That sucks to hear that you western digital drive went out. I think you must just got a lemon. I have a 250 and its almost 3 years old and has been trouble free. All I ever use is WD, but seagate make pretty good drives as well. Stay away from maxtor I hate them drives
I know when i bought my phone i got a 40% discount on the phone plus no activation fee, and get 22% discount off my bill every month for just being a pepsi employee. Hell I was geting better discounts than the paramedic guy next to me. I walked out only paying like 100 bucks lol
Yah i was thinking of upgrading to this phone, but really dont want to dish out any more money on a phone. As of right now i have the HTC Touch with verizon. Its a okay phone doesn't runs as smooth as i want it.
Heres the list of manuals on epson website
What do you pay a month for service?
This is the prices they have listed on the site
Superlink High Speed Internet by
* No contracts and no price increases (just stay current on your monthly billing)
* Free Virus and Spam filtering
* $60 installation fee due at time of install
Available Speeds
* Special pricing for 512/256k currently only $26.95 (regularly $32 per month)
* 1mg - 512k - $37.95
* 2mg - 512k - $45.00
* 3mg - 512k - $60.00
* 3mg - 3mg - $90.00
* Higher speeds are available in certain communities served by WMTel.
Call for pricing!
Todays onboard sound are pretty good. That card wouldn't be much of an upgrade
I have this card the sound quality isn't that much of an improvement