and retire...
  12. aol /is/ fast with a high speed connection. it is just redundant. and painfully so.
  13. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060617/ap_on_re_us/border_fence_ladders
  14. i gather you are referring to using the usb and ethernet connector on the modem to connect to two computers. no it won't work. easy fix: go to store. buy router. hook up router to modem via ethernet. connect both comps to router vie ethernet. problem solved. neither of the comps is slowed down by the crappy ethernet connection and you gain some security if you correctly configure the router.
  15. hm. post a tracert to see what the latency on the system is like and also run the tests with a bigger file size.
  16. well, sorry about offending some of you with the hippie comment. but my point is, what is the big deal with that ruling. they still have to knock. that is still the law. the DA will still tear any cop that doesn't a new one for tainting his evidence. if it is allowed into court. if there is a law in the state that doesn't allow it then the DA will have the cop that dropped the ball drummed out of the service or at least have him walking a beat. the ruling doesn't change the law. the only thing it does is prevent a procedural mistake from getting somebody out of trouble.
  17. noone signs up for it nymore. the users the still have are old users that can't cancel because it's too much trouble.
  18. are we forgetting here that not waiting a reasonable amount of time, 20 or thirty seconds, for a reply from inside is still the law? it has only been said that evidence collected when they didn't wait long enugh can still be used in court unless there is a state law to prevent that. the ruling is meant to prevent people from getting off on a stupid technicality. personally i say why give the hippies the time to flush their stash?
  19. and i resent the vw kuebelwagen being called ugly.
  20. and as usual i'm going to repeat my usual advice: if you can get a system with the hardware you want at a major box retailer like dell then by all means do so. the prices are great, service is good (for all us butterfingers out there, that 3 yr worry free plan sounds very nice. destroyed a laptop screen and had it replaced next day) also consider the software licenses you get. the works you get thrown in for free with the box makes you eligible to upgrade to a full office. saves big bucks when you compare those prices. and leaving the old box complete to run as a second comp or selling it on e-bay isn't bad either.
  21. well, actually he couldn't keep it all to himself. even one billion, if invested so you can take out three percent a year and have the rest of the interest/returns on investment adjust for inflation means you have to spend 30 million a year. that is more than 80 000 dollars a day. going by the latest figure of 46 billion from 2003 in gates case that would be almost 3.4 million smackers a day. a day!
  22. thanks a lot. but when i first started reading this resurrected thread i thought i was in some kind of twilight zone time wrarp thingy. then i noticed the 2005 year... and when i first read waters post i read :haha:
  23. well, since it got resurrected i will say it again. why pay for aohell when you're already paying for a high speed connection?
  24. i would say it doesn't allow spaces? isn't a aohell screenname also a aohell spamsink addy?
  25. when the duo2 comes out the prices for the p4s will hit rock bottom. intel will have amd by the balls in the high end market and will try to hurt them in amds core market (low cost) too.
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