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tommie gorman

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Everything posted by tommie gorman

  1. I think that would be different since he is re-enlisting. Not sure. tstillery savings sucks, try to take your time and invest in something. You actually lose money when it is put in savings. The cost of living will outrun any gain you achieve. And yet you will still have to pay taxes on what little you earn on your savings. Again just my thoughts. We have to look out for our boys. I assume you are going for the extra 10 years.
  2. Nice speed increase jesusmta 1698 Kbps to 2127 Kbps. And at a slower time of day. Anything different you are doing?
  3. Yeah, I am on the TCP Optimizer also. It is so much simpler and seems to do better for me. Congrats. Post a speed test!
  4. Calm down, what have you done so far?
  5. This time of day will be slower since everybody is also using the bandwidth. But that appears slow still. Try reading this to see if your computer is clean. http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-4257 And then you might try to tweak it if you haven't as of yet. http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-1013 And welcome to the forum MaxMau
  6. Are you hitting the back button in your browser to retest, or the (test again) at the top of the page? "NOTE: If you have download accelerators such as the Google Web Accelerator please turn them OFF before testing."
  7. That is pretty consistent on your speeds there. Nice work. What are your advertised speeds?
  8. Just do some good work, which I am sure you intend to. And you will be a hero if you pull it off.
  9. If you want to send me your address by PM, or PO Box I will send you a moneyorder for the purchase of a 4000. $20 OK? just realized you might be UK. That was in US dollars.
  10. Nice list there php. So not quite as loud as a "Rocket Launching" then?
  11. The 4000 is the modem though. Like I said, they are cheap. But so tweakable. At least that is what I have heard. WiFo my contract is up this month or next, and since the 6000 has less D/L than the 4000 and the same U/L I was figuring on changing that way for cheap. Like I said I have 2 waiting in the closet and am anxious to get started. If you have something on the 4000 tweak info, I am sure some of the 4000 diehards would also like to know.
  12. Remember, before you tweak always clean. To make sure the computer is clean. "Achieve the Best Performance Out of Your Computer" http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-4257 And welcome to the forum oistz
  13. Well if I was going to sell them for $10, I would have stupid tatooed on my forhead. I think it is for the entire system including the sat dish and a $100 rebate. And hughes will never commission them that way. So good luck to anyone who tries to buy those hot little items. And make $90 in rebates in the process. But I guess what WiFo wants it for, it would not much matter.
  14. I don't know what the catch is yet dlewis23, but I just e-mailed the seller to find out. That does not make sense. Would be a very good buy though. "HughesNet HN7000 Satellite System Directway Direct Way High Speed Satellite Internet System with $100 Rebate!" just does not make sense for $10. I just think it is tooooo gooood!
  15. Like you cholla, I am not sure if I was the deciding factor. And they were a sub Goodyear dealer.(they subbed their work with the name) One rule of business that all successful business's know is that for every bad word, it takes 10 good words to rule it out. They want you to be happy. Another one I had was I was purchasing some window glass, I asked the person if I could get it wrapped with a sheet of paper because it makes the glass much safer to handle. They responded that they did not have anything to wrap it with. I ended up breaking the glass at a store I went to next and getting cut in the process. I went back to the store and drove down the alley behind the store. There was a stack of boxes at least 15' high. Well this thoroughly pissed me off. I went back in and presented the broken glass. I also took one of the employees out back to show him the stack of boxes with which they could have wrapped the glass in. He showed no concern or remorse. I went back in the morning to talk to the store manager, same responce. Well they are no longer in business either. Did I do this? We will never know. But I feel much better.
  16. Actually the 4000 is real cheap on ebay. I purchased 2 of them. One for $10 the other for $20. http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?MfcISAPICommand=GetResult&ht=1&shortcut=0&from=R41&query=directway+4000+modem&category0= They also have one right now for $ .99 Lol http://cgi.ebay.com/DIRECWAY-4000-DW4000-SATELITE-MODEM-WITH-POWER-SUPPLY_W0QQitemZ180018184810QQihZ008QQcategoryZ86717QQssPageNameZWD7VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  17. Been fun tagging around the forum with ya. Just saw the post. Hope all goes well. Enjoy, and remember, just click your heels twice. You will be home in no time! By the way, cool looking tank. I wonder what the MPG is? We will keep the yellow ribbon on the tree, your spot warmed up, and the door open.
  18. Welcome to the forum WiFo Go dude. If I had one I would help. Just out of curiousity, is any of that possible on the 4000 modem. SInce they are set up differently as far as updates are considered? I think I said that right. Maybe it was supposed to be firmware.
  19. philp don't you still have the 12160 file test coknuck gave you? http://www.testmy.net/tools/test/d_load.php?ni=1&tt=1&s=12160&st=st
  20. That means you are allowed to D/L more material, with out being penalized with Fair Acces Policy. Which means you would be slowed down after a certain amount of D/L material. Lets say it another way. Dway only has so much bandwidth to use, and if you use over your alotted amount, they slow you down to dail-up speeds until after an alotted amount of time. So your alottment went up when you changed packages. Even though the ones that not use it up, do not get a refund. So go figure. I never use mine up or get fapped. I think I should be able to get something for it, or at least be able to build up points or something. I hope that explained it enough. Welcome to the world of satelite.
  21. Well with "All of that running, I would say those are some great speeds! I use the TCP Optimizer also, it is so much simpler for me. And I think I get the same speeds as the cablenuters.
  22. I went and had a truck inspected one time ant the mechanic wrote up 2 pages on my old pickup. I said no way. So I went home and got my ElCamino which I knew was in pretty good shape, and they returned with 3/4 of a page. This really pissed me off. So I took them to a different shop, and they received 1/3 as many bad points. Fixed the items and got them both passed. So I went back to the old shop and asked to speak to the shop manager. I asked him why his mech's were such buttheads and just who in the hell taught them to be this way. He replied he did. Well by time I was done with him and warning him I would go to the State Patrol and have them investigated, "Guess what" I got my money back on the 2 inspections his shop had done. And I never went back, and told everybody I knew in that small town how piss poor the service was. They were closed in less than a year. They were failing cars just for the shop work, and they were outragous.
  23. Welcome to the forum melges84 So you are on the 5/256 connection package then. Have you thought about going up to the 10/1000 package? Those speeds look pretty good.
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