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Everything posted by MICROWAVE

  1. kennybgood, Welcome to the forum, I hope you will enjoy and tell your friends about TESTMY.NET.... I think your the first MAC tweaker I have seen here and IMO the place to start is with your Sat connection my guess is that may be where you get slowdowns, we have a very knowledge moderator here named Reverend that knows his stuff with Sat you can find him in the DirecWay forum......good luck and keep visiting.... Microwave
  2. Yeah I agree non members scores shouldn't be kept for very Long maybe a few months, maybe it Will encourage non-members to join.............and man thanks for keeping all this data for all of us.... its all about the smartest........ Microwave
  3. This is only a test dont respond this will be deleted Microwave http://www.mindspring.com/~davidmesquita/greeny.jpg
  4. Maybe it wasn't an error.....who knows, I don't really take that to seriously although it may be a slight indication on how people are perceived by others.... but what makes them right?? ....Now watch someone click smite a couple of times just to prove me worng........ or would that really make me right... LOL Microwave
  5. Nah your just misunderstood by some .....IMHO you have helped many people here {applaud} Microwave
  6. bamatide , Nice job........{applaud} Microwave
  7. That just ain't right........something is wrong with whoever thought this up...... LOL Microwave
  8. With beans or meat or both........ its all good........... Microwave
  9. is this a true story?? Microwave
  10. One more reason why CA3LE is such a stand up GUY....... Microwave
  11. Thanks, I don't use auto update for most pgms, I'll go and get this one I usually wait to see if any problems are talked about b4 using......... Microwave
  12. Those things are fun.... Microwave
  13. Well the goverment always knows best...............dont they??? Microwave
  14. Yep thats a good one that I have used for sometime , got the tip in the Langa Letter and its a tip on some tweaking sites. There is way to much stuff running on a default system..... great info to pass on Reverand {applaud} thanks Microwave
  15. Reverend, Ya beat me also I retired at 51.......but 35 would have been a lot nicer.....LOL waiting till 65 just would suck in my opinion.........but lots of folks don't want to retire I'm not sure why ,to me retired doesn't mean your life is over it can just be getting started if you want... Microwave
  16. There is a place for individual users to turn off Sig's and something else I believe, and by doing this it will help speed up page loading, this may depend on the connection a person has..... but I'll try and find the exact place where this is done. I'm sure this would help speed anyone but especially 56k users. I haven't noticed slower page loads but it is something that can be looked at. Microwave
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