Well you can't really change your ip.. it's maintained By Comcast's DHCP server,, you could try calling Comcast with a B.S. story about not being able to connect to the internet, and they reset your modem and hopefully it spits you out a new ip,, but other than that spoofing it is not really worth it.
I thought it was also used for audio as well,,, and i've seen this somewhere,, A normal 160K/5Mb mp3 could be cut into half that size and keep the bitrate using mp4,, anyone here of this?
Well, if you just took the test and press the back button,, of course th file you downloaded is still in Your TEMP INTERNET FOLDER,, and should load as quick as your harddrive can get it.... Thus giving you a spoofed speed... Emtpy Interent Folder, retake test and get your real speed!!!!
I don't understand why they would put an inoperable port on a tv.. Does anyone know if there is a cord/device that could split a RGB/COMPONENT signal going into a tv???
A piece of s#@T is what ur saying.. I know, the tv is only $899.00 and 32in hdtv, and It only has 2 component inputs one YPbPr,,, which works fine,, and a YCbCr port from which I can't find anything that can work in this port!!!!!!!
My dvd player says it can ouitput progressive scan through the YCbCr/YPbPr ports,, it works fine through the YPbPr inout on my tv,, but if i plug the cable in the YCbCr input of the television it looks bogus, anyone knows why???
Does anyone know any device that plugs into the YCbCr port on the TV?
because my tv only has a YPbPr and YCbCr port, My Highdefinition Dvr plugs into the YPbPr port but my DVD player will not work right on the YCbCr port, anyone know why?