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Everything posted by MICROWAVE

  1. And I thought I was the only idiot to ever do that, and I did use softener but it didn't help.......L0L Microwave
  2. 55 Italian-Irish Sangley Point Cavite Phillippine Islands
  3. It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that "BLING" bling-bling=cash...... One of each always works until ya get caught doing something wrong..... L0L... Microwave
  4. Yeah that must be the new "ripoff band" I just hate it when someone is pissing on my leg and telling me its raining.......... Microwave
  5. Makes perfect sense if your Micro$oft..... L0L Microwave
  6. As I remember it the original concept was that it be a much higher number, but 1.5 won
  7. Yep I think Swimmer hit the nail on the head,,,, The pgm is freaking out thinking it will run out of resources if it allows this to go further..... Microwave
  8. W0W Microwave
  9. CA3LE beat me 2it, I actually thought it had 2b smaller than that... Microwave
  10. Host the avatar and it should work fine 4u.... Microwave
  11. Most copies of Office XP can be used on three machines, it says so on the box 2003 we just bought..............and I'm pretty sure I have seen it on the older versions Microwave
  12. It became our problem a few years after WW ll, it should have been resolved by using a plan Gen McArthur had but was not allowed to implement. China was the country that started and back North Koera the commie leader Chiang Kai-Shek is where the domino principle came from and thats what led us to Viet Nam. Unfortunately these issues are all related but not many ppl take the time to study and understand this. Thats what gets us in these out of the way places all around the world. IMHO just like the Middle East instead of Afghanistan and Iraq, the real power and problem is Iran,although I was not a admirer of the Shah of Iran he in fact did bring the longest stability to that country in hundreds of years,another thing is the ppl of Iran are not Arabs and are disliked by most Arab countries, the ppl they like them are the very ppl that blew up the World Trade center. If it was only so easy to just nuke a couple of em and let God sort it out but, its far more complicated than that..... IMHO ;( Microwave
  13. HOtterness Welcome to the site, I hope you will enjoy and tell you friends about TESTMY.NET. As a general rule using IE instead of AOL will allow your net browsing to go faster, typically pages will load faster and it can be much faster when testing speeds. Now all that being said if you are using Di recWay Sat that puts a different slant on the question, Sat in general and Di recWay in particular use different values for Reg settings which effect overall speeds. I guess a question I have is if you have a different ISP why would you want to use AOL? Even if you have a longterm email address just when you send an email put a link for your new Addy and after a short while everyone you know will have your new email address.There are many ppl that love AOL but I'm not one of them, on a normal search AOL with holds many links and sends you to whom they want to, as opposed to giving you all the info and letting you decide where to go. There are many stupid and some what I think are unethical things AOL does, but most of all its just very ineffective for normal browsing IMO....... anyway good luck and keep visiting and I answered this question here so if its possible it may help answer a question for someone else in the future... Microwave
  14. My cousin has lost some valuable information and we know that this info was talked about in AOL Instant MSG, I am not very familiar with AOL or IM in general but I do know that I used IM before and after I was no longer using it I found the text of my msgs were in a log file. My question is does anyone know where to find these files in AOL if they exist or any other way to retrieve this info? I have gone thru the hard drive and AOL files with out any luck if anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it very much>>>> Microwave
  15. Well their full of it any license is good for one machine, if you have a puter and it dies your not expected to buy new software unless you want to. I have put the same software on many machines but only one at a time, I also have had to get new numbers from Micro$oft but when I explain what I'm doing I have never had a problem.....may have been some guy that mis-understood what you were doing. Reactivation is necessary when the hardware has drastically changed from the original install, the big problem is if you buy a factory machine and they only give you a restore disk it cant be moved to another machine especially if its a different brand.The reality is you can copy and replace a couple of files to the new machine and it will work fine, I don't do that because (its not legal)I can move my software to any friggen machine I want as long as its only on ONE machine at a time.... Microwave
  16. Very cool many species of birds can live for 50 years, gives them alot of time to learn things......... so why do they say bird brain Microwave
  17. Nah ya gotta have some reason to want to go to work in the morning........ and you could be working somewhere that has dial^......eek Microwave
  18. Well of course Micro$oft will
  19. Sundevil Welcome to the forum hope you will enjoy and be sure to tell your friends about TESTMY.NET. Yes I have to agree with Swimmer that you have a very nice speed for wireless, would be interested to know about your equipment and how you have it set up if you would be willing to share that info with us..... Thanks and keep visiting.... Microwave
  20. I stopped using McAffee because it decreased my speed by 1000Kbps even with a format and new install I could not fix the problem and Tech support from McAffee was not helpful at all.... a comment was made 2me whats more important speed or safety.... WTF....I now use AVG (which is free) and I have no speed loss I even removed McAffee firewall although it wasnt slowing down my system speed.... So ya dont always get what ya pay 4.... Microwave
  21. Its my understanding if you just download sp2 you dont need that other B.S. and even b4 SP2 there are patches that are
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