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Everything posted by biker9075

  1. glad I could help
  2. EasyBCD is what you want. Its super easy to use and theres plenty of tutorials on there site. http://neosmart.net/dl.php?id=1
  3. IE8 = I played with it for 10 minutes then went back to Firefox
  4. So I was about to trash my aging Toshiba laptop that just wasn't capable or running, well anything under Windows XP. But then I remembered linux. Installed the latest version of Ubuntu and now everything seems way more responsive under this brick of a laptop. I liked that it even had Firefox pre installed. If only linux was compatible with most of the stuff I use then I would make it the main OS of my other system. Although windows 7 is proving to be fairly nice. An upgrade from Vista at least.
  5. I'm using the Logitech X-540 right now and love it. Great set of speakers for the money
  6. Intel Core 2 duo E6750 2.66GHz OC/ed to 3.2GHz
  7. Based on my use with the previous beta, within the first 30 minutes of use
  8. The CPU could have a bad sensor. Because like others said, there's no way that just a fan will let it run below ambient temps
  9. While it is possible to brick the mobo from updating it, its unlikely if done correctly. Especially if flashing from a USB drive which is the safest method IMO
  10. So then what about the people that download legally and reach there limit? They would also be slowed down. If I am paying for a fast service, then I expect to be able to utilize it. By slowing down people who download a lot seems to be taking a step back in technology in my eyes.
  11. I am currently enjoying my 640GB Seagate 7200.11
  12. If you can't get anything through your card then its most likely dead. Either that or its not getting power via the PCI express slot. But its most likely not that. If you know someone else with a computer that you can test your card on then I would do that before getting a new one.
  13. Do you know if the card is still under warranty or not? Some companies have lifetime warranties.
  14. Onboard cards really aren't meant for gaming. If you want to play games the best thing to do is getting a dedicated PCI express video card
  15. since about '99 I think. Had bluelight internet. Back in the days when 32mb of ram was the norm and an extra 32mb stick cost about 100 bucks haha
  16. I've never had any trouble with Seagate. There both pretty good brands though.
  17. Its fine now, I switched to OCZ RAM and vista x64 and all is good
  18. I just got the Asus Xonar D1 in today and it sounds a lot better then my onboard sound. Alot clearer
  19. I do alot of gaming and music listening with my computer. I found a pretty good deal on the Asus Xonar D1 and went with that. Also, I think theres something wrong with my onboard sound. The rear speakers sound slightly distorted. I checked on the Logitech forums and other people had the same problem with onboard sound.
  20. So then you think it wouldn't be worth it to upgrade to a discreet sound card? What about one of the more expensive ones like this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829102006
  21. Just got a new 5.1 system (Logitech X-540) for the PC. Right now I am using realtek HD onboard audio with codec ALC888. I wanted to upgrade to a discreet sound card so I can hopefully have it sounding its best. I was looking at this card here http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829102002 Anyone know if this will be a pretty big improvement from my onboard?
  22. The cards don't have to be the same brand, or even the same model. I believe it has to be based on the same chip though. However, the card with the faster clock speed will be downclocked to the speed of the slower card. This applies to Nvidia, I am not sure if ATI is the same or not.
  23. OpenSuse 11 with Gnome
  24. Finally got dual booting fixed I don't know what I would do without google
  25. I decided to go with OpenSuse 11 and I got it up and running. However, the grub boot doesn't like vista. It shows Vista on bootup, but when I select it I just get a blank screen that says something like rootnoverify (hd0,0) chainloader (hd0,0) Trying to fix that now
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