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Everything posted by FGOKURULES

  1. Could be Ur connection, check Ur firewall settings and "MSCONFIG" and see if you have any unnecessary programs open,, alot of Auto-update programs will consume a hell of alot of bandwidth for themselves,, or all in all Spyware/viruses are eating at you...
  2. Does uninstaller 4 bundled with anything else??
  3. Dude get one of these you'll be all Good!!! cost of parts $178.99 Cost of being the talk of the office priceless
  4. a Audio CD that was recorded in 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound in wav format would fit nicely on a DVD+r or DVD-r for all you liberals about format,, and would have prestine audio,, of course you would need a converter/decoder to play it on something other than your computer
  5. People Pure WAV files,, I know they are huge but no sound quality lost at all,,, When you need all of your audio,, even the noise our ears can't hear, this is the way to go...
  6. Have you tried un-installing in safe mode? but before doing this go to Run,type "MSCONFIG" and select :SELECTIVE STARTUP" and uncheck "LOAD STARTUP ITEMS" to make sure no program is prohibiting you from un-installing,,, when done just repeat steps and select "Normal Startup"
  8. Thanx Guyz,, and yeah I love mature porn!!!!
  9. I ran across a problem with my web browser,, you know when you click on a movie off the net whether a .wmv .asf .avi Windows Media player automatically downloads it and you can view it while it's still downloading,, well My browser is downloading the entire clip and then executing media plyer to open it, has anyone else had this problem and know how to fix it??
  10. Why do you need a repeater? Just asking
  11. All in all any way for the consumer to consume more than what they need.
  12. I believe it was a way for the "Disk maker Industry" to make more money by establisdhing a standard that went down the drain when more companies came abroad and made there own meda types,,, and the third party companies like LG, HP, Maxtor, Pioneer took both - and + and allowed the use of both,, THERE IS NOOOO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO!!!!
  13. YO "richcornucopia" CHECK OUT THIS SITE, >>>http://www.3dcool.com<<< I ordered a neon cooling fan for a friend and built his system,, they offer good parts at A VERY GOOD price!!!
  14. All in all I think that Phase system would be alot LOUDER than the water cooling route, and consume alot more power... And i'm pretty sure you keep your computer on all day so just think of the power requirements and the overall life and reliability of the setup you want
  15. Yeah that could work too,
  16. Why don't you mirror all the drives and make 1 sick ass 368GB drive and partition what you need?
  17. Have you set "Broadcast ssid" on your Wireless connection? This needs to be configured for Windows to detect your wireless network..And if not, you need to know the EXACT name of your network and Configure it Yourself and not through the Wizard!!! The wizard only works if there is an ssid broadcasting..
  18. Whats wrong with a good heatsink/fan combo with the cooling systems you have to refill them don't you? My system is runnig at 3.0ghz and 800mhz/FSB 1 neon fan on the side 1 atx power fan in the back and a small fan on the graphics card,, no problems, good airflow is all you need...
  19. Good going there!!!!
  20. So I can be labled as "This Guy Is The Shit" But no language rite? Anyway i2d | ScruFFy | what the hell is Surewest and FIOS?
  21. But would you not looooooVE to get ur hands on that much bandwidth,, think of the possibilities???? Porn, games, filesharing, porn, webhosting, porn, oh and did I say PORN?
  22. See, even at close to 1ghz you had problems right ? how much ram was you running at Indestructable ??????
  23. Thats only half true,, If you have a non encrypted Dvd Nero Will Always Backup a dvd, but if it;s encrypted Like the new ones on a shelf in ur local walmart, Nero refuses to copy the disk,, thats what we use Shrink and Decrypter for unless you have a modded version of Nero,, well my hat tips off to you then!
  24. I mean vista looks cool but from what I'm seeing I think all that processing power toward the AeroGlass and vivid graphics is going to diminish the over-all power of your pc.. maybe not to the casual web surfer and emailer, but I game Alot and rely on my systems Cpu and Gpu power...
  25. So your saying a 50Mb/10Mb connection doesn't exist or isn't in anyones reach? Try Vdsl asshole,, I KNOW you can't get that with cable... I was just implying that I would never pay $150 for a Sattelite connection that won't even give me the speeds of a adsl...
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