This is how this bad boy works for XP home users like my self....
Install Backup on Windows XP Home Edition (lame that its not already installed 4u)
Users of XP Home Edition that have tried to back up their systems may have been surprised to find that the Backup utility is not included in the default installation of Windows XP Home Edition. No Backup icon is present on the Start menu in Windows XP Home Edition, nor is Backup listed in Add Remove Programs for Windows XP Home edition. No mention of the utility is made anywhere during the installation, but it is included with Windows XP Home Edition. It's just necessary to do a manual install to prepare it for use. Why did Micro-sloth try and keep this a big secret??
To Manually Install the Backup Utility
Insert the CD Rom and navigate to CD-ROM Drive:VALUE ADDMSFTNTBACKUP
Double-click the Ntbackup.msi file to start the wizard that installs Backup
When the wizard is complete, click Finish.
Thats all folks and it works nice just a little different than XP Pro.....