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Everything posted by justinlay

  1. Thats a nice looking setup. Let us know what you think of it
  2. Ive been on sence 1996 and had flashnet dialup
  3. That sucks to hear that you western digital drive went out. I think you must just got a lemon. I have a 250 and its almost 3 years old and has been trouble free. All I ever use is WD, but seagate make pretty good drives as well. Stay away from maxtor I hate them drives
  4. I know when i bought my phone i got a 40% discount on the phone plus no activation fee, and get 22% discount off my bill every month for just being a pepsi employee. Hell I was geting better discounts than the paramedic guy next to me. I walked out only paying like 100 bucks lol
  5. Yah i was thinking of upgrading to this phone, but really dont want to dish out any more money on a phone. As of right now i have the HTC Touch with verizon. Its a okay phone doesn't runs as smooth as i want it.
  6. My firefox currently right now is using 80mb, but i have 4 tabs open
  7. If your running windows your going to have IE already installed. Firefox is just a better browser all round
  8. Im running Vista Prem 32bit and 4 Gigs of OCZ Reapers, and no issues at all
  9. Have you tried using it in firefox or IE
  10. So is Windows 7 running smoother and faster than vista s1? I might give beta 1 a try here soon
  11. Heres the list of manuals on epson website http://www.epson.co.uk/cgi-bin/epson-uk2/dirwrap.cgi?path=support%2Fmanuals%2Fpdf%2FLaser&sort=by_name&Submit=Go&template=manuals&case=lower
  12. What do you pay a month for service? This is the prices they have listed on the site Superlink High Speed Internet by WMTel.net * No contracts and no price increases (just stay current on your monthly billing) * Free Virus and Spam filtering * $60 installation fee due at time of install Available Speeds * Special pricing for 512/256k currently only $26.95 (regularly $32 per month) * 1mg - 512k - $37.95 * 2mg - 512k - $45.00 * 3mg - 512k - $60.00 * 3mg - 3mg - $90.00 * Higher speeds are available in certain communities served by WMTel. Call for pricing!
  13. Good to hear that you got away from hughes and got a good connection for haft the price.
  14. Welcome to the forum timdco Whats your advertised speeds?
  15. No not all HDTV's will have that logo. What ever store it is it should display the specs on each tv
  16. I tried chrome a month or so ago it wouldn't test either. A lot of people had that problem, thats why im sticking with FF
  17. I really need to clean mine, but thinking of ordering a new keyboard and mouse soon.
  18. Todays onboard sound are pretty good. That card wouldn't be much of an upgrade I have this card the sound quality isn't that much of an improvement http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829102007
  19. Yeah same here. Me and the wife went and it was crazy. Hell she works at walmart and never seen it this bad
  20. NICE!! & Welcome to the forum
  21. Happy Thanksgiving & be safe!!
  22. Dont you have a 9800gtx? or is this for another pc
  23. I say thats a pretty good improvement
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