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Everything posted by DJVageli

  1. Nice...thanks
  2. When are we getting 1-2 up?
  3. DJVageli

    Java Problem

    Just checked those 2 out and no problem here, did you try getting the latest version of java from their website? Well Sparticus beat me to it lol..but yea go to www.java.com and download the latest version, close the browser and then try again
  4. No problem...hope you get your connection back
  5. Btw...my sister had the same problem on a newly bought and formatted computer...it ended up that she was infected with a few backdoor trojans, but she had the exact same problem..so we did a virus scan and found that out and removed it...now it works like a charm
  6. Go to Start - > Right Click My Computer -> then Properties -> Hardware -> Device Manager -> Find your NIC card and Right Click it -> then Click on Update Driver
  7. WOW!! Well sometimes great things are found in the most bizarre ways
  8. Great program Shug
  9. Dont worry about it....at least you reminded me what the M in DRM stands for...always seem to forget it Eww
  10. I know that lol Just didnt know it had it
  11. I love it as well....got the black one too, and all of its features, plus the fact that it is NOT an ipod make it great (my opinion) 1. Great screen 2. Looks skeek 3. Can play almost anything 4. Too early to write more about it
  12. Yea...some areas call it Turbo...but yea its basically the same thing
  13. This is nice...thanks!! :smiley:
  14. Ok thanks for the help guys...luckily I didnt have to resort to using any of those commands...but its good to know if one day i have to
  15. Or should I go to recovery console, run chkdsk, then fixboot?
  16. if I run the fdisk /mbr command on my Windows hdd
  17. :haha: 'Yea..even I told him that th eprice for his cpu alone was kind of hefy The good thing is he got it like a day after it dropped from $1600 to 1 grand
  18. Yea...he thinks it was worth spending his money on that All he does is game...so I guess it should last him for awhile btw: the second graphics card is my christmas gift to him had to use one paycheck for that
  19. :haha: Ive never seen that episode edit: actually now I remember...I saw it in class last year when I was going to school...my classmate brought the dvd and played it.....thats was a great episode...had us all laughing
  20. My brother recently built his new gaming pc for his birthday and what a beast it is Specs: Processor Intel Core 2 2667 MHz Physical / Logical CPUs 1 / 4 MultiCore 4 Processor Cores Graphics Card NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX ( soon to be SLI (tomorrow) ) System Memory 2816 MB (really 4 gigs) Link to futuremark test he took http://service.futuremark.com/orb/resultanalyzer.jsp?projectType=14&XLID=0&UID=7426558 And some screenshots
  21. Yea you were right about it
  22. Never mind..it was the color profile...thanks guys!!
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