First welcome to the site I hope you will enjoy and we will try and help..... DANGER, DANGER, DANGER Will Robinson....You dont have a firewall, are you at least running a anti virus pgm????
I have a Reg file that will restore your problem with recycle bin, PM me if you want it....or there is a fix on Kellys Korner the link is.......
If I remember correctly that was one of the first tools you made for us members to use, an it has come in handy 4me many times... Now can you make me a tool that turns lead into gold I'll split it with ya.....L0L
It seems like Dway ppl have a recurring issue with speed. I am not having any problems and if others were we sure would have heard about it by now......good luck I know from ppl posting that Dway requires fine tunning and they don't get much support from the company....sorry and good luck to you......
Thats just one more reason that I keep saying I'm not a big fan of sp2, I recently had a conversation with someone I have "known" over the net for a few years and he told me that when sp2 is breeched by someone it has allowed more and easier access to everything on a P.C...... I guess it really doesn't matter once someone gets into your puter the party is over anyway. My argument has always been that for many ppl sp2 slows down their connection or freezes the puter............. and my favorite flaw is it doesn't work properly with other pgms........of course there are many ppl that have installed sp2 and it seems to work O.K.......unless they have been hacked and are not aware of it YET. There are always two sides to ever coin or in this case "patch".
I don't remember either bot I added the bottom any royalties should be directed my way...... L0L.... I'll look around I may have info in file that tells who!!!