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tommie gorman

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Everything posted by tommie gorman

  1. Amen Pgoodwin1, since as long as before 2006 hughes-net sucks.
  2. Did you use up your FAP? Have you reset your modem and cleaned the machine? A few things back in the day that did that. Are you on a router? Is the sky clear? Best of luck.
  3. Thanks, and welcome aboard. Where are the smilies hiding. Did mudmanc steal them again?
  4. Where is Roco when you need him. He's from England also. Before he moved he was on Hampton Hill.
  5. Which sticky, and likely it still works.
  6. Guess I ought to say hello also. Been a while since I was here.
  7. Yes Florida is half way across the country alright. Nice speeds.
  8. No Sprint 4G available?
  9. Yes a wonderful holiday season to all I hope. Mine was as well as could be expected.
  10. Maybe clear your cache?
  11. Yes it was a good one, and best wishes to all.
  12. Happy Birthday to both of you.
  13. I can't open that one, thanks conuck and Roco. I think its because the 11th falls on Tuesday this year.
  14. If that is 3G as in EVDO its still used in MO.
  15. The raspberry was for the daughters as they were being ornery with the camera at the time. Thanks conuck, not bad yourself.
  16. I"ll see if I still know how to put on a pic. My most recent I have. I am told I do pretty good for 55. I'd post one of the fiancé and I but her job likely won't allow it. IRS personel.
  17. Lower the speed of the download. That should help. Its shapeable.
  18. Here in KCMO its not been great. At my girlfriends house Netflix is constantly loading during watching it, at my house it seldom loads a movie on a up to 5meg connection. She was on the 25 meg connection, and Comcast said you simply need the 50 meg to stream consistently, when I called and asked Netflix they said a 5 Meg was all that was needed to watch it smoothly, they were right if your not on Comcast I guess .... in KCMO anyway. She was so happy to drop their $252 a month payment and get the 5 Meg wireless for $70 plus $9.95 majic jack phone and antennae free TV. . Yipee. we spent the extra cash on a nice steak dinner for two and had money left over.
  19. Or 4G EVDO.
  20. Yes, and yes about time. So email me some time for details. <wink>
  21. The more reasons people give to go smart phone seems the more reasons I have not to. IMO of course. Other than my girlfriend wants me to get one.
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