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Everything posted by FGOKURULES

  1. Who said anything about being faster??? Are you not getting the picture? I said WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY DO WITH A 10Mb LINE that you can't do with a 5Mb? Still There Are NO Major sites yahoo,cnet,google,ie that will upload to you that amount of speed. So I'm not hating on speed here i'm just pointing out the games that these ISP's play with people into fooling them that there geting a Shyt load of a deal..
  2. That's A GOD-D@mn lie!!!!!! 200Mb!!!!!!!!! over power lines????????
  3. So a Giant Hub Right???
  4. I'm With him Sounds kinda stupid down the line,,, but if they came up with a way to modulate and remove the line noise that unsheilded wiring would create,,, Hell I'm all for it if it comes my way!!!!!
  5. I said that before,, yes it's great if u have mult computers sharing a connection or if ur hosting, downloading music, doing updates, at the same time.... But most of users do those things 1 at a time and on 1 computer, I have a 12Mb line and can only download as fast as some one can upload to me,,,,, And I Still Say,,, What Site Can Give Me That Kind Of Bandwidth? I have yet to see a sight that uploads That Damn High!!! Have YOU????
  6. LIKE I SAID.. some companys do this... Don't know why... I had a router where it took my incoming connection and split the bandwidth between the 4 computers equally... I thought most routers were "switches" and allowed you to use the full bandwidth of the connection if available, like I said further investigation of my settings I saw a "Limit Bandwidth to available computers" BUTTON,,,, in my router settings...clicked and changed it.... works fine now.... We have noticed lots of people in these forums who have speed issues with routers.. Like I said Not all of them are "Plug & Play" Might need some tinkering around to get it to work right... thats all
  7. Are they not approaching thier limits on the amount of Data that can be stuffed on a coaxial cable?
  8. funny You know why They don't offer any faster upload speeds on their internet services????
  9. I love my service,,, I mean I can't get porn faster,.. uh..uh I mean Music,, yeah music.. faster, yes sweet sweet music.... Anyway I went from 4Mb to 6Mb, 6Mb to 8Mb now.. But my upload has always remained at 768k.. I would gladly take a 4Mb/1Mb plan if they offered it..
  11. I know,,, it's a gimmick.. A way to get people to keep the service and not go to DSL for a lot cheaper
  12. It's ALL MARKET PLAY@@@@!!!!!!!@@@@!!!!!! There is NO site where you can use 20Mb Connection>?>
  13. Whats a "Drop"?
  14. You all do know some Routers Block some ports by default,, and restrict some upload and download speed on some ports/ethernet... why? I have no clue whatsover!!!!!! But you should fool around in your routers Settings to see anything iffy... Not everything is always plug and play....
  15. My cable company was TCI>At&t>Americast>At&t>Comcast,, all that time of figuring out who was going to control the local cable lines I recieved discount service....
  16. You all have to remember,, You can only download as fast as some one can give you.. So we may be downloading more than 8-10Mb/second but most websites out there limit the amount of upload speed to prevent network congestion and give all users the same flow of traffic....I have yet seen a website that can give me an upload of more than 2MB a second..
  17. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 12356 Kbps about 12.36 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 1508 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/06/23 - 11:47am Bottom Line:: 215X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.68 sec Tested from a 12160 kB file and took 8.062 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 139.13 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-O9NG3270J User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) [!]
  18. Just like u know Spyware when you see it on the net.. It;s the same when buying... know what ur doing
  19. Why would you buy a used part if your building A Brand New System? and that's why they use rating systems so Don;t buy from someone who is rated as a low rated seller.
  20. But wouldn;t a "Hard Reset" fix that problem??????
  21. What are you saying, I built my system buying every part, "but my case" off of ebay. Most sellers have actual stores that they own and want to branch out to a wider consumer so they sell on ebay. and I'm talking NEW PARTS TOO. I'm a buyer/seller for ebay... Don;t knock it if u don't know
  22. Oh, well I'm with you reset the box then
  23. Did Someone Say that AOL sucks????? I had Aol for Dsl at a time.. This is when the phone company allowed you to get internet service from any carrier and allowed you to use the DSL signal being broadcast over your telephone line. Not to say many telco companys don't do this anymore because it's uterly ridiculous. I paid $59.99 to Aol every month for a bull 768K speed that always dropped... Why pay them the extra money when I can get Dsl from my Local Company (SBC), for $24.99? SBC even said this!!!!! "Your still using our lines, Their leasing our signal, and up-charging you." F%ck Aol.!!!!!
  24. First of all, are you sure ur putting the correct I.P. address in the url? As I see your putting in "192.168.1" Most to all I.P address's are four sets... are you sure it's not "" or "" or "" ???
  25. You can always try ebay for more cheaper parts.
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