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tommie gorman

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Everything posted by tommie gorman

  1. Well looks like everybody on 6000 moving to the new 7000. Getting very slow on posts. Started to look like the 4000 board. Not much posting Except for speed scores. Bet this does not even draw too attention. On to the new kid on the block. Darn!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll: :roll:
  2. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1032 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 126 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1) Test Time:: Tue Feb 7 23:16:21 CST 2006 Bottom Line:: 18X faster than 56K 1MB download in 8.13 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 14.29 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-SYZLAC2PH Not too bad for this time of day!!
  3. You'll be fine, just rent the car this weekend, drive the car, turn on some light tunes, for your style and drive it. But get away from heavy traffic, and forgot video games, don't have to rev 5,000 or anything. There is nothing to it except fear itself! Enjoy!!
  4. What does a 6 year old troll look like on a John Deere tractor, any pic's? That would make a cute pic!! By the way a 3/4 ton or 1 ton truck would do ideall :D
  5. When teaching my step son to drive a stick (he had purchased a 65 mustang with 3 spd. Took him out on back road in town. Had him keep taking off from dead stop. He said it was boring. I told him if he could master taking off smoothly, the rest was nothing. The real art is to take off up hill without rolling backward. If you can do that you can burn up the roads. Later speed shifting is the next challenger. All this without grinding any gears. If you get it mastered you will only miss an automatic in town. Anybody can shift a stick when a car is already rolling. ;) Rental car was a good idea, tear their clutch up, they do expect some wear and tear. Don't take any friends along that will antagonize you, You will need a little consentration, and they will not be goading you into rushing into it, ultimately embarrassing yourself at their expense. Really quite simple, should not take but part of a day. ;)
  6. FGOKURULES You intown cable guy's have really got it made. But us fellas who have moved away from city to enjoy country life have to deal with best we can get. So far d-way has been solution. Now would like to upgrade. Cable is 5 miles out. This far out you pay a little extra for phone services etc. They call it a trip charge. Other people out farther are less fortunate. Go into d-way providers and take a look around, you will see. ROM-DOS If fiber is in area it would 1 mile as crow flies. Not sure if it is even there, would be nice. Besides when all becomes available, means city reached me and time to move out a little further again. Just the price of a clean life!!! $100 per month 3000Kbps per month, $420 per month T-1, come on. Have to make solutions, can't tell to kiss azz if they can't reach you. ;)
  7. Go Daddy car was pretty enticing! The hidden Bud Light was a kicker! :oops: :haha:
  8. Was wondering if anyone knows about DSL with an extension. Been looking around for T-1 to replace DirecWay, when I happened to be talking to a COVAD sales rep. who asked me if I had tried to get DSL instead. Told him everbody said I was not close enough, he said he looked it up and that I was 4.2 miles from a Telco and with an extension he could boost it up and get me DSL for $100 per at 3000 connection speed with no activation fees, no equipment charges, $49 rebate, and small business plan. I said if you could do that I would definitely be interested. When I got home I called a computer buddy and he said that he had never heard of it being boosted past 3 miles before. I asked him if they might have little bit newer technology he might have missed out on, he seemed a little offended and said they have not changed it no way. Anybody that might have some real experiences with this, or technical input? Also anybody that might have switched from satellite to extended DSL. :roll: ALSO which provider would this be under, so hard to tell so finally came here!
  9. And you guys said the geek squad was worthless. The best O.J.T. is usually found in the crummiest shops. And you then know what bad business is. My auto mechanic teacher suggested a used car lot for the best experience, don't have to brag about where you got your experience until you can say several years ago...etc
  10. If there was just a way to thank them in actual recognition. Say after so many points they get a recognizable brownie point after so many. I would have many a mark to several fellas along the way, but did not know if that were possible. Just that when you get very helpful information you could hit a button and they would get a hit point. So many points at end of year and they get to boast a logo or something for a year or month or something. :roll:
  11. Does mean we are not supposed to use them in our post, how is this supposed to work? Personal Use - You may use my smilies freely in emails and blogs. Public Use - If you feature my smilies in forums, blinkies, image collections, or any other manner in which people other than yourself will use them, please credit my work with a link or banner. For Profit - Including my smilies as part of a product or service that can be purchased requires a license. Please contact me to discuss the terms.
  12. So what kind of exceleration could you probably have gotten if you had maxxed it out in this way, or do you still have the setup to try this? 300 connection speed,or will the world never know? Not really trying to rib you, it is just that you are so good at it that you have our undivided attention. Kind of like watching an auto race we're the ones crashing, and you are the one winning. "The dial-up terminator". Stay tuned for further events, and now for a commercial.
  13. Already seen action, just did not how to delete.
  14. Just try downloading AVG free Anti Virus onto hard drive, from http://free.grisoft.com/doc/2/lng/us/tpl/v5 Get offline unhook modem if necessary. Assuming you con get MacAffee back when you want. Install AVG free, update, restart and try again. I ditched Norton when still had 9 months service left and have not been sorry since. Solved a lot of my problems. Good luck. of 2 best free Anti Virus programs out there. Avast being the other one.
  15. Could you shed some light on the aformentioned subject, would be interesting in the dial forum. Have a couple of interested ears listening. Would have had more attention in this forum. Thanks. Did not how else to get your attention.
  16. Someone should put this in dial-up forum, would get ROM-DOS's attention then maybe we could better info on it.
  17. So would that be a multiple dial up provider, or what. Maybe dual provider. I would seriously try it if someone could simple-user map it out for me! Seriously! Would be able to use on kids computer, instead of having to share my slow Dway speeds for their use. If it worked well I might be interested in doing it for myself! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :roll:
  18. Thanks for the assist fellas, was obviously swimming over my head. :lol:Thought I was helping, but soon ran out of answers. :oops:
  19. Maybe that is how ROM-DOS achieves his speeds. That is very interestng!!!! So instead of just splitting 56k into twin 28k's, you can actually double or triple 56k onto one computer, for $9.98 per month? Requires 2 computers or modems? Really interesting stuff, and cheap to experiment with. A little more details please??? Sounds like that would beat the hel_ out of partial T-1 for price. MORE PLEASE!!!!!!!! Sort of like sticking 4 carburetors on a 4 cylinder engine and getting it to run right. Bad as_ 4 banger. Hmm. :shock: :shock:
  20. Actually thought maybe you were dial up looking for an alternative. Sorry! :oops:
  21. Nice connection, should receive an answer by the next time you get on line tomorrow. A lot of the more intelligent fellows will answer it by then. I am just an older net surfer looking to help those within my knowledge. Sounds like you want someone with more experience. Just be patient and they will answer. In the meantime have a soda and read the forums and post some silly stuff. If no answer by tomorrow when you get on try adding another post below your present one, and that keeps it at the top of the stack. Also welcome to the forum, pardon my manners.
  22. Did I really say that? Damn I must need help!! :haha: :haha:
  23. Choke, puke, cough, cough, try satellite. Direcway, Earthlink, etc... Faster than dial up to share at least.
  24. Noob, yes just like most of us were when we started Lol. Cable, DSL preferred if you can get it. If you are like me, 5 miles from civilization, choices are Dial up(grandma speed) then tried satellite(cruise the Direcway forum for an earful of paying for it by only other choice)with a 15 month contract), orT-1 (high enough in payments to buy a new car). ;) Read a lot of info in your forum or others and you can learn about computers and different types of services. If you have Cable definitely stick with and be greatly you have it. Or DSL. These guys have plenty of knowledge to give, just ask and you should get an answer. If someone doesn't get back in a couple of days try again in a different section. ;)
  25. By the way does this request for servicer need another route to get to CA3LE or was this the correct route??? :roll:
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