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Everything posted by Dark06

  1. that speed is a dream in the US
  2. damn some1 is about to blow up btw Welcome to the forum
  3. i think some1 should appel wireless use on my phone is 40cents per kb look heres the size of a regular 4 min song 5,923 kb if i did the conversion correctly its 5.65 MB so yeah 5923 x.040 = $2 370 i might have donr the conversion wrong but if i didnt and if im correct thtas a shitload to pay one time i dl like a 25 kB ringtown and was force to pay like $12 for it plus the $2 it cost me i could have bought a whole cd 4 that and that was the last time i bought a ringtone its not worth it its crappy quality anyway
  4. wel im not looking for that kind of range but i got to admit that kind of sweet I got plenty of ideas now all i need is the money i'll let u guys know what happens
  5. wow i been away 4 a while im glad cable is ok dude that looked a lil intense
  6. what tree are u talking about? where do u get a persons name?
  7. 52k wow i been gone for a while too damn thats a lot of ppl
  8. It might be but whos gonna notice 4 or 5 more comps on? its got plenty of bandwidth 4 it we are gonna mac address it so no1 else can get on but us 4 or 5 some ppl have way more comps than that in their houses i got 3 comps but 6 wifi eneble devices so yeah besides we all have internet we want to host a big wireless lan party if thats possible thats really the goal just to mess around with what we have found and have fun doing it
  9. ok so i kind of have gotten a few ideas on how to do now my question is has any1 her actually done it and with what results?
  10. it just the way our generation has been brought up but yeah therea basicly no way to know 4 sure
  11. yahoo to me has worked better than aim aim sucks at web conferencing also u could try skype
  12. psp also has a go to option u type in the time
  13. try to right click it on firefox and select copy link location then put it in a download maneger let me c the website i might b able to help u
  14. The Hp dv6500t Series is really good and ussually sells for an even $600
  15. Yeah but laptops with integrated wireless have a very huge lack of drivers coded for linux or ports so getting online wirelessly is to much of a hassle for me a college student to use in his now main compter, his laptop i love linux on my desktop but admit i have hardly used it in a long time i will say i hate vista but it gets the job done none the less
  16. This one seems preaty eassy this may be the route i go http://www.cs.cornell.edu/w8/%7Eeckstrom/802.11a/primestar/ the school one i witness was similar to this one http://www.wallawalla.edu/frohro/Airport/Primestar/Primestar.html
  17. linux on laptops are a hassle
  18. i have sbc but my neighbor (4 houses down )which is the last house in our neighborhood apparently has access to fiber optic network so we want to share that speed with a few ppl on the same street maybe 1/5 of a mile at most 1/3 of a mile as for the router we would use im not exactly sure we are only getting the drawing board set up lol but we would like to do it with a satalitte or some tinkering just 4 the heck of it
  19. uddates??? maybe?? just a though
  20. KDE No dount yeah ubuntu sucked ass i hate i also love puppy for a fast live distro
  21. bump
  22. look at the HP 2OOO SERIES t oh my god there amazing i love this laptop and so do all of my "Dude im getting a dell" friends lol any1 else remember those comercials
  23. i would suggest getting a more expensive usb microphone there are amazing
  24. its been a while since i have been here im in college now getting a major in computer science and been really buisy but next week i will b off for a whole month so my question Does any1 know how to attach a router to sattalite to increased its range? i know this can be done we did this at my old high school 2 years ago and had it run it for about 3 weeks before it was taken down i have gotten a hold of a satellite dish and would like to do this expirement the problem is that i was not the one that was involve in building it in my old high school i was only in charge of testing it so my question to you guys is does any1 know where i could find instruction on how to attach a small satalitte dish to a wireless routers antennas? Has any1 else done it? i
  25. Nobody buy from Dell They Have all their factories in the same road as my community and when they change shifts it takes me 30 minutes to go 2 miles to get on the highway thy reuse to upgrade the roads Thats why i buy from HP there some1 elses traffic problem So PLZ Dont Buy From dell Besides there customer support sucks anyway
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