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Everything posted by MICROWAVE

  1. Ok better,......... you explained , now I know what your talking about but, I know the pic your talking about but I'm not sure what the question is, and I guess maybe if you asked the person that has it he could
  2. organ_shifter, Thanks very good review and I'm in agreement with your findings, as I was surprised with MS new pgm also (applaud) Microwave
  3. Great idea reno I try and do the same............... it is kinda funny to me though that we write and care so much about something that means absolutely nothing....LOL.... Haa funny corporeal beings........ Microwave
  4. With about the same number of users ,,,,,, and this is actually a little higher than normal 4me I wonder if because my speed remains the same that it points the problem away from TestMy and in another direction?? Microwave :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4886 Kbps about 4.9 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 596 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 87 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.72 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=XN0U6XD3E
  5. Are you clicking the back BTN and if so why? I thought for accurate readings I should click re-test Microwave
  6. A Default receive window(RWIN) at 17520 is a default setting
  7. Yeah I agree you got sent there because of your speed or more correct would be the test interpreted your speed as being above its limit so it bumped you to the next level to get a more accurate reading..... you got mad speed...... wanna trade ....LOL Microwave
  8. Yey Reverend thanks for the great info (applaud)for us,its very useful and I use MRU-Blaster. along with other measures. These are issues that I think people should at least be aware of, so again thanks for the great post.... Microwave
  9. Not me I dont have the fastest but its great because I pay4 3000/256..... Microwave
  10. Welcome to the site I hope you enjoy and if your speed can be improved there are people here that will be happy to help.......... Yep I gotta agree with RTB your ISP is telling you something that they wont even come close to.. There must be some fine print somewhere...... the good news is that it may be possible to improve your speed...... Keep visiting and tell your friends about TESTMY.NET Microwave
  11. Now it makes sense to do it for a dwarf..... But will the real Slim Shady please stand up, Please stand up, Please stand up Microwave
  12. Yea its like when the government comes to you and says we are here to help......watch out...... but this could be the NEW Billy Gates..... ya think? Microwave
  13. OMG Microwave
  14. Yeah I have already been running this software......havent really noticed anything different yet and I also run some other scumware remover pgms....... Microwave
  15. I have the correct driver if this is for 98se, I couldnt find anywhere what O.S. your running.......let me know :) Microwave
  16. Now if only more people would close the door on their ISP so they cant be tracked....its not that I or anyone else has something to hide its none of their business how or where I surf......especially when Im paying 4a service and they are looking over my shoulder ...........Thanks Reverend :) Microwave
  17. If its system wide why isnt it affecting me??? Microwave
  18. Whats strange is I dont notice any thing wrong....my speed has stayed the same... Microwave :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4752 Kbps about 4.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 580 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 85 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.77 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=XNACDU57G
  19. Ahhh so thats where Houston is....LOL .s1 Microwave
  20. LOL we need a pvt testing site... .. Microwave
  21. Hmmm I was able to use this link b4(yesterday) but its not working now.......I'll try again later Microwave
  22. Just think Happy thoughts Microwave
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