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Everything posted by fikester

  1. go into mydirecway.com, log on, then click on billing.
  2. I'm working on an issue right now with that very same coax on a 135ft run. The numbers on the coax reads: Perfect Vision 3GHz E23210 (UL) CATV/CM/CL2
  3. 1) You do not get a paper bill......this is not included with your service,
  4. Just wandering how many people got an el-cheap-o install like I did?
  5. Is it true that if you reach the FAP on the DW4000, a simple power cycle erases that info from the system.....puts you back up to full speeds? If that is true its no wonder Direcway is pushing the 6000 modem.
  6. [glow=blue,2,300]Congratulations! [/glow] you can now remove the towel from your head and park your camel! I can only imagine how nice that would be 5MBps...maybe in another 10 years?
  7. fikester


    Thats what I was missing...
  8. fikester


    What am I doing wrong here?
  9. Earthsignal has a good idea....cover thy own butt ! You could also request to be switched to a differnt transponder. Good luck
  10. According to the contract you will pay dearly for the cancel after 30days? Prior to the 30day mark the paper work reads you loose activation fee, install charges, and $100 rebate. After this point its several hundred dollars I do believe. I'm surprised they didn't tell you "very good speeds"
  11. For me to switch the offer would need to more than just that....for the package price & equipment difference? http://www.starband.com/findadealer/index.asp 2GB =2048MB
  12. Exactly, who wants a three year contract with technology or equipment that may change today?....one year is plenty long enough! Here are the prices and listed packages: http://www.starband.com/findadealer/index.asp
  13. I do not have it or use it, but cant see where it would be cheaper when the equipment is going to cost you more than Direcway. There is most definitely a FAP policy it just doesn't state what excessive use is. (this could work either way right?) Today FAP might be 350 next day might be 75MB? I read different places of the same kind of complaints....also read that Starband is selling to another company, that could be a good for customers or a maybe not? The only thing I have not heard negative about them is they must have clearly English speaking techs. Only looks to be a few people using this forum in here, but check it out. You can do a general search on the Starband and find plenty of complaints. Unless you prefer [glow=green,2,300]green lights [/glow] instead of [glow=blue,2,300]blue[/glow] myself haven't read enough pro articles for me to switch. Starband
  14. Is there no way to enable the firewall in the [glow=blue,2,300]DW6000[/glow]?
  15. Below is my experiences & opinion only: I can tell you my experience with [glow=blue,2,300]Direcway[/glow] FAP policy....I purposely downloaded 300+ MB (not a solid steady download) over a period of two hours. (music, lots of web pages etc..) nothing happened. Then I thought how about a movie, around 500MB in the 2AM time period... the next morning the download was shut off at 169MB, it just quit, my account showed FAP for one hour time block in the usage logs. So I cant answer you for sure how it recharges....I will try a movie again tonight around 500MB will post results for you in morning. Depending on your DSL speed if it is above 700Kbps connection.save yourself the trouble use the dish to listen for aliens. Seriously the uploads will also average 45Kbps or lower....on a rare occasion the speed go to 100Kbps. There goes on-line gaming as well....big time latency with satellite.Don't be fooled by the test scores either....web browsing is not the same as a solid download....sometimes it hesitates for a second or two before it starts to load a page! Direcway is not as DirecTv advertises with the red head! Never have I experienced instant page loads like they show, never. I could be wrong but think the dish must be installed by a "professional certified installer" too. If I could get DSL tomorrow, almost positively would take the penalty for ending the contract to hook up! Don't get me wrong its not all terrible with satellite, but much more to gain with less problems on DSL. Sat will also cost you at min. of $60/month....thought DSL was around $30? You might want to think about it. Myself since would not choose the satellite connection unless that was the only option other than 26.6 dial up or severe ISP downtimes. All the enhanced advertisements and no other broadband options got me signed on. Most everbody using sat most likely has no other high speed option available to them. Almost forgot you may need to hire a translator to speak to support too..... a great number of techs are very hard to understand.
  16. Every once in awhile I will get those numbers, most likely wont be there in 10mins, almost guaranteed it wont be there by next day. Myself would be happy with steady 40's on Direcway.
  17. Never had the pleasure myself yet of
  18. [glow=blue,2,300]Glowing[/glow] lights to shine on the towel heads?...nope
  19. Someway the
  20. I would like to see a good dial up connection 45kbps or higher .....run a test side by side a satellite system. Web browsing from page to page ([glow=blue,2,300]aired on national TV[/glow]), all jokes aside dial up would put a up a race for the sat system! For downloading large file etc...no comparison, or if dial up connects at 26.6 like it does at my home...... sat wins. 45kbps however would be very close. I have summited the request to Pitsburgh channel 4 news....no response as of yet!
  21. I'm on Horizons1 with the smaller .74m dish ...I wonder if that lowers my Xpol on that bird? Anyway here is my better finds this morning: my downloads are very consistent, uploads is a lottery drawing! :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1006 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 123 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Sun Mar 6 10:00:40 EST 2005 Bottom Line:: 18X faster than 56K 1MB download in 8.33 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 17.66 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-D63TUAXCB :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 91 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 579 KB) Upload Speed is:: 11 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Sun Mar 6 09:48:54 EST 2005 Bottom Line:: 2X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 93.09 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 121.95 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-9YFBGZUCP
  22. I wouldn't place a wager or argue either way....I do know it was supposed to be up quite a few years ago or at least talked about. Hughes is still posting about Spaceway for broadband as well as southernsky. At the same time you may be 100% correct....guess time will soon reveal the answer. I read somewhere else will have to think where....the article mentioned using it for broadband and HDTV, as well another sat to follow behind Spaceway as Spaceway2 ? Even if it carries internet capabilities we all know its going carry an extreme price tag. Myself I still believe something is going to improve somehow for broadband in the boonies. http://www.southernsky.com/faq.htm#a44 http://www.hns.com/HNS/Rooms/DisplayPages/LayoutInitial?Container=com.webridge.entity.Entity%5BOID%5B1C00C36BF513EF4DBEC64906158194CE%5D%5D
  23. I never had a DW4000....have had the DW6000 from the start, just wanted a true experience posted for those who have the 4000 possibly being tricked into a 6000. I have the DW6000 which seems to capped at 1Mbps connection down,
  24. My system revalidates itself between 259200-432000 seconds usually every 3-5days....however doing a power cycle does clear some of the previous ACP stats until it revalidates again....I never run the ACP myself because it wont pass for some reason.....it passed around 77 on the installers laptop but would not get above 55 in the house on my PC ?? I'm not sure if my smaller .74m dish affects this or not?
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