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Everything posted by Aggr3

  1. GKuljian ...the only thing implied by their add is in reference to a 33K modem....and if you read the TOS...that we both singed and agreed to....that states that they don't even guarantee that it'll work...lol I agree with ya....but the verbage covers their but.......besides...it's hard is sue a company in India...lol
  2. Well.....you got a 61kbps....your cap is 64kbps...looks like about 95%......way better than some..
  3. snailll ...tweaking might get you 4-6% from what I'v seen happen here... On a 6 meg package ...that's a lot ....on a 56k package ...you'll never see it.. Is your U/L speed good as well??
  4. It's secure sites that are the problem...HTTPS:.....just do a back up from before the issue....I had to once....
  5. snailll
  6. How did you get a faster U/L then D/L....
  7. andrews ...see if you can log into Mydirecway and look at their questions and answers....your problem is HTTPS: sites........you may find a solution there...or ...do a restore from your backup....before the problem occurred...
  8. Yep ...I stick with my above definition....lol.....here is what google says... Definitions of Broadband on the Web: Capable of handling frequencies greater than those required for high-grade voice communications. www.wgcu.org/watch/hdtv_glossaryofterms.html A descriptive term for evolving digital technology that provides consumers a single switch facility offering integrated access to voice, high-speed data service, video demand services, and interactive delivery services. www.voip-architecture.com/glossary/glossary.html A transmission medium capable of supporting a wide range of frequencies, typically from audio up to video frequencies. It can carry multiple signals by dividing the total capacity of the medium into multiple, independent bandwidth channels, where each channel operates only on a specific range of frequencies. www.verio.com/support/files/glossary.cfm Broadband comes from the words "broad bandwidth" and is used to describe a high-capacity, two-way link between an end user and access network suppliers capable of supporting full-motion, interactive video applications. www.broadband.gc.ca/pub/technologies/bbdictionary.html A classification of the information capacity or bandwidth of a communication channel. Broadband is generally taken to mean bandwidth higher than 2 Mbps. www.3gnewsroom.com/html/glossary/b.shtml Broadband refers to telecommunication that provides multiple channels of data over a single communications medium, typically using some form of frequency or wave division multiplexing. www.satx.rr.com/wireless/glossary.htm (1) Transmission facility having a bandwidth greater than 20kHz; capable of high-speed data transmission. (2) Analog transmission technique used with data and video transmissions that provides multiple channels for users through frequency division multiplexing. www.sprint.com/sprint/ir/it/ig.html A broad bandwidth communications channel capable of supporting high capacity ISDN services or other integrated voice, data and video applications. www.adaptivedigital.com/services/serv_definitions.htm A transmission method in which the networks range of transmission frequencies is divided into separate channels and each channel is used to send a different signal. Broadband is often used to send different types of signals simultaneously. www.epibiostat.ucsf.edu/epidem/WWWglossary.html An adjective used to describe large-capacity networks that are able to carry several services at the same time, such as data, voice, and video. shopfort3.com/t1terms.cfm A term for high-speed, high-capacity Internet and data connections. www02.sbc.com/DSL_new/content/1,,45,00.html The term applied to networks having bandwidths significantly greater than that found in telephony networks. Broadband systems are capable of carrying a large number of moving images or a vast quantity of data simultaneously. Broadband techniques usually depend on coaxial or optical cable. www.mtholyoke.edu/lits/csit/vidconf/glossary.shtml Broadband refers to communications medium that uses wide-bandwidth channels for sending and receiving large amounts of data, video or voice information. www.glossary-of-terms.net/glossary-cell-phone-terms-definitions.html Generally refers to a user access network connection with bandwidth approximately 1 Mbps or more. It is essential for graphic-intensive websites, music services and video applications. Common forms of broadband include DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), cable modem, WiFi (wireless access), and Metro Ethernet (Ethernet access over optical fiber). newsroom.cisco.com/dlls/2004/hd_051904c.html A method of transmission in which data flows from source to destination in a different form that existed at the source. Although typically referring to copper, it denotes transmission facilities capable of handling a wide range of frequencies simultaneously, thus permitting multiple channels in data systems, rather than direct modulation. www.cetpak.com/Technical/glossary.htm Communications channels which use modulated carrier signals for data, like radio waves, and are therefore faster and more capacious than baseband (ie. they have a higher bandwidth). Examples are satellite and fibre optic cable systems. www.christlinks.com/glossary2.html A transmission medium that can carry signals from multiple independent network carriers on a single coaxial or fiber optic cable by establishing different bandwidth channels. This technique is called frequency-division multiplexing. Broadband technology can support a wide range of frequencies and is used to transmit data, voice, and video over long distances. alt.uno.edu/glossary.html The technique used to multiplex multiple networks on a single cable without interfering with each other. Technologies that allow you to transmit or receive higher volumes of data at higher speeds. bwcecom.belden.com/college/Cable101/data%20glossary.HTM a transmission channel able to simultaneously carry multiple signals. www.geocities.com/Athens/2405/glossary.html 1: operating at, responsive to, or comprising a wide band of frequencies <a broadband radio antenna> 2: of, relating to, or being a communications network in which a frequency range is divided into multiple independent channels for simultaneous transmission of signals (as voice, data, or video). www.falconsec.com/Glossary.html When the bandwidth of a signal is large, it can simultaneously carry many channels of information. For example, fiber optic cable has a very high bandwidth and is referred to as broadband. www.emba.uvm.edu/util/html/definitions.php This term has a number of meanings. It was coined originally to describe a channel with more bandwidth (bits per second) than a standard voice grade channel, usually a 48 KHz link, equivalent to twelve voice grade channels. Such channels are gradually being superseded by digital circuits. Today, the term refers to the ability of a network to carry digital signals at the high bandwidth used by cable television, ranging from 550MHz to 1GHz. A single TV channel requires 6MHz. In addition, the term
  9. GKuljian ...welcome to the forum......and NO......there's not a definitive answer to what is broadband......no speed listed that makes it a qualifer....lol
  10. asmboy ....I have no idea what proxtfix.zip is ......so NO....I can't help ya......sorry...
  11. I tried to copy the one I have.....but being as UNcomputer savvy as I am.....it didn't work...
  12. This program has been around since at least Jan.
  13. Well Lightning welcome to the forum.....the best solution I can give you to get back to your 1600's is....watch Ebay closely and get another 4000 system. Cause it ain't gonna happen on a 6000 consumer account.... 1 meg is about all you'll get with the 6000....sorry ....just the facts... But if you do get back to the 1600's with a 6000 ....please let us know how....
  14. np.... Enjoy the forum..
  15. mike98367 ..welcome to the forum.....I've used the LCCU file and really didn't see any benefit from it.....except it unchecks you proxy boxes that should be checked.......it won't hurt anything....run TPC optimizer afterward and it'll reset any problems ...
  16. Well....Cox puts me at 883 down.......testmy..745 down
  17. Cobra...I'm no expert here...but if your missing that many functions....reload XP..
  18. The best internet accelerator I've found is VanBuren.....
  19. Damn....Reno......could you send anything BIGGER,,,,,,,, I think I just hit my FAP...trying to read one post.... j/k
  20. I was just putting a date on when you would have all the weeds out of your front yard...lol
  21. Yeah...me too...... :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1018 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB) Download Speed is:: 124 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Tue Apr 5 11:24:58 EDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 18X faster than 56K 1MB download in 8.26 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 26.93 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-Y6MJ2TLDV
  22. Well....another line crossed...
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