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Everything posted by MICROWAVE

  1. Its possible that there is a trained professional waiting for the orders to take someone out..... Microwave
  2. cholla , There are many reasons why test vary at any given time, but I believe that TESTMY.NET is the most consistently accurate site on the net. If you look in the archives you can see some benchmark testing from different sites and different browsers and TESTMY.NET was the most accurate.. I have a friend that uses a different site for testing because it gives him the highest score..... LOL I guess if that makes him feel better its OK.....LOL anyway enjoy the site and keep testing and tell your friends about us..... Microwave
  3. Hmmm I would think that comes under the horror forum, unless thats really what they are doing is playing a joke on everyone.... Microwave
  4. This is how this bad boy works for XP home users like my self.... Install Backup on Windows XP Home Edition (lame that its not already installed 4u) Users of XP Home Edition that have tried to back up their systems may have been surprised to find that the Backup utility is not included in the default installation of Windows XP Home Edition. No Backup icon is present on the Start menu in Windows XP Home Edition, nor is Backup listed in Add Remove Programs for Windows XP Home edition. No mention of the utility is made anywhere during the installation, but it is included with Windows XP Home Edition. It's just necessary to do a manual install to prepare it for use. Why did Micro-sloth try and keep this a big secret?? To Manually Install the Backup Utility Insert the CD Rom and navigate to CD-ROM Drive:VALUE ADDMSFTNTBACKUP Double-click the Ntbackup.msi file to start the wizard that installs Backup When the wizard is complete, click Finish. Thats all folks and it works nice just a little different than XP Pro..... Microwave
  5. lance49726 nice tools thanks for pointing these out... Microwave
  6. I did same thing with back btn.... LOL Microwave
  7. I was trying to say the same thing Reverand......just didn't come out right..LOL many ppl don't like system restore I happen to use it because I see no slow down by doing so. I feel especially for any novice user it can save a lot of headaches, although I will add that its not always effective but when it is it can save many hours of tedious work... I think its another one of these personal preference issues.... IMO....good luck.. Microwave
  8. Yep Ghost is a great pgm for that.... Microwave
  9. Its only for Los Vegas customers, which sucks because I have COX~HSI in Arizona ,they dont have a test site down here anymore that I can find, the one I used here was taken off line..... Oh well ....LOL Microwave
  10. That doesn't make sense because you have it maxed out. If you have plenty of room left on your drive it should be able to hold many many days,I would first try turning it off and reset and turning it back on. The issue I see is that it should work properly because it is keeping one days setting. There is no way that I have ever seen that this is possible due to settings, that would mean a corrupt file somewhere IMO. Try off and on and let us know in the meantime I will look at some other settings and tips..btw is this home or pro?? Microwave
  11. I haven't seen these b4, I like them all but the one netmasta posted is especially nice because it gives me sooo much power.....LOL :) Microwave
  12. Post speeds tested on this site, Lets see how they compare...I believe this to be the most accurate site around...... Microwave
  13. Well Reverend you got a witness AMEN......great ty.... :) Microwave
  14. The pic below is where it appears point mouse and click...... Microwave
  15. Very strange, upload twice as fast........Hmmmmm ....I dont get it Microwave
  16. A GRANDMOTHER got into a sticky situation when she confused her eye drops with superglue..... geez that must happen to ppl
  17. .s1 your to kind to me ty.... Microwave
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