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Everything posted by FGOKURULES

  1. Yeah I wanna know too. Did you get those MEGA ULTRA DOWNLOAD speeds you wanted?
  2. Wow?? and this is why there is so much money to be made in P.C. repair business? Idiots like this keep money in my pocket....
  3. No more Stories to tell people?
  4. I'm with the rest of them. We really don't understand your question. Is your friend recieving wireless internet with no ACTUAL WIRED connection in the home .. IE. dsl/cable?
  5. I have a Cable connection and pay almost $60.00 Bucks for it and it's Pretty damn reliable. But In my city they have a 6.0Mb speed for only $35.00 bucks. Thats DSL.. But currently I can't get DSL in my area.
  6. Your Probably talking about "Remote Desktop" which allows you to connect to desktops over your home network. Many ISP's block port 3389, so you can't use this feature over their own network for security reasons. But "Remote Assistance" is diff because it alows you to connect to a desktop over the internet with the help of the other user. Which means you can only connect if they invite you. unlike "Remote Desktop"
  7. Come on People We Kinda Strayed From the Forum I posted I still have hilarious Avatars to show... Show me Yours!!!!
  8. If you both have windows xp, You can use the built n feature for "Remote Assistance" It's alot faster than the average pc 2 pc connect softwares I've seen.
  9. Yo I have another story. While calling tech support And ending up in India Somewhere. ME: Hi, Im having a problem installing windows updates TECH: I'm Sorry to hear that sir, What version of windows are you runnig? ME: Oh Im running Millinium Edition, TECH: I'm sorry sir, what did you say? ME: Millinium Edition, I'm running Windows Millinium Edition. TECH: I'm sorry sir I have no idea what version of Windows you have, maybe it's an apple brand computer? ME: Apple? I am using Windows M.E. TECH: OHHH!! Windows ME? she actually said me.....
  10. Have you ever called Tech Support and got a complete idiot? Leave your story in the forum. Mine was when DSL first came to my area, and I got it from SBC. I called and said "I can't Access the Internet. The rep said "Have you tried our online help pages?" I Just hung up and called back...
  11. Well what kind of ports are on the drive itself?
  12. They may need more bandwidth or A faster server
  13. Maybe they need to balance a load on thier network end.
  14. Anybody Know the minimum System Requirements for Vista?
  15. Yeah who said that You have to steal music With P2P, I use ares too
  16. seems liek you have a bad gun circuit.
  17. Uhh NO! Believe me 90% of All Cable ISP have to authorize your cable modem for use on their network. Which is like activating a cell phone. Does not work unless you register it with a carrier... And for your speed issue. Have you tried messing around with the settings in ur router config? Sometimes it may have a personal firewall that needs to be configured to allow you to tweak ur bandwidth.
  18. Where can u obtain these boosters at? I may look into purchasing a couple
  19. Funny how every time you call with the same problem.. it seems like Customer Service reads from a list of problems and possible solutions. Like nothing can be there fault. And everyone has a diff opinion. IE.(my computer can't connect to the internet) have you tried our on line help forum first? *AOL* ALL COMPLETE DUMBASSES!!!
  20. With that being said, A nice Dvd Burner and your all good to me,.
  21. No, I meant the 17' is bad go with the 15"
  22. Sorry I meant the 229.00 17" monitor link. I agree with everyone in the post Space Vs. Price. if you really cant make room for a CRT then go ahead and get the LCD. But they are prone to blowing out faster than CRTs and have shorter life spans.. So if your a heavy user like I am and constantly leave your monitor on this choice IS NOT FOR YOU.
  23. Dude as much crap I've deleted out of my registry without even backing it up. is outrageous. I've never had a Fatalistic Server Meltdown!!! ahahah lol
  24. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16824176040 <<This one is twice as heavy as the first one and HAS NO OTHER good features than the cheaper one. I actually like the ability to plug component inputs into the first cheaper monitor.. The More expensive monitor won't even let you do that.
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