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Everything posted by MICROWAVE

  1. Nah we dont laugh at people for not knowing something about a computer ......RAM(Random Access Memory) comes in blocks of 256, or 512 and so on......so 256,plus 256 plus 256plus 256 equals 1024
  2. Thats four minutes before one o'clock am.....many countrys in Europe use military time, so 24hundred is midnite....written 24:00 and one o'clock am is called oh 100 and written 01:00 one of the many things I learned in the Army and rarely use anymore....LOL or some call it Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), Microwave
  3. Grrrrrrr Microwave
  4. I think thats what he is saying is between the chair and the keyboard....LOL I dont know if Im really in agreement with that statement though..... Microwave
  5. Sorry I am helping my cousin at their business for a couple of days setting up 3 new computers on a network.....This is almost like work....LOL I did sign on 1 time 2day but 56k is unbearable 2me... and besides I'm suppose to be working...LOL..... Hmmm family .....I'll bet if I was a brain surgeon I'd be operating on everyone....LOL.... and worst part is everyone is very computer challenged....LOL ... I keep hearing just make it work please.... and I keep saying but....it is working your just clicking the wrong btns.... LOL... Oh well only a couple more days,.... and I have help for the grunt work so being a "BOSS" is pretty easy....LOL And maybe someday they will have broadband in their area.......................... Microwave
  6. Thats funny Microwave
  7. Thats fair ....isnt it?? Microwave
  8. yep it is ...fat fingers just woke up.. and didnt have glasses on .....LOL Microwave
  9. Yep they should have done both at the same time ....Like my ISP did recently Microwave
  10. studiojohnny , Thanks good points and understanding of pgm. Microwave
  11. How true with marriage and I dont want anything from thats guy's refer ...LOL Microwave
  12. I agree old ones looked much better.... Microwave
  13. I like the beats 2the robot tune....2bad it didnt show the Bots bustin a move....LOL....the diviorce song...LOL as soon as Daddy gets home from the bar and stole a car.... WTF wuz that a tune 2a crack baby...??? funny Micerowave
  14. I wonder if it was some transnational card, I have seen some weird things come from the lab to the field but when it went to production it got normal-ed up.... Microwave
  15. One of the many beautiful visions from C.R..... very nice... Microwave
  16. Yep I just looked...of course the forum was much quiter back then ....but after the first post I havent shut up since. LOL ...... I just recently posted on DSL reports to get an avatar, ya need 6 post I think and I have been reading there b4 I ever came here....my first post there was about this site a long time ago I posted a link and review to here. Microwave
  17. I get that on my yahoo page everyday ....funny stuff.... Microwave
  18. I'm gonna have 2b careful when I'm outside with all this stuff falling from the sky......its a good thing elephants dont fly.... Microwave
  19. MugenPower44, Can ya give us an update on your svc call 4Monday....? Microwave
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