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tommie gorman

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Everything posted by tommie gorman

  1. I about to suggest cellular, but that seems to be out. I was happy, but also got in on the unlimited plan. Have been pleased ever since.
  2. Finally and good speeds there fikester.
  3. If I am not mistaken what your clearing is the cookies in your browser, and that would have nothing to do with TMN. Like you just my thoughts.
  4. Maybe you have been cleaning your cache? Just a thought.
  5. XP was never a bother for me. IMO. Good to see you again ninja.
  6. You missed the eggnog silly .... but honestly it was pretty good though.
  7. A belated to one and all also.
  8. It has been a long time since I used XP. But with the drop in speed of Vista windows for a few years till it died, windows 7 has been a breath of fresh air personally. Just my personal thoughts.
  9. Just a thought while your waiting maybe a screenshot of it? Just a thought.
  10. I used email back and forth for a few after he left here, but one day he just stopped responding. So no go for a few.
  11. Yes it has been a long time since your last post paladin. Many thought you had gone to meet your maker already. Honest.
  12. Is it a fully up to date version? sometimes things are fixed that way. I once got a very corrupt update on Avast once, boy did it screw things up for most of a day. I just updated and all was well again.
  13. Getting out of the contract is usually not easy. As to other options have you checked into EVDO? 4G. It saved several back in the day to get off hughes and not have to choose dial up as the only other option ... me included. Just a thought or two.
  14. Pride comes before the fall. Just saying.
  15. Happy Birthday from the heart and many more.
  16. I think that depends how slow your connection was before. Dial up not hard to see a difference. Go from satellite to something else again big change. So yeah it depends on speed and type of previous service.
  17. I was told once that Shugs came back but was scared of me so he came incognito this time .... or is that under an assumed name. Just a rumor of course.
  18. Hello again sparky. Good to see you drop in again. Never left myself .... just replaced Hughes like you except with EVDO. My intake on it was people are both of your assumptions really. Smoother some but when possible still replacing satellite with something more solid and weather proof. <wink>
  19. Roco would know better. He has years with BT. PM him maybe.
  20. Nice over seas speeds, and great to see you back.
  21. Color me stupid, but what is a Mavericks 10.9 anyway? Maybe a browser?
  22. Nice speeds. Welcome aboard TMN.
  23. I was just going to say that about the link. Thanks xs1
  24. He was a dear friend indeed. I once was sick with pneumonia and he offered to drive from New Orleans LA to KCMO just to make sure I had company. Yes a very dear sweet man. He came here to TMN looking for help on his satellite with Hughes, and later followed me as we both left Hughes and did the Sprint EVDO internet. A better friend would be hard to find. Hope to meet one day soon EWO. Also a veteran in the Air Force. Jim will be dearly missed, my condolences to the family.
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