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Everything posted by MICROWAVE

  1. .s1 LOL yep got me... Microwave
  2. Those things may be fixable without a format, do you have the same problems if you log on as a different user?? I just usually try and format as a last resort although it can be lots more time consuming to trouble shoot the problem. On the other hand trying to fix stuff is how I learned everything (not that its alot ) and I dont mind doing it ,actually I enjoy it although I do get pissed sometimes...LOL..... I keep a good copy of everything on CD, unless I made a copy of a corrupt file or pgm I can load it back to my drive after a format and Im back in business. either way good luck..... Microwave
  3. And VanBuren gets one more into lightspeed or as close as it can get.....LOL Microwave
  4. Thanks guys I had to read a couple of times.... LOL Microwave
  5. netmasta, Thanks I just sent for it,even though it takes awhile I will have it when and if I need it for myself or friends..... Microwave
  6. I wonder if this guy was on unemployment and had to apply 4jobs? Maybe they were calling where he went to see if he applied, it just is crazy that if he really wanted a job that he thought this would help, unless he was trying humor, but it doesnt say if he got the job or not......hmmm I wonder?? Microwave
  7. Thanks Reverend Microwave
  8. that is pretty cool and original....nice one Cobra ........ Microwave
  9. Yep no reason it shouldnt.... only I would caution about heat but, if its not an issue then no worries..... Microwave
  10. IMHO I say no wait.............I still haven't installed sp2, I have heard and still do hear horror stories. If I was going to install it I would rather install a OS that came with SP2 installed. If a person is able to lock all the doors for intruders and stop Poop-Ups etc then it may not even be necessary to use sp2. Of course as with most issues of this nature there are people on both sides of the issue and some like me straddling the fence. I have always waited some time b4 I install patches from micro-sloth or really from most except for my A.V. pgm just as a matter of routine, my reason is I have been burnt along with others over the years and seen many worthless patches and patches that slow down the computer and this may not be apparent at first.But thats just me I could be wrong.... Microwave
  11. I have heard this argued about as long as computers have been around, and IMO its a matter of preference, although I'm not sure I have ever seen any kind of thorough testing reports concerning this. Microwave
  12. I like Outpost but they are both very good Walls.... you'll see and make the right decision .... Microwave
  13. DUH ....yep...........LOL different ball game....but it still stands out in my mind for some reason..... It just may be a senior moment.....LOL never can tell.. Microwave
  14. netmasta , Thats a common issue and can be hard to find and solve, very good info thanks.....{Applaud}..... Microwave
  15. Hmmm I thought a disk could be un or decompressed....but now I'm not sure, but I'm gonna find out....it seems like I was told once upon a time is a way to look at a compressed drive is that its almost like its Zipped.....now I wont be able to go to s;sleep until I find the correct answer......LOL Microwave
  16. I have a friend that is a nurse and she is one of the funniest and most charming people I have ever known....what a heart she has, I guess to make a carrer outta helping others you must......but one of the funniest things she ever said to me was .....ya know you cant trust women (she is a women) How can you trust some that bleeds for a week every FU@#$%G month and they dont die.......LOL maybe its just funny 2me but she said that a long time ago and I never forgot it.........BTW Im not women bashing.... Microwave
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