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Everything posted by ghostmaster

  1. If we shouldn't give a damn about what Matt Damon thinks, then who cares what this idiot thinks....
  2. Just to keep the testosterone going: Although I disagree with almost everything about her politics, I would totally wreck that chick......
  3. But thats the thing Tommie, we probably won't ever have an honest election, where actual issues are debated. But I have to ask, what is Obama being so dishonest about? Yes the RIGHT AND the LEFT BOTH believe the constitution is a living breathing document. They just don't when someone wants to change something they don't like. That's why they want to use it to ban gay marriage and abortion. And if we didn't update it with the times, women still wouldn't be voting. Bush isn't entirely to blame. Especially for the housing market. Banks are to blame for that. They shouldn't be giving mortgages to people with sub 600 credit scores, and actually expecting them to pay it. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shouldn't have to back those mortgages either.
  4. Meh, I can't sleep so screw it. FYI, NPR puts me to sleep, Colmes is a pussy, WTF is air america?, and just for the hell of it, Rachel Madow should stick to muff diving. I do like Joe Scarborough, Greta Van Susteren, Tucker Carlson on occasion, Chris Mathews, I loved Tim Russert, I admitidly like Keith Olberman because the man tells it like it is, just with a slight liberal slant. CNN is biased, Fox News is biased, so I don't watch much of either. Anyways, this whole thing has gotten way off topic, and the "fact" is, we ALSO don't know who the hell Palin really is. I just don't understand how people can just blindly embraced her because she "shares they're values", instead of looking at what she's done. People said the same thing about Bush, and look at what that got us.
  5. Look, Im not a liberal, and im not stating the opinions of anyone other than me. You should know by now, I don't lean either way. The facts are clear on Palin's record, they are only telling you things you want to hear, instead of all of it. TIME FOR MY IM SICK SPEECH: I am sick of the evangelical hijacking of the replublican party. I am sick of Rovian politics. I am sick of creditless attacks. I am sick of the Democratic party and their wimpiness. I am sick of Pundits. I am sick of stupid emails that get spread about both candidates, that have nothing to do with any of the issues our country faces. I am sick of the abortion issue, like it or not, it is not the government's job to make moral descisions for you. I am sick of Jeff Garcia and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. I am sick freedom rhetoric, like any of the candidates are anti-freedom. I am sick of oil companies. I am sick of big government. I am sick Xbox 360 fan boys. I am sick of the current tax code. I am sick of the name Hussien. I am sick of paying 100 bucks for 2 bags of grocerys. I am sick of GMAC Insurance. I am sick of left wing rhetoric. I am sick of right wing rhetoric. Are you still reading? I am sick of those who mock the idea that we should talk to our enemys. I am sick of argueing with people about individual freedom's, when the one the should be worried about the most, is technically taken away from us. Who the hell cares about a teleprompter? Thats exactly the kinda crap im talking about. What does that have to do with anything? The same thing happend to McCain during his speech at the convention, and he stumbled his way through it, who cares? Here's what I believe, just so it's clear. I consider myself to be far to the right of Obama, and slightly to the left of McCain. I don't believe in God, but I don't judge those who do, nor do I argue with them. I believe that life is not a goverment's choice to make, whether it be the death penalty (except in extreme cases), abortion (although I am personally against it), pulling the plug, etc. I believe that goverment should be 1/3 of the size it is, and that the tax code should be re-written, and the income tax abolished. I believe the role of a small federal goverment should be to manage the federal military, maintain and build infrastructure (roads, bridges), limited regulation of commerce (handle disputes, enfore laws), and assure our security, while maintaining our basic freedoms. Limited social programs, that help those in need, while also encouraging work. I believe in the right to bear arms, but not assault weapons. I am also attracted to the conservative movement, the problem is, they are only conservative when it suit's their needs. I though McCain would be different, but picking Palin leads me to believe otherwise. If I voted for him, I couldnt live with myself if something happend to McCain, and she was to become President. And for your other comments, im going to bed, I'll keep yapping tomorrow...
  6. Rush Limbaugh, and real facts, in the same sentence? I hope that was sarcasm.... And in this case, those are facts, whether or not you want to accept them. Why do you think they are keeping her from talking to the media? If she can't handle the press, how will she handle her job? She was chosen to rally the evangelical conservative vote, and that is exactly what she'll do. All I know is, until she starts talking issues, instead of rhetoric, and cracks on Obama, I will continue to through support elsewhere, even if it is towards Ron Paul. Rovian politics needs to die....
  7. ghostmaster

    Iphone 3g

    Or just send that baby to me, I'll take care of it.... but you'll never see it again...
  8. On the second video, I agree whole heartedly. They are all politicians, but what I don't see, is a video of Obama supporting the war, and Im sure if they could go back in time, a lot of republican's would vote against the war also. The fact is, we can't just leave. If we just pull out suddenly, that will cause chaos. But we have been there far too long. Its time for Iraq's goverment to get off there ass and take over. If you watch the first portion of the Bill O'riely interview with Obama, he AGREES that the war was a mistake. I guess Bill isn't very patriotic is he....
  9. On Palin's daughter: We all know, that if Obama had a daughter, at 17, that was pregnant, the other side would be doing the exact same thing, except it wouldn't be bloggers, it would actually be them. Second of all, if she didn't want her kids in the limelight, then she shouldn't parade them around the way she did at the convention, especially Bristol's "boyfriend". This is a double standard. If she doesn't want liberal nuts exploiting her 17(adult in my opinion) year old daughter, then she shouldn't be exploiting her son, Trak, or her son Trig, for political gain. And please spare me the crap about her not exploiting the baby, because she is. She doesn't yet know about raising a special needs child, because she just had him, he's still a baby. I also don't see how saying the war was a mistake disrespects the soldiers. Voting against veteran's benefits disrepects the soldiers. Here's something for ya to chew on... http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/0,8599,1839724,00.html
  10. Whoa Tommie! You got me on one there...she didn't....but my other points stand... How so? If you lived in a country where religion dictated the government, then the opposite would be one where goverment did everything its power to snuff out religion. Our goverment doesn't. Our constitution was designed to ensure religious freedom in this country, and the only way to do that, is to seperate it from goverment. Public education is part of the goverment, therefore religion should not be part of it. That way, we aren't trying to teach Christianity to Jewish kids against their parents will. What people do at home is their business. If you want your kids to have a christian upbringing, then take them to church, or enroll them in a private christian school. Which brings me to another topic. Why do some republicans, and democrats, think its a good idea for my tax dollars to pay for some other kid to attend a private school? You would think the schools would be against it, since they'd be taking goverment money, and possibly accepting some goverment regulation in the process.
  11. It isn't irrelevant, but it is unlikely. McCain is 72 years old, and has had cancer. Palin is NOT the maverick that McCain is, and I can't in good conscience vote for her, knowing that she is "literally" one heart beat from the white house. Even if she did somehow find her way into the white house, congress must approve the justices. So unless evangelical conservatives take control of congresss, she wouldh have a hard time appointing judges. Although, Bush didn't have a lot of troube getting his 2 tool bags in there. The republican party needs a shake up. I don't think she is different enough to be the person to do it....
  12. Supreme court doesn't make the laws, congress does. Supreme court interprets laws, and assures that they are constitutional. Water wasn't talking about McCain dying and Palin becoming president, she was replying to Tommie's hoping she runs for president. Sarah Palin is a politician. I like her pit bull personality, but I disagree with her on every fundamental issue. And if you want to live in a country where religion is involved in every aspect of government and education, try Iran...
  13. That isn't the point. All it takes is one person, or one group to abuse the system, and they have been given permission to do it. They shouldn't have the right to do it, period.
  14. For a couple of years after 9/11, when we had those dumbass "terror alerts", I would say it was somewhat true, but not right now. I don't think he meant we aren't stable, but was commenting on the strategy that the terrorists are using. But you have to admit, it doesn't take much to send shockwaves through the stock market right now....
  15. Dana is interested in one thing....MONEY....If you think he is trying to send a message to Lesnar, you're nuts....he wants Lesnar in the UFC, and he wants him to win.....because he wants money...
  16. I agreed with everything until you started blaming Bill Clinton for Al Quaeda. I've heard so many people talk about the "crap' that Bush had to clean up. What crap? A balanced budget, strong economy, decent congress? No matter who was president, 9/11 would have happend. Both administrations were briefed with the same information. Both had about the same amount of time to act, and neither did. Clinton's had enough scandals to count on 2 hands. It would take one of those 8 armed kids from India to count the ones from the Bush administration.
  17. I'll tell you what makes me so angry with our current situation. The Patriot Act. (or Super Liberal give it to them raw act,( edited by gmaster for accuracy)) I blame everyone in Washington, AND the media for it. The media made it out to be something that will protect us from the "terrorists", which forced the Democrats, and a lot of republicans to support it to save face. Instead of standing up for our individual rights, they caved. And to the inevitable arguement that it wasn't passed to spy on Americans, or to deny Habeas Corpus, the fact is, it does give them the right to break down your door when they want, or search all of your records when they want, without your permission. And when we give up freedoms like that, it is really hard to get them back. Then again, thats what the terrorists wanted.... Tommie, i've often wondered, why is it that you hate Hillary Clinton? (or the witch, as you say)
  18. The media goes where it wants, when it wants. They were all for invading Iraq in the first place. Thats why Dan Rather went to interview Sadaam in the first place, to make him look like an ass. (not that he wasn't) Now they are all against it, because it is a story, and drives the ratings. They were all pushing for Clinton, until Obama made headway in Iowa. Then they were all about Obama, because it is a story. Now he's being punished by skeptics for that. Is that his fault, or ours? Had the situation been reversed and , we'd be talking about how great Obama is, and how its a shame we're stuck with Clinton. 10 days ago, Im willing to bet that hardly anyone outside of Alaska even knew who Palin was, and now all of a sudden she's the bee's knees. You better take a real hard look before makeing any quick descisions. She is not the hockey mom "real person" you think she is. That's just what they want you to think. Just like Obama isn't the vessel of change you think he is. John McCain was my likely choice BEFORE he picked Palin, now im set to vote for some third party hack like Bob Barr....just to spite the others...
  19. Im good with non sequiters....
  20. LOL, so It's Tommie's baby.....
  21. Troopergate, "Bridge to nowhere" flip flop....I think it was an impulsive descision on McCain's part, and the more I read about her, the more I think it was a bad choice. Being the mayor of a small town, and 1/2 term governor of a state with less than 750,000 population doesn't make you qualified to lead this country, or preside over the Senate. He should have stuck with Romney. Somone who might have the know how to turn this economy around. He wanted Tom Ridge or Lieberman. I think Lieberman would have been a great choice, but the "far right" would have none of it. They would never allow someone who isn't 100% anti-abortion to represent the party.
  22. Lowest blow? She's got more skeletons than we will ever probably know. That's nothing compared to what's been done to demonize Obama. And this news was brought to the table by bloggers, not Obama's campaign. (yeah right though...) If replublicans want to play dirty, they should be prepared to reap what they sow.
  23. Neither does Billy Graham... But then again, Billy Graham isn't mentioned in the article. It is about Senator Lindsey Graham....
  24. You can't use ITunes to get the MP3's off of the it though. I have to use a 3rd party solution for that. I still love my IPOD though....
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