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Everything posted by MICROWAVE

  1. Cobra, I just played PoP2 and thought it was OK I'm not
  2. Oh man you are very lucky that at least soon you may have the option of 1GIG.....how sick is that???? I would love to have that kind of speed.......I feel the need for speed.....LOL Microwave
  3. riprap , First welcome to the site, hope you enjoy and tell your friends about what I think is the best test site on the net, and we have many people that are willing to help answer questions...................In my opinion you will be lucky if you get half the speed that you now get if you change from cable to qwest DSL, thats just a typical outcome that I have seen from my own experience What are the price differences going to be 4u? I ask because for me its not that much more expensive for cable as it would be for DSL. I pay 40 bucks a month for great speeds from COX~HSI in Tucson AZ.. I'm sure others will also give there ideas and experiences. Whatever you do keep visiting and if you need help to "tweak" your connection someone will help. Microwave
  4. jakop92
  5. Great idea RTB.... [shadow=red,left]
  6. Ya gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet, so I've been told! The good news is that this new forum is really tight,and we can redo all the desktop pictures that were here........ so if someone feels the desire to see all the desktops again then a topic can be started (hint,hint) but I do agree that there were some great shots here before, I have saved many of them to my computer and edited the pics and run some as my screen saver. Something I started doing a very long time ago is if I see anything I like I save it as a pic and usually put it on a CD in case I ever want to see or use again, i guess I have been burnt to many times with stuff being lost or erased or corrupt files that I just make it a habit to save stuff I like It would be KOOL to see old and new ones again And this was a really large topic with lots of members showing really cool shots and ideas for desktops.............. Microwave
  7. Damn Dude do you have your seatbelt on??? nice speed,waiting 2c upload...... Microwave
  8. Now there is a guy with way to much time on his hands......lmao......but I do give him an A for effort he was really into it and lasted the whole song....OMG.... Microwave
  9. Yep nice pic............. Microwave
  10. I got clothes and cologne........Im the guy that pays for what everyone else gets.....LOL....... but it is fun watching everyone else get things they want and need, I'm lucky I don't wait for XMAS if I need or want something I go buy it for myself......just the way its suppose to be....OBTW I did get a cool novelty gift ....a key ring that when I cant find it if I whistle it makes a noise so I can find my f#$%ing keys....lol Microwave
  11. Vera Dimilo,,,,,,,I missed you STANK THANG...LOL Microwave
  12. NO ONE is on line? well Iam but I dont have any improvement with my speeds, but it hard to improve on a perfect connection Microwave
  13. Indestructable, Welcome to the site,glad you were able to correct your problems, very nice speed:) Keep testing and tell your friends about this site............... Microwave
  14. My upload is usually a little faster ............but this is great:) Microwave :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is: 509 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Upload Speed is: 62 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line: 9 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 16.52 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=YRSWN347E
  15. :THIS IS MY FRIENDS SPEED WITH aol AWFUL.....omg THIS SUCKS REAL BAD....LOL MICROWAVE ::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 44 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 386 KB) Download Speed is:: 5 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 1 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 204.8 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=DPGNMAUO9
  16. Yes you only have a certain amount of bandwidth and it doesn't matter up or down the amount being used takes away from the overall total amount.Just like if you are using your desktop off line, you only have a certain amount of resources available to you at any given time. The more things you have open and are using the slower you P.C. will be at that particular time.... Microwave
  17. its Slovenia Microwave
  18. mbrainerd, Welcome to the site I hope you enjoy and don't forget to tell your friends about the best testing site on the net!!! To answer your question I had Voice Over Internet Protocol before but don't have it now.The company that I worked for sold this service and thats the main reason I had and used it, I think its a pretty cool concept and liked having and using it.For someone that makes a lot of long distance calls or needs to stay in contact with their employer its a great tool.I did have a little hassle to hook it up and get it running at first but after it got on line I never had any problems. Microwave
  19. At least you hope thats the way it works....LOL Microwave
  20. The last time I used dial -up I was with net zero and I thought they were one of the best out there.I had juno b4 that 4free Microwave
  21. Whew,
  22. My best present yet for Christmas from COX.....an increase in my speed:) Microwave :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4725 Kbps about 4.7 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 577 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 84 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.77 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=8EL0M01SC
  23. 6435 KB/sec yeah thats fast....so can I get that speed from COX in Tucson???....LOL... HO HO HO>>>>> Microwave
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