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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. oh yeah... can't forget damnbot.com -- http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://damnbot.com or another dead old domain of mine, poopz.com (hehe) http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://poopz.com -- when I defaulted on that domain name someone turned it into a porn site God, there are so many other domains I had... I can't even remember all of them... all of my old ones are owned by other people who wanted the traffic....
  2. naw ... back november 2001 -- look there ~~ that's when I moved to this domain name. surftohere.com died shortly after
  3. hehe, crazy how much this has grown even in just the past 12 months
  4. Nice feedback, love the idea with the fader/marquee ~~ that would be a great way to put that script back to good use
  5. it will just do it now when you type fuck or shit haha, too bad you can't read what I typed
  6. it was word censoring --- I fixed it ty
  7. He did do a speedtest on the 15th... though he wasn't logged in https://testmy.net/s_engine.php?type=comp_id&q=6257088679396
  8. I know, I've been wondering the same thing... not like him to not come here for a whole month. -- I hope he comes back
  9. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=1880.0[/iurl]
  10. I am just adding the message he sent to this thread, I am reporting him to his ISP right now and pointing them to this thread as proof.
  11. Only if your interested in the ad --
  12. ~ means aproximate I dunno... setting something like that up sucks up my bandwidth and I have no way to recover any expenses. Advertising is how the site is alive... and that offers no way for me to advertise........ bandwidth is very expensive, especially on a large scale like this
  13. akujmartins has been banned Thanks
  14. My buddy who works for qwest is checking to see if 7Mbps DSL is in my area. If it is I am switching right away! Currently have Cox Communications 5/768
  15. I originally said by the 15th... but registrations have been down... traffic is up but new signed up members is down... So I was off by 5 days :-/
  16. server1.testmy.net has been up for 15 days now server2.testmy.net (testmy.net main) has been up for 29 days Only reason those numbers aren't higher is because of my own reboots. I haven't been hacked for months, lol. Poor DSLR, I feel for them. I know what it's like getting messed with... it's lame. Here are some screenshots of 'top' in SSH (1 user is myself logged in... doesn't count you guys on the site )
  17. Q: How long do LCD monitors last? A: The most common thing to go in LCD's is the backlight. You should be able to get a good 3-5 years without any dimming. I think 60,000 hours of use would be right around the life of a normal LCD monitor. You can get the backlight replaced, but it's not really worth it because by the time yours will go out there will be much better monitors for cheaper than the cost of repair.
  18. That fudge Packer one ---- lol
  19. Wow, they still sell drives that are just CD-R?? If I were you I would just get a DVD Burner, any of them will burn both for ya ... I personally love LITE-ON --- They make very nice drives, I had never heard of them a couple years ago when I got my first drive with them... but it turned out to be the best CD burner I ever owned, never even once gave me a problem (it's now in my moms PC, 52X LITE-ON) A bunch of LITE-ON drives http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?submit=PROPERTY&SubCategory=5&propertycodevalue=365:6653&srchInDesc=Dual+Layer&InnerManu=1336 The one I like (for the price) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827106965 - "LITE-ON Black 16X DVD+R 8X DVD+RW 4X DVD+R DL 16X DVD-R 6X DVD-RW 16X DVD-ROM 48X CD-R 24X CD-RW 48X CD-ROM 2M Cache" By they way, I always endorse New Egg just wanted to let you guys know that it's only because they kick ass. I don't affiliate with them or make commission through them... just wanted to clear that up because I've been posting allot of their links lately -- wanted to make sure you guys don't think I'm a sell-out or anything ~~~~~ NewEgg just seriously kicks ass though, I order something and it's at my house in a couple of days, never had a problem with ANYTHING I ordered with them, never had a billing problem and I have ordered at least enough stuff to build 10 computers. That's quite a good record! Now you know why in almost all the comments on their site it says "NewEgg ROCKS!" ~~~~~~~~~~
  20. Nice monitor. Nice response time too I personally have a ViewSonic VP171b - 17" LCD with 8ms response time --- awesome for games.. and 17" suits my needs just fine. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16824116347 Make sure you use DVI with your new LCD, most LCD monitors don't have very good analog to digital converters... if your picky like me you really need to go DVI. Allot of the good LCD deals out there don't have DVI, so buyer beware... just make sure the monitor you get has the output (you may have to buy a new video card that has DVI also) `~~~ It makes a world of difference. I still keep the other cable handy for people that bring their computer over for me to fix, 'cause most people don't have DVI out. Good thing ViewSonic hooked it up with both cables
  21. php, for that to work you need to disable "Use quick reply on topic display:" in your profile https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=profile;sa=theme - for some reason.
  22. I like return to topic also... I don't know how that got changed. I will change the default back right now, for those of you that like the return to board you can set this in your profile.
  23. I don't really have a use for it either. But someone requested it.. so there it is
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