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Everything posted by MICROWAVE

  1. Trust me ppl can still do what they want.....do you know what the WPA file in system 32 is for, and its in your legit copy
  2. harleyrider25670 , Welcome to the site, I don't think I have "spoken" to you b4, I will try to help although as you know things are different with a Satellite connection, first have you looked at your proxy connection to see if you have secure turned on , actually ya should just check for all settings, anyway pls check that first and let me know.... Microwave
  3. Stank_Ho....nice speed, where ya been havent seen ya in a while.....still as beautiful as ever ic, is that a new halter top Microwave
  4. I wouldn't reuse solution, my wife uses contacts and the more years that go by the more sensitive your eyes become to infection, whatever "crud" is in the solution after the first use, its used to clean the second time and its not going to be as effective...IMHO.....its kinda like the same reason I take showers, I don't take baths because I don't wanna Wash my face with the same water I just used to wash my ass....L0L if ya get my point.... Microwave
  5. Thats why he is "Graphics PimP" it is an earned nick which he deserves.. he did a lot of tight Sig's here and I'm guessing other places to.
  6. How can you tell that its what is slowing you down Microwave
  7. S.O.P C.Y.A. and Pass the Buck, makes perfect sense to me....L0L and the good news and most import thing is ya got MAD speeds now I saw that 7.9 Mbps you posted...... L0L Microwave
  8. DING<DING<DING<DING<DING< and we have a winner hmmmmm your at work huh ? L0L Thats the best place to figure out this kinda stuff..... L0L Microwave
  9. Damn dude thats killer.....have fun ..^5 Microwave
  10. A guy picked up a load of nickles from the federal depository and was to deliever his load in Florida. His load was 3.6 million nickles weighing 22 tons, now they found the empty truck in Florida but no driver
  11. bubba1965 ....OK, for starters, by default WinXP allocates 1.5x physical memory for the MAX pagefile size. The recommended size is also 1.5x physical memory, but most people will also recomend that you keep the MAX and MIN size the same. Experimenting will help you determine the best size according to your needs. You may find that you don't need a Pagefile at all, as many people with 512MB RAM or more can disable the pagefile. Others find that they only need a small pagefile while others still need larger ones due to the types of applications they run.Remember you can always go back to your starting point. To change the pagefile, you can right click My Computer, select Properties, in the dialog box select the Advanced Tab. Under Performance, click the Settings button, in the dialog box, select the Advanced Tab. Under Virtual Memory you can change the size and location of the Pagefile I hope this helps a little..... If not there are instructions (pic) for plan 'B"..... L0L Microwave
  12. Indestructable, Yes
  13. OIC didn't even think about that....so that means you gotta a great speed at a great price..... Microwave
  14. Damn thats a good speed and all but, that a lot of money I pay less than $80.00 a month for HSI and cable T.V with a couple of movie channels........ Pffffftt its only money I guess.... Microwave
  15. Would anyone have any idea on how I can remove freeware and put Microwave and change colors......... It also revolves every 5secs or so..I am good at artwork I can draw a straight line if I use a ruler... LoL anyway suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks Microwave
  16. I had 186ms....... Microwave
  17. cobra nice tutorial very helpful thanks..... Microwave
  18. Is this where I post my speed for a 56k modem? :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4793 Kbps about 4.8 Mbps (tested with 12160 KB) Download Speed is:: 585 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 86 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.75 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=FSG9OHUJ1
  19. Well maybe just a little ...but I think I can handle it......... or can I? lol Microwave
  20. ROFLMAO...... keyboard warrior,, where do you get this stuff? lol Microwave
  21. me Microwave Type Speed kbps 28.8k Modem 28 33.6k Modem 33 56k Modem 56 64k ISDN 64 128k ISDN 128 384k DSL 384 768k DSL 768 1.5Mb DSL/Cable 1500 You 2017
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