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Everything posted by MICROWAVE

  1. mbrainerd , OMG that really does sux....corporate America is the only ppl that can rob someone and not get busted for it..... sad thing is its not even that fast for what you will pay except for the upload.... Microwave
  2. vern First welcome to the site, I'm sorry to hear about your experience with starband. From your description it has not been a pleasant ride... We certainly are thankful that you gave us a heads up on their what appears to SOP, not only that it ain't cheap. If anything changes please let us know, word of mouth is the only thing in this case that allows someone to see the real deal..... Thanks again.. Microwave
  3. You might try create a new account and give it admin and see if you can proceed., is the problem just with the update or getting to the site so it can see what is needed by your PC ? Microwave
  4. Bring that computer on down to Tucson ( with ur connection of course) and Im sure someone at the U of A can make it work better....LOL jk Microwave
  5. cable :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4753 Kbps about 4.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 580 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 85 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.77 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=SNKAG93M2 I guess
  6. helloimtim, Go ahead and post and if something is wrong I'll fix it.... OK. Microwave
  7. Yep flywhiteguy VanBuren has helped alot of ppl for a long time, he has his tweaks tight.... keep visiting and tell your friend about us.... Microwave
  8. OMG ROFLMAO his white Canadian impression is one of the funniest I have ever seen..... this guy is good....LOL he has his impressions of people down pat..... thanks again Microwave
  9. Yeah I needed realplayer ...thats all,, and wingzero2309 ur right this guy is really funny Im listening right now.....I didnt even know I had a disease .....one jina.....LMAO...thanks I needed that...... Microwave
  10. OK why cant I open it?? Dammit I wanna laugh.....Grrrrrrrr reno or wingzero2309 what do I need to open this bad boy?? Or probably where do I go....now be nice.....LOL Microwave
  11. If I'm understanding your question correctly once you have your proxy set up it doesn't matter what browser you are using... if its working OK in IE it will also work in FF, although I have seen many ppl write that DirecWay is set up to work with IE, but let us know maybe yours will be OK and work the same. As you know Sats kinda change the rules.... LOL Microwave
  12. netmasta , Thanks for the links, I'm sure they will be helpful Microwave
  13. As you know anytime your higher than your cap, its all good....LOL nothing like a free ride as far as I can see.... Microwave
  14. If you are running XP Home there is a file on the CD-ROM in the valueadded portion that has ntbackup that will copy your entire drive or portions if thats what you wish. It needs to be installed to your drive from the CD,If you have another O.S. tell us what kind and will see best way 4u, As netmasta said ya can export a the Reg but I dont have very good luck with that and it cant always reload everything because things are open, thats just my experience Im told others love it and have no problem... good luck .. Microwave
  15. Ok guys I think we all get the msg, at least we all care about what goes on so lets all do the right thing and make the site even better... Microwave
  16. resopalrabotnick, You seem to like that one , but isnt it really a nitemare and not a joke?? LOL Microwave
  17. Great question, yes first if you can why dont you try and help anyone with a question in that area, and of course there are still many tech tips available to users posted. Thanks for your help Microwave
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